Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2144 Something happened

Two Star Abyss Gates have been opened in the Vientiane Sea and the Disillusionment Galaxy. There is no sign of the other three for the time being. However, since these three doors were opened during the last Star Abyss invasion, they will definitely be opened again. It is just a matter of time. .

With Jiuyan and Zhongyue working together, there was no need to worry about the Wanxiang Sea. Lu Ye withdrew the talent tree clone and went deep into the Wanxiang Sea to practice together.

Almost half a year passed before Lu Ye emerged from the Wanxiang Sea.

After more than four years of continuous practice, he finally pushed his magic power to the extreme after he was promoted to the late stage of Rizhao. There was no further progress.

This undoubtedly means that in terms of mana, he has reached the standard of Rizhao Peak.

Next, you need to hone the soul-suppressing secret technique, and this requires going to the ancestral land of the soul clan.

Without leaving in a hurry, Lu Ye called Tang Jun, got a jade slip from him, and began to investigate.

When he withdrew the talent tree clone, he had told Tang Jun to record all the changes in the entire starry sky in detail.

The jade slips recorded some of the things that happened during his recent practice.

It’s nothing major. Currently, three of the five flaws have been opened. In addition to the Vientiane Sea and the Disillusionment Galaxy, the Xingyuan Gate on the Xuan Shuang side was also opened two months ago.

In addition, at the Xingyuan Gate on the Wanxiang Sea, Taoist monks have begun to appear, but their strength is not very good, basically the strength of two or three Taoists. Such Xingyuan monks are still invincible in front of Jiuyan Zhongyue. hit.

This is obviously the result of the expansion of the Star Abyss Gate. The resulting change is that the Star Abyss aura on Jade Sword Island is gradually becoming stronger.

Nowadays, all the Rizhao peaks in the entire starry sky have come to Jade Sword Island through different channels. They are practicing in seclusion and trying to build Tao foundations. Once they achieve success, they will be assigned to various positions again.

Everything is in order.

After checking the jade slips, Lu Ye set off on his journey.

Compared with the improvement of mana, it should take more time to polish the soul-suppressing secret technique, so this trip to the soul clan's ancestral land may require him to retreat for a long time.

I just hope that there won’t be any big changes in the starry sky before I get out of seclusion.

There was no need to say goodbye to anyone. Jiuyan Zhongyue knew his next itinerary. Lu Ye left the Three Realms Island alone and flew towards the insect path leading to Kyushu.

Pass the worm passage and return to the Jiuzhou galaxy.

Just as he was about to use the seven-colored divine lotus in the divine sea to connect with the will of his ancestors, he suddenly felt a burning sensation on the back of his hand.

Lu Ye quickly looked down and saw the mark of the Samsara Tree on the back of his hand glowing green.

After returning last time, Shu Lao gave him another mark to prepare for emergencies.

Now this mark suddenly reacted, it was obviously Shu Lao calling.

problem occurs! Lu Ye's heart trembled, and he instinctively felt that something was not good. Unless it was a major event, Shu Lao would not be able to summon him like this. In the reincarnation stage, Shu Lao was extremely weak, and such a summons would consume Shu Lao's strength.

At the same time, Shu Lao's message came from the mark, which contained only two words.

"Come quickly!"

Lu Ye immediately let go of his mind and allowed the green light to wrap around him. Then his whole body felt like he was traveling through space, but this time the feeling was far less intense than when he returned from the Star Abyss last time.

The next moment, the whole person disappeared in place, and the green light converged.

When Lu Ye came to his senses again, he had arrived on a high mountain. Among the ancient ruins, a small withered yellow tree stood in front of him. It was clearly the clone of the Samsara Tree.

In the swaying of the small trees, spiritual thoughts surged, conveying messages.

After a brief investigation, Lu Ye quickly understood the situation at hand. His expression suddenly became stern and his spiritual thoughts spread out.

This is a very low-level realm, and there are no traces of the existence of monks in the realm, because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely thin and is not enough to meet the needs of the birth of monks.

There are actually many such realms in the starry sky.

The reason why Shu Lao has a clone staying here is because this realm was once a large realm, but that was already many thousands of years ago.

Nowadays, the foundation of the entire realm is weak, it is just a low-level realm, and no one even knows the method of cultivation.

At this moment, the realm is in dire straits. A locust the size of a human head is flying overwhelmingly. Wherever it passes, no grass grows and life is withered.

City after city, village after village, smoke was everywhere, and countless creatures fled for their lives, only to be quickly overwhelmed by the swarm of insects.

Each of those locusts is equivalent to a monk. The weakest ones are at the level of Lingxi Realm, and the strongest ones even reach the True Lake Realm. And as they prey on the creatures in the realm, they are rapidly becoming stronger.

These locusts should not appear in such a realm, but they appear with death and killing.

"Found it!" Lu Ye suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction, his figure blurred for a moment, and then disappeared.

In that direction, a Zerg with four wings on its back, a humanoid body, a ferocious mouthparts, and a white carapace covering its body was standing on the top of the ruins of a city. The entire city was lifeless.

He quietly looked at the mess around him, and let out a roaring laugh, as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Suddenly, I felt a warning sign in my heart. When I turned my head to look, I saw a figure rushing towards this side like a stream of light.

"Oh? There are actually monks?" This Zerg looked extremely surprised, because he had already checked it out after arriving here, and found that there were no monks in the entire realm. At this time, one suddenly appeared, and he should be from outside.

Perhaps he was passing by nearby and sensed the situation here and came to investigate.

He didn't take the visitor seriously at all, and spoke a rapid syllable from his ferocious mouth. The next moment, locusts in the entire city fluttered their wings and flew towards the visitor. In the blink of an eye, the locusts surrounded the visitor, and more Locusts swarmed up, and soon a huge black ball appeared in the sky.

"You don't overestimate your own capabilities!" Contempt flashed in the eyes of the Zerg. They had long heard that the monks in the starry sky were a bunch of unworthy guys. They didn't know what power was, but they wanted to stop the invasion of the starry sky.

Suddenly there was a burst of fire, and the Zerg were startled. The huge black ball composed of countless locusts was swallowed up by the fire in an instant, and the figure they saw before walked out of it unscathed.

The Zerg were furious: "How dare you!"

As soon as the wings as thin as cicada wings fluttered, he turned into a stream of light and rushed forward. He was fierce in his heart. He must torture this guy well and not let him die so easily. He should make his body a nest and let him watch his own death with his own eyes. Flesh and blood breeds more people!

Two figures approached quickly.

At the moment of collision, extreme movement turned into extreme stillness!

Lu Ye stretched out a big hand and pinched the other person's face, hiding his ugly and ferocious face.

The Zerg felt that he had hit a copper wall and his nose was almost broken, but his body was violently thrown forward due to the huge impact force.

The instant confrontation made the Zerg realize that something was wrong, because the person who came was actually filled with extremely strong Tao power, and he had only experienced this level of Tao power from those eight or nine powerful ones.

How could there be such a strong person in the starry sky!

He was horrified, knowing that he had kicked the iron plate this time.

There was no time to think. In the flash of lightning, he opened his ferocious mouthparts and bit her fiercely. At the same time, he wanted to pull away. However, his whole head was squeezed tightly by the big hands and he could not get rid of it. The sharp mouthparts that bit him were even more severe. Even other people's protective magic power can't be broken.

"Death!" Lu Ye's eyes were cold, and with a strong hand, the head of the Zerg was crushed open. He reached out and grabbed a piece of bone from the Zerg's body, and then it rose into the sky and swept deep into the starry sky. go.

At the same time, across the realm, nine treasure blood clones attacked in nine directions and were clearing out the raging locust swarms.

Even the corpses of dead creatures were cleaned up by the clones, because according to the information obtained from Shu Lao, these corpses contained insect eggs, which would become a breeding ground for locusts. The huge insect swarm in the entire realm was This is how it came about.

After a stick of incense, all the locusts and corpses were disposed of.

The nine clones also flew into the starry sky in different directions, looking around.

The Xingyuan Dao Realm has invaded the starry sky, which undoubtedly means that there is a Star Abyss Gate nearby and has been open for some time, otherwise there would not be a Dao Realm appearing.

Shu Lao had mentioned this to him before. Although it can be predicted that five star gates will open in this starry sky, no one can guarantee whether more will appear.

No one can predict this kind of thing before it happens. Only when it actually happens can we know.

Now, this worry has come true.

What Lu Ye has to do now is to quickly find this currently unknown Star Abyss Gate, and then take charge personally!

Half a day later, a precious blood clone was discovered. Lu Ye immediately constructed a void spirit pattern and teleported to the clone.

Looking up, I saw a red vortex in the starry sky ahead, which was undoubtedly the Gate of the Star Abyss here.

Just near the Gate of Star Abyss, there are still a large number of figures gathered.

Lu Ye watched intently and found that those figures were all Zerg, and there was no foreign race.

And when these Xingyuan Zerg gathered here, they were able to live in peace without any fighting.

This is an extremely rare scene. At the nearby Star Abyss Gate, the creatures of the Star Abyss cannot coexist peacefully. Fights and killings between them are common.

But if it's Zerg, that can be explained.

When he was in Qing Palace, Uncle Duan told Lu Ye that the Zerg were the dominant force in the Star Abyss.

Compared with the scattered and disorganized army of most races, the active Zerg who rely on insect nests to survive are obviously more united.

The insect nests in the star abyss are not the same as those in the starry sky. Every insect nest in the star abyss has an insect mother, which is at least a strong person at the Fusion Dao level. All insect races are the descendants of the insect mother. There are insects. Mother constraint and dispatch, each Zerg in the nest is equivalent to a well-disciplined army.

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