Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2134 The Shock of the Soul Clan

Although there were many Soul Clan Rizhao present, Lu Ye knew only a few of them, and the one he was most familiar with was Xu Yuan.

He took Yiyi Amber and landed on a lotus next to Xu Yuan. He cupped his fists and bowed in all directions: "Kiuzhou Lu Ye, I have met all of you fellow Taoists!"

A slightly familiar voice came: "They are all members of our own family, so the Holy Father does not need to be polite."

Lu Ye looked around and saw that the person speaking was the leader of the Soul Clan, Hun Que.


What is the Holy Duke?

Yiyi quietly explained beside him: "Amber is the sacred beast of the Soul Clan. You are the owner of Amber. Your name in the Soul Clan is Shenggong. It was proposed by the clan leader during the previous discussion. Many Rizhao elders agreed. pass."

Lu Ye couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

But left and right were just a title, and he didn't care much about it.

Hun Que looked at him and said: "The Holy Duke came just in time. We are discussing the matter of dispatching troops in response to the approaching situation. Previously, Shu Lao had sent us a message. You and other ten people were living outside the starry sky, in a place called Xingyuan, and there It seems to be the source of the coming trend. In that case, can you tell us the information about Xingyuan?"

"It's all right." Lu Ye nodded.

Just ask why so many soul clans gathered here in Rizhao. It turned out that they were discussing sending troops.

But speaking of it, the general trend is coming, and no one in the starry sky can be spared. Judging from the changes in the ancestral land of the Soul Clan, it is also unavoidable here.

Of course the Soul Clan also has to contribute, especially since their background is so strong.

After sorting out his thoughts, Lu Ye said: "I don't know how much information you got from Shu Lao, so let's start with my strange trip!"

Some things still need to be explained in detail.

At the moment, Lu Ye recounted how he was captured by a ghost sedan in the Wanxiang Sea that day, and then one after another starry sky experts joined him, and was taken to the Yanjia Starry Sky by the ghost sedan.

A group of Rizhao were all extremely surprised.

Just like Lu Ye and others, no one has ever thought that the starry sky is not the only one, and only by truly experiencing it can one understand the fragility of the starry sky.

Then when they heard about the method of the melting pot, they could melt their entire body and build the foundation of the Tao before they could enter the Tao realm. The Rizhao people of the Soul Clan couldn't help but be fascinated.

On the road to cultivation, sunshine is the peak, and the Soul Clan cannot avoid it. Now that they know that there is a road to cultivation after sunshine, and there are already very detailed methods of cultivation, who wouldn't be tempted?

They all were secretly horrified when they heard that Yanjia Starry Sky had fallen and was finally destroyed.

The crisis in the Star Abyss and the terror of the powerful Fusion Path are even more disturbing...

It took Lu Ye three hours to finish talking about his experience this time, and the entire Lotus Continent was silent.

After a long time, Hun Que finally said, "We have also heard about the incident in Wanxiang Sea. We heard that the intruder could even physically resist the power of the attribute treasure, and used it as Tao power?"

Lu Ye nodded: "Exactly, but those Xingyuan creatures did not create the Dao foundation. It's just that they have special physiques, so they can contain the Dao power with their bodies and activate it. If they are placed in the starry sky, they can be regarded as the lowest existence. "

"The lowest existence can withstand the power of treasures..." Rizhao, the soul clan, took a breath of cold air. You must know that in their previous understanding, the power of treasures was unstoppable. Doesn't this mean that the star Can even the lowest being in the abyss kill them all?

Lu Ye knew what he was thinking, and said: "Although Tao power is powerful, far from being comparable to magic power, it is not invincible. When Yanjia Starry Sky was first invaded, there was no Tao realm, but they relied on huge numbers to destroy those initial The intruders were slowly worn out because the Xingyuan monks who initially invaded Starry Sky were not very strong and had limited Dao power reserves, but once their Dao power was exhausted, they were no different from ordinary sunshine."

After hearing what he said, many soul clans breathed a sigh of relief.

"What level is Shenggong in now?" Hun Que asked again. A group of Hun Clan Rizhao looked at Lu Ye with great interest, obviously also wanting to know the answer to this question.

"Normally, there are six paths." Lu Ye responded honestly, "There are seven paths under the outbreak, but it cannot last for too long."

"Can you let us see the power of Tao power with our own eyes?"

"Of course!" Lu Ye nodded. He had a reserve of more than 6,000 Dao power, which could not be used up in a short time. As he spoke, his soul came out of his body as his spiritual thoughts surged.

After a monk reaches sunshine, his soul can leave his body. However, if his practice is not enough, it is better not to do this kind of thing less. Even if he does it, it should not be maintained for too long to avoid any accidents.

But Lu Ye has now perfected the soul-suppressing secret technique, so there is no problem for the soul to leave the body.

Pure soul power surged, and the soul body was revealed. It was a miniature version of Lu Ye.

Under the soul power, a tattered battleship appeared. It was Lu Ye's soul-suppressing secret technique, the ghost ship. As the soul power continued to be supplied, the tattered battleship quickly became intact, and there were still people on the deck. There are some more busy figures.

Lu Ye's soul stood on the deck, activated the ghost ship's protective array, and with the blessing of Dao power, he slowly said: "Everyone, please take action!"

Hun Que glanced at it, and with a thought, ten Rizhao Soul Tribes immediately took action together, activating their soul-suppressing secret techniques to blast towards the ghost ship.

After the blow, the ghost ship did not move at all. On the contrary, the bodies of the ten people who made the move were shaken. They all felt that their soul-suppressing secret technique hit a copper wall.

The soul is missing and the mind can move again.

This time, twenty soul clan Rizhao took action together, and the result was still the same as before.

A group of strong soul clan men are unfazed. Their spiritual cultivation is beyond that of any other race. However, with so many people joining forces, they can't shake Lu Ye's soul-suppressing secret technique in the slightest.

In terms of cultivation, they are even much stronger than Lu Ye.

This is undoubtedly incredible.

After a while, thirty Soul Clan Rizhao took action together.

A moment later, forty...

Fifty people...

It wasn't until a hundred Soul Clan Rizhao joined forces that Lu Ye's ghost ship showed signs of being shaken, but it was only shaken.

Hun Que didn't let anyone continue to take action. They had already seen the power of Tao power, and this kind of power was completely unreasonable to monks under the Tao realm.

Xu Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "Didn't you just say that those Xingyuan creatures can be killed by the human sea tactics?"

Is this so grinding? In the previous attempt, Lu Ye did not fight back. If he fought back, not to mention the more than 200 Rizhao people here, even the more than 2,000 people would be slaughtered.

Lu Ye said: "What I mobilized is the power of the Seven Paths, which is naturally different from the Star Abyss creatures that initially invaded the Starry Sky. As long as we can stabilize the situation at the initial stage, then the monks in this Starry Sky will have a chance to survive in the Starry Abyss Breath." Forge the Dao foundation and advance to the Dao realm. Although stronger ones will invade in the future, this starry sky will also have the power to fight against it."

As he spoke, he looked at the many soul clans: "There are eleven people who have returned from the Star Abyss this time, and three of them are from the Yanjia Starry Sky that I mentioned before. Among these eleven people, except for me, There is only one other Seven Paths, and the remaining ones are either Eighth Paths or Nine Paths. Now they have gone to various holes to sit in, so in the early stage of the Star Abyss invasion, there will be no problems in this Starry Sky! As long as in the subsequent battles, this Starry Sky will If the starry sky can give birth to more Dao realms and gradually become stronger, then there will be a chance to block this Xingyuan invasion. The soul clan has been hiding from the world for many years, but the general trend is coming, and no one can be spared. Now for the starry sky, any Every force is indispensable, especially the Soul Clan!"

Hun Que nodded: "When Starry Sky is in trouble, the Hun Clan has to help. Today we have summoned all the Rizhao clan members to discuss sending troops. Can the Holy Duke give you any advice on this matter?"

Lu Ye muttered: "I don't take advice seriously, I only have one suggestion."

"Holy Duke, please speak."

"Those in the clan who have not reached the peak of Rizhao and still have the potential to practice, it is best to stay in the ancestral land and continue to practice quietly. Don't rush to the battlefield. The invasion of Xingyuan is not one or two years, nor ten or twenty years. This is A continuous battle. For the soul clan, the training environment of the ancestral land is unmatched by any other place. Here, the soul clan can grow better and faster. If they can practice here to the peak of sunshine before joining the battlefield , then it will be easy to build the Dao Foundation, and the role it will play when the time comes will be far better than rushing in now."

Hun Que pondered for a moment: "I understand what Sheng Gong means."

Lu Ye came here mainly to use the Starry Sky Pond to return to Kyushu. He unintentionally participated in the discussions among the top leaders of the Soul Clan. After making a suggestion, he had nothing to do with the rest.

Accompanied by Xu Yuan, he flew towards the colorful lotus land where the Starry Sky Pool was placed.

Yiyi and Amber also followed.

Beside the Starry Sky Pond, Lu Ye said goodbye to Yiyi and told her to practice well. Then he took off the amber that had been lying on his shoulder and put it in Yiyi's hand.

Under the reluctant gaze, he jumped into the starry sky pool and returned to the Jiuzhou galaxy by a familiar route.

Looking at the familiar scenery around him, Lu Ye felt like he was home.

Although there are blooming flowers on the other side of the Vientiane Sea, and he is nominally in charge of that treasure land, he never has a great sense of belonging to the Vientiane Sea.

On the contrary, Jiuzhou, which is relatively barren, can calm the mind every time he returns.

He turned his head and looked in a direction, where there was a faint feeling approaching in this direction.

Lu Ye immediately knew where this feeling came from, Fangcun Mountain in the west.

In fact, without Lu Ye's actions against the Blood Jade Realm, the Western Fangcun Mountain would have returned and merged a long time ago. However, because of the detour to target the Blood Jade Realm, the journey to the Western Fangcun Mountain was delayed a lot.

Fangcun Mountain now only lacks the western part. Once the western part returns, it will be completely unified. This has been the long-cherished wish of countless generations of small humans, and today it is finally about to be achieved.

Lu Ye also wanted to see how Fangcun Mountain would change after unification.

After all, this is a treasure and worth looking forward to.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Ye swept straight towards Fangcun Mountain, and soon arrived nearby. Lu Ye first sent a message to Xiaojiu to say hello, telling him that he had returned and did not return to Kyushu, but landed directly on Fangcun Mountain.

Time is running out, he must quickly promote the return of the west, and then drive Fangcun Mountain to the established position!

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