Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2127 The Destroyed Galaxy

After a while of being displaced, Lu Ye felt as if his whole body had entered a tunnel of turbulence, and there was an extremely powerful pulling force coming from the front, pulling his figure.

The surroundings were filled with bright green colors, and no one else could be seen.

Lu Ye didn't dare to make any rash moves. This was obviously Shu Lao's response. Any movement at this time might cause some unnecessary accidents.

Go with the flow…

From the perception, it seemed that several days had passed, and the green light around him gradually dimmed. Just when Lu Ye was slightly worried, his whole body suddenly lightened up, and the breath of the starry sky lingered around him!

He quickly steadied himself, turned around and looked back, only to see the ripples in the void behind him rising and falling violently, and soon familiar figures appeared out of thin air from the ripples.

It is the people who have been wandering in the star abyss with him for many years.

With the help of his magic power, Lu Ye stabilized everyone. Before he could say anything, he felt several auras approaching quickly.

Lu Ye turned his head and looked, his vision immediately falling on the few people who came, but then, his attention was attracted by the scene behind these people.

No one else might as well be!

Just because behind those few people, a huge city hung in the air. A huge number of monks were busy in various parts of the city. The entire city felt to Lu Ye like a ferocious beast crawling there.

Seeing this hanging city, Lu Ye immediately thought of the battle fortress in the sky of Yanjia Star.

There was a thought in his heart. Yes, since Shu Lao already knew about the invasion of Xingyuan, there was no way he would be unprepared.

It was impossible for such a war city to appear in this location for no reason. It seemed that many changes had taken place in the starry sky during his absence.

The people Lu Ye had just seen were now in front of everyone. They were all born in the sun, and the leader had an extremely profound aura. He was obviously at the peak of the sun.

Compared with Zi Ji and others who had not been promoted to the Tao realm back then, he was not inferior at all, and even slightly better.

"Fellow Taoists, thank you for your hard work." He nodded slightly.

"It turns out to be Brother Gu." Zhong Yue immediately recognized the other party's identity, mainly because this person had a great reputation. In the past, he would definitely be a strong man who could be among the top three in the starry sky.

Everyone else basically knew him and greeted him one after another.

Jiuyan's voice reached Lu Ye's ears: "It's the Lord of the Huanglong Realm, Gu Yunliu."

She was afraid that Lu Ye didn't know him, so she told him specifically.

Lu Ye indeed didn't know the other party, but as soon as Zhong Yue's words came out, he already had an insight into Gu Yunliu's identity.

"On the orders of Shu Lao, I am here to greet you all." Gu Yunliu said again.

"Shu Lao!" Lu Ye's expression changed. He initially thought that Shu Lao would directly bring them into the Reincarnation Tree, but now it seems that is not the case.

Gu Yunliu looked at him: "I know that all of you fellow Taoists have many questions. Please follow me back to Zhan City to meet with Shu Lao. We will find out by then."

Zi Ji asked curiously: "Shu Lao is in that battle city now?"

Gu Yunliu smiled: "Shu Lao has a clone sitting in the battle city!"

Everyone immediately understood that if there is anyone in the world who has the most clones, it is definitely the Reincarnation Tree. His clones are scattered in every corner of the starry sky, and they are too numerous to count. It is not surprising that there is a clone sitting in this battle city.

At that moment, everyone followed the ancient cloud flow and flew towards the battlefield.

"Brother Lu, it's been a long time!" On the way, a young man who came with Gu Yunliu to greet everyone came to Lu Ye's side. It was Gu Sheng.

After not seeing each other for many years, he was promoted to Rizhao.

It's not surprising when you think about it. He and Ablo occupied the first and second positions in the Shura Field back then. They were unique in strength and extremely talented. It was not difficult for him to be promoted to Rizhao.

Before the Shura Field was closed, Lu Ye and the two of them agreed to explore a secret realm. As a result, Lu Ye was taken away by the Tian Shura Clan, leaving only him and Ablo, but they found nothing.

"Long time no see, Brother Gu." Lu Ye smiled and patted his shoulder. Finally seeing a familiar face again gave him a real feeling of returning to the starry sky, "Congratulations to Brother Gu for being promoted to Rizhao! "

Gu Sheng smiled bitterly: "It's just sunshine, what does it mean to you?" He had heard about the great things Lu Ye had done in the past. Compared with his own, they were simply out of reach. This made him feel a little frustrated and at the same time added another The desire to catch up.

"How is Lao Luo?" Lu Ye asked casually.

Gu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then realized that the old Luo he was talking about was Ablo, and immediately said: "He has also been promoted to Rizhao. In recent years, the starry sky spiritual energy has become more and more active, and cultivation is much easier than before. , he was promoted earlier than me, and now he is gathering with the seniors from the ancient barbarian world in another war city."

The spiritual energy of the starry sky becomes active and practice becomes easier. These are all changes in the starry sky before the great trend comes. Every starry sky is the same, but with the invasion of the starry sky, this good thing will gradually disappear, and then the practice becomes more and more difficult. The more difficult it is.

Yanjia Xingkong has experienced such a thing.

"This battle city was built under Shu Lao's orders?" Lu Ye asked.

Gu Sheng nodded: "Yes, during the changes in the Wanxiang Sea, you and the owner of Jiuyan Island disappeared together. Later, all the major spiritual islands interrogated the enemy you captured and learned some incredible information. Then Shu Lao After the prophecy was sent down, we learned the truth about the coming disaster. Over the years, the entire starry sky has been preparing for the future disaster."

"That's good!" Lu Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he was worried that three to five years would not be enough time to prepare, but now it seems that there is no need to worry too much. Shu Lao must have experienced a Star Abyss invasion before. With him here, he will of course be prepared for a rainy day.

"So this is the Huanglong Galaxy?" Lu Ye asked again.

"No, this is the Disillusionment Galaxy, which is considered the edge of the starry sky." Gu Sheng replied, "It's actually very far away from my Huanglong, but recently there is an insect tunnel that has opened up the connection between the two galaxies. It is convenient to travel, and This place is one of the weakest points in the starry sky, so Huanglong, under the order of the tree elder, gathered people to guard this place, and the war city over there was built for this purpose."

The two major signs before the invasion of Xingyuan are that the starry sky spiritual energy becomes active and the practice is simple, and the other is the large number of insects.

This is actually a good thing for the starry sky monks, because the birth of a large number of insect paths means that traveling between places will become more convenient.

If it weren't for the insect tunnel, Huanglong Realm wouldn't be able to take control here anyway. After all, the distance is too far.

While talking, a group of people arrived at War City.

From a distance, you can only feel that this battle city is huge. Once inside, you can see that this battle city is not only huge, but also impressively built.

The entire battle city can almost be said to be a super battleship. If necessary, it can be launched into the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Chen Wulei looked left and right, and couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with the battle forts in Yanjia Starry Sky, the battle forts here are undoubtedly better. There is nothing we can do about it. The battle forts in Yanjia Starry Sky were built only after the invasion of Xingyuan. Things started in a hurry. Naturally, they are better prepared than those here.

If Yanjia Starry Sky had such a battle city back then, it would definitely have been able to last longer in the final battle.

In a courtyard of War City, a small tree takes root here. Such a small tree is so ordinary outside that no one can see anything special about it.

But when Gu Yunliu brought everyone here, he bowed respectfully to the little tree: "Shu Lao, all fellow Taoists have returned!"

The small tree suddenly swayed, the tree was filled with light, and a vague figure appeared from it.

When the light dissipated, the little tree had disappeared, and there was a boy with red lips and white teeth, who looked to be only seven or eight years old.

Moreover, the boy seemed to be sick and his face was pale.

Lu Ye looked shocked: "Shu Lao?"

"It's me." The boy smiled and nodded, "Don't be surprised!"

How could Lu Ye not be surprised? In his impression, Shu Lao was a wise and kind old man, but he couldn't relate to the little boy in front of him.

Gu Yunliu explained from the side: "Shu Lao has entered the stage of reincarnation, and he has dragged you back from the star abyss, so..."

The boy waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say more.

Lu Ye finally understood that Shu Lao had to pay a huge price to bring them back from the Xingyuan, as evidenced by the paleness on his face.

As for the image of the boy, this is a sign that the Reincarnation Tree has entered reincarnation, but it has nothing to do with Lu Ye and others.

Back then, Yang Qing told Lu Ye that the Reincarnation Tree reincarnates every ten thousand years. At this time, he is at his weakest, so the Reincarnation Tree will select some candidates and give them the mark. In this way, when the Reincarnation Tree is weak, When the time comes, these strong men who have grown up can protect him.

After all, the name of the Supreme Treasure is still very attractive, and there are always some people who want to take advantage of this opportunity to see if they can refine the Supreme Treasure.

"Sit down and talk. I think you have a lot of things you want to know." As the boy spoke, he sat down on the ground.

Gu Yunliu had already prepared and took out the futons and distributed them to everyone.

A group of people formed a fan shape and sat around in front of Shu Lao.

Shulao looked at Chen Wulei and the others, and a kind smile appeared on his young face: "We must first welcome the three guests who have come from afar. If you don't mind, this Yuanxingkong will be your home from now on."

Chen Wulei clasped his fists: "Shu Lao is kind, that's what we have in mind."

"I haven't asked for advice just now, but the three of them are..." Gu Yunliu looked at Chen Wulei and others with some curiosity.

He is the Lord of the Huanglong Realm and has extensive knowledge, but he has never met Chen Wulei and others. At this moment, the meaning behind Shu Lao's words is obviously a little unusual.

Lu Ye said: "Brother Chen and the three are survivors of another starry sky. Their starry sky was destroyed by the Xingyuan invasion more than ten years ago."

Gu Yunliu's expression was shocked. Although he had learned many secrets from Shu Lao that he had never heard before, and also knew that there was more than one starry sky, he never thought that he would be able to see other starry skies so soon. of monks.

Moreover, the other party's starry sky was destroyed by the Xingyuan invasion more than ten years ago.

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