Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2121 The little secret between us

"Compensate you?" Yin Luo raised his head and looked at Lu Ye with tearful eyes.

Lu Ye raised his hand to lift her up, then stood up and nodded: "Yes, that is the precious blood clone that I worked hard and spent a lot of energy and time to cultivate, and you just ate it in one bite. The loss is huge, you have to do something to make up for my loss.”

Yin Luo felt sad, lowered his head and said: "It's useless, Qingjun will not forgive me."

Lu Ye looked at her: "Are you afraid that Qingjun will find out about this and blame you?"

"Well..." Yin Luo was aggrieved, like a child who made a mistake.

Lu Ye was good at tempting: "But if you don't tell me, if I don't tell you, how will Qingjun know?"

Yin Luo raised his head and blinked, his eyes bursting with surprise: "Won't you tell Qingjun about this?"

"Of course not. I believe you didn't mean it. What happened just now was just an accident, right?"

"Yeah, yeah! It's an accident!" Yin Luo nodded her little head like a chicken pecking rice.

"That's enough." Lu Ye raised his big hand and patted Yin Luo's little head. "This is a little secret between us. No one of us should tell it."

Yin Luo's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and the corners of her eyes were curved: "Don't tell anyone!"

"But..." Lu Ye rubbed her head and changed the topic: "But my precious blood clone was eaten by you after all, so you still have to make it up to me."

"Then how do you want me to compensate you?" Yin Luo looked at him with clear eyes.

Lu Ye pondered for a while and said: "I haven't thought about it yet. I will let you know when I think about it later." He did have something that he wanted Yin Luo to help with, and it was related to the safety of the starry sky, but he didn't know if it would be possible to bring it up at this time. Press for now.

"Okay!" Yin Luo agreed.

"Then it's agreed, and you can't go back on it in the future."

"Of course, as long as I can do it, I will not regret it."

"Yin Luo, I asked Uncle Duan about something before. He said that corroding the starry sky will be of great benefit to you, and it is even related to your promotion path. Is this true?" Lu Ye changed the topic. Although Uncle Duan said What he said should be correct, but Lu Ye still wanted to confirm it with Yin Luo. This little girl has a simple mind and it is easier to find out some information.

"Yes, if I can successfully erode your starry sky, then I can break through. Then I will be the first to kill that blood owl!" Yin Luo clenched his small fists with a fierce look on his face.

"Who is the Blood Owl?" Lu Ye asked, looking at Yin Luo's posture, he seemed to have some deep hatred.

"The Blood Owl is a bad guy. He wants to seize the Star Abyss Gate that is about to open here. I have beaten him back several times, but I can't kill him!" Yin Luo felt a little annoyed when he mentioned this.

Lu Ye suddenly said: "Is the force that attacked last time related to the Blood Owl?"

"He brought it all." Yin Luo replied: "By the way, he is also a vampire like you."

"Oh?" Lu Ye suddenly became interested. Although he had long known that the blood race came from Xingyuan, to be honest, he had never seen other blood races so far. He did not expect that the blood owl was a blood race and could fight with Yin Luo. , Defeated but not dead, he must also be a strong man at the level of fusion.

Yin Luo suddenly remembered something: "Can you teach me how to kill him? Every time he can't beat me, there will suddenly be several people running away, and fighting in his sea of ​​blood, I also have many restrictions. What can we do to kill him in a sea of ​​blood?"

Lu Ye thought for a while and said, "How about you take me with you next time to try? But the premise is that you have to protect my safety!"

He can basically not intervene in the confrontation at the level of Fusion Road, but if the opponent is a vampire, it may not be hopeless.

There is no doubt that the blood of the vampires can be used. Lu Ye asked himself that the saintliness of the blood clan is extremely powerful. Looking at the starry sky, he is far ahead of other vampires. He is the only one in the world. But he does not know how holy the blood owl is.

If his holy nature can suppress the blood owl, it will undoubtedly be able to provide assistance to Yin Luo, but if not, then there is nothing he can do, so the premise is that Yin Luo can protect his safety.

"No problem!" Yin Luo agreed. Although she couldn't kill the blood owl, she had a deep understanding of the difference in strength between them after several confrontations, and she believed that she could protect Lu Ye.

Lu Ye then returned to the previous topic: "Why can you break through after successfully eroding the starry sky?"

"Because you can get benefits." Yin Luo said matter-of-factly.

Lu Ye patiently said: "Of course I know you can get benefits from it. What kind of benefits can you get promoted in one fell swoop?"

"I don't know, it's my first time doing this."

Lu Ye's eyes twitched: "Then your breakthrough can't be obtained through practice? Does it have to erode the starry sky?"

"It's possible, but it will take a long time. Corroding the starry sky is the fastest and most convenient way."

Lu Ye understood and sighed: "But that starry sky is where Qingjun was born, and there are many of his friends and relatives there. If anything happens due to the invasion of Xingyuan, Qingjun will definitely be sad. You can't bear to see it." To this scene?”

When Qingjun was mentioned, Yinluo's expression became much more serious and he asked nervously: "What should we do?"

"Where did Qingjun go?"

"It seems to be deep in the star abyss."

"But he will come back eventually. If one day he comes back here and sees that the starry sky where he came from has been shattered, and the friends and relatives he cares about have perished because of the ravages of the creatures in the star abyss, I can't imagine that he should How sad.”

Yin Luo was completely stunned.

Lu Ye looked at the words and realized that it was almost done. Yin Luo's little head probably couldn't handle too many complicated things. What he said today should be enough for her to digest for a while.

"Think about it yourself."

Shi Shiran left and returned to his residence to practice peace of mind.

In the days that followed, Lu Ye would use his talent tree clone to go out for a walk every once in a while, chatting with Uncle Duan to get information, or looking for Yin Luo to instill some of his ideas into her.

The practice was going smoothly, but what made Lu Ye dumbfounded was that as he practiced, his own Tao power was constantly accumulating, and the efficiency was quite impressive.

However, he does not need more Dao power at the moment. He would rather exchange these Dao powers for spiritual energy to promote his own growth.

The polishing of the soul-suppressing secret technique is also in progress simultaneously.

In addition to him, the three groups headed by Chen Wulei, Ziji and Zhongyue also had a fruitful safari.

The number of Star Abyss creatures gathered in this area is so huge that the three teams can easily find their prey. It can be said that they make many gains almost every day.

Because they were cautious enough, even if the three teams were in danger several times, it would not be a big problem. The most dangerous one was when Zi Ji's team encountered an Eight Daoist and almost wiped out the entire army. Fortunately, they escaped back to Qinggong Wanli in time. Only then did danger turn into safety.

Time flies and half a year passes.

On this day, the talent tree clone went to find Yin Luo as usual. As soon as they met, the little girl rushed in front of Lu Ye, hugged his thigh, raised her head and looked at him pitifully: "Lu Ye, I'm fine I'm hungry!"

After such a long period of slow exploration, Lu Ye also knew the true identity of Yin Luo. She was originally a powerful star beast in the star abyss. After being rescued by Yang Qing, she was enlightened by him and transformed into a human form. With his own spiritual intelligence, because he is the star beast incarnation, he has simple thinking.

But she still retains her instinct as a star beast, which is to eat every once in a while.

Her diet includes all the creatures in the galaxy that are weaker than her, but to her, there is also a difference between good and bad food.

The creatures in the starry sky have a very fragrant smell to her, which is unmatched by the creatures in the star abyss, so when they first met, when a group of lost people stood in front of her, she lost her composure.

Among them, Lu Ye gave her the greatest temptation. Because of the talent tree, the aura on Lu Ye's body was extremely pure.

Ever since he accidentally ate Lu Ye's precious blood clone, Yin Luo couldn't forget it and was no longer interested in other foods.

Uncle Duan was very worried about this, and even left this area some time ago to look for traces of the missing people, hoping to catch a few of them to give his young lady a toothbrush.

But the traces of the lost ones are not so easy to find. Once the starry sky is shattered, the creatures in the starry sky will basically encounter unexpected events in a very short time. Even if there are survivors, no one knows where they are hiding.

At first, Yin Luo could suppress it, but after not eating for such a long time, she was really hungry. This hunger was a remnant of her instinct as a star beast, and could not be resolved except by eating.

At this moment, Lu Ye looked down and saw that Yin Luo's eyes were blurred and drool was dripping from the corner of his mouth, knowing that the time had come.

He has actually been waiting for this day to come.

Squatting down, grabbing Yin Luo's shoulders, and placing her in front of him, Lu Ye looked into her eyes: "Yin Luo, be patient, Uncle Duan went out to find food for you."

Yin Luo was as soft as noodles. He kept coming closer to Lu Ye, sipping his saliva: "I...I can't wait any longer."

"That's difficult to handle. Although I still have a precious blood clone..."

"Yes!" Yin Luo's eyes lit up, "It's the precious blood clone. I want to eat your precious blood clone!"

Lu Ye said seriously: "But if Qingjun finds out in the future, he will blame you."

Qingjun has always been a taboo for Yin Luo. When the word Qingjun was mentioned, Yin Luo's eyes suddenly became much clearer. He stood there dumbfounded: "Yes, Qingjun will blame me, he will scold me."

As he spoke, his mouth became deflated, and tears flowed down. He grabbed Lu Ye's clothes with his two small hands, feeling helpless and helpless: "What should I do?"

Lu Ye quickly comforted him: "Don't cry, don't cry. Who told this to be a little secret between us? I can let you eat a precious blood clone, but you have to agree to one condition!"

"I promise!" Yin Luo blurted out without even thinking.

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