Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2118 Not the time

Lu Ye once speculated that Yang Qing might have had an accident, was trapped somewhere, or had been killed.

But looking at it now, the real situation is that he has already left the starry sky, entered the star abyss, and gained extremely powerful power.

As for the relationship between Yang Qing and Yin Luo, Lu Ye doesn't know, maybe he can try to find out.

After briefly talking about Yang Qing, everyone understood.

Especially Zi Ji, as a long-lived Great Demon Lord, he actually knew Yang Qing because he had heard about the battle that destroyed Kyushu.

It's just that the Yang Qing he knows is strong, but not so strong that no one can spy on him.

But he didn't know what kind of opportunity Yang Qing had after entering Xingyuan, and he suddenly became so powerful.

"So, Yang Qing left the Starry Sky and entered the Star Abyss before us, so he should have known about the Star Abyss for a long time. We were brought here by a ghost sedan. How did he get here?" Chen Li expressed confusion. expression.

Going from the starry sky to the starry abyss is no simple matter.

The ghost sedan can travel through different star skies and even star abyss. This is its power as a treasure. What does Yang Qing rely on? Lu Ye couldn't help but think of the meeting between Yang Qing and Shu Lao. As a treasure, Shu Lao's attitude towards Yang Qing was a bit thought-provoking. From this point of view, Shu Lao knew the situation and even said that Yang Qing could enter the Star Abyss. A tree may not be old

There is no contribution!

Looking at the entire starry sky, I am afraid that only the Reincarnation Tree can send people out without anyone noticing.

Lu Ye told his speculation, but he couldn't verify it.

"Anyway, we should be safe now." Lu Ye continued, "As long as we are in the Qing Palace, we don't have to worry about safety issues. As for the future..." Chen Wulei said: "Lu Ye, I think you I'm afraid our previous ideas cannot be implemented. Before coming here, we didn't know that there were so many Star Abyss creatures gathering here. That turbid void should be the Star Abyss Gate.

The position that will be opened, if nothing unexpected happens, the situation should be able to maintain for a while, but if there is external interference, no one can say what the situation will be. If the Star Abyss Gate is completely opened, then..."

That means that the invasion of Xingyuan is ahead of schedule. When the Xingyuan creatures gathered here pour into the starry sky, it will definitely cause a catastrophe.

Lu Ye nodded: "I've thought about this."

Speaking of this, I was somewhat thankful that Uncle Duan had intercepted them in front of the Gate of Star Abyss, otherwise it might have caused an accident.

"I still have some things I want to verify. Let's just wait and practice our own practices during this period. If anything happens, I'll let you know."

Naturally, everyone had no objections and went back to their rooms to meditate. In the past few years, everyone's strength improvement has mainly relied on hunting down the creatures of the Star Abyss to obtain Dao Bones, because it is basically impossible to meditate and practice when you are on the road, but the situation is different now. Although meditating and practicing is less efficient, it is better than

Safe and secure.

Lu Ye was not idle, but slipped out of the Qing Palace. The previous war has ended, and the incoming enemies were completely repulsed after Yin Luo took action. However, without the interference of external enemies, the killings and battles among the creatures of the star abyss gathered here are still going on all the time.


Fortunately, no Xingyuan creature dares to approach within thousands of miles of Qing Palace.

At this time, he finally understood why it was so easy to escape from the battlefield before. It was obviously Yin Luo who gave some orders, so those Xingyuan creatures did not embarrass them.

Looking at it this way, although there are many Star Abyss creatures nearby, as long as he acts carefully, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

It's nothing more than using the tiger's skin as a banner. As long as Yin Luo is willing to protect himself, those Xingyuan creatures should not embarrass him.

Thinking so, just to be on the safe side, Lu Ye had gathered a clone of the talent tree to stay in the room before taking action, but if something went wrong, he could respond to him at any time.

He set up the escape light and flew out, soon leaving the realm of Qinggong Wanli.

Immediately, a creature from the Xingyuan looked at this side fiercely. Lu Ye immediately pulled out the Panshan knife, raised his hand and hooked his fingers at the opponent with a provocative look on his face.

Unexpectedly, this guy just stared at him for a while, then spat, turned around and left with a disdainful expression on his face.

This was the first time that Xingyuan cultivator did not take action against him, and Lu Ye felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

But this situation undoubtedly confirmed his thoughts. These Xingyuan creatures under Yin Luo's command had all received her orders, and it seemed that they would not easily fight against him.

With this thought, Lu Ye flew towards the Star Abyss Gate with confidence and boldness.

On the way, he repeatedly provoked the Xingyuan monks he met, but without exception, others did not bother to pay attention to him.

It wasn't until one time when Lu Ye took the initiative that the opponent counterattacked fiercely. Unfortunately, he was not strong enough and could only be killed.

After repeated confirmations, Lu Ye understood that as long as he did not take the initiative, there would be no big problem, but if he took the initiative, these Xingyuan monks would still fight back.

This made him bolder.

After a while, they gradually approached the location of the Star Abyss Gate.

The abyssal creatures gathered here are extremely dense, and fights and killings can be seen everywhere. The winner takes the Tao bones to strengthen himself, while the loser only has his body and Tao disappear.

Lu Ye was secretly alarmed. Such an environment and such chaotic competition could easily create some strong men, because in a place like this, as long as one has sufficient strength, it is easier than ever to obtain Taoist bones.

If Taoist monks like them want to improve themselves, obtaining Taoist power is the key.

Lu Ye had the aura of a lost person, and among the densely packed Xingyuan creatures, he stood out like a light in the darkness. Wherever he passed, he attracted countless malicious glances.

But he was fearless and went straight to the place where the ten strong men were.

No ordinary Star Abyss creature dared to approach this location. Taking the unopened Star Abyss Gate as the source point, apart from these ten figures, there was not a single living creature.

These ten people were of different races and tall or short. When Lu Ye came over, at least three pairs of eyes looked at him with interest.

The closer he gets, the tighter Lu Ye's mind becomes, his magic power secretly increasing, and he can construct void spiritual patterns to escape at any time.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened until he stood in front of the turbid void.

Looking at the turbid void, Lu Ye faintly noticed that there was an extremely chaotic gathering of void power.

What is certain is that this is a Star Abyss Gate that has not been fully opened, and it is a Star Abyss Gate that connects the Wanxiang Sea and the Starry Sky.

I don't know where it is connected to, I need to find out.

Immersed in his mind, he activated his magic power a little, and the mark of the Samsara Tree slowly appeared on the back of his hand. Standing in this position, the feeling from the mark induction was stronger than ever before.

The sea of ​​all things and the starry sky are where the body of the Samsara Tree is located.

Almost at the same time that Lu Ye activated the seal of the Reincarnation Tree, the old tree immediately sensed it. He raised his head and looked at the starry sky in the distance, with a look of surprise on his old face: "This location..."

Of course he remembers this location, because this is also one of the flaws in Xingkong. Back then, he used his own power to quietly open this flaw for a moment.

"That's it!" Shu Lao quickly gained insight.

The ghost sedan suddenly appeared and took away Lu Ye and others. The matter became an uproar. As the treasure of the starry sky, Shulao had eyes and ears all over the starry sky, so he naturally heard about it.

But he didn't expect that after a few years, he would sense the mark given to Lu Ye at this location. This undoubtedly meant that Lu Ye was opposite this location at the moment.

He closed his eyes, and the huge Samsara Tree swayed. In an instant, invisible force penetrated the blockade of the void.

In front of the turbid void, Lu Ye blinked.

At that moment, he vaguely felt something. When he was about to investigate carefully, a piece of incomplete information suddenly emerged from the mark and poured into his mind.

He quickly checked and opened his eyes after a moment.

Just as he thought before, when he reaches this location, he can use the mark to get in touch with the body of the Samsara Tree. The information was obviously transmitted from the stars by the tree elder.

It's just that maybe because of the isolation of different spaces, even the information transmitted by Shu Lao is not complete.

After integrating it, Shu Lao has only one advice: "If it's not the right time, try your best to improve yourself!"

Shu Lao should know what the situation is here. After all, the starry sky has been eroded by the star abyss once, and similar situations have happened before. Therefore, Shu Lao knew what would happen if he relied on his own strength to bring Lu Ye back at this time. Although the gate to the Star Abyss would open sooner or later, now that Lu Ye and others were in the Star Abyss, it was a good time to improve themselves.

At this time, the more they improve, the stronger the self-protection ability of this starry sky will be after the gate of starry abyss is opened.

As for when Lu Ye will be brought back, it depends on future variables and Lu Ye's considerations.

After standing there and pondering for a while, Lu Ye had a plan in mind.

After the mana subsided, when he turned around, he almost bumped into a tall figure. Lu Ye quickly took a few steps back and looked up, only to see a figure at least five feet tall standing behind him.

Covered in black hair, it looks like an upright orangutan.

Lu Ye was startled and almost couldn't help but run away.

After calming down, he bowed and said, "This Taoist brother is polite."

The orangutan-like strong man was one of the ten people gathered here. He looked down at Lu Ye and said in a low voice, "What did you just do?"

Lu Ye blinked: "I just came to take a look at the Xingyuan Gate here. It was ordered by Miss Yin Luo."

Mentioning Yin Luo, the other party couldn't help but frown, with a look of fear on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Ye said: "By the way, this Taoist brother, may I ask if the Gate of Star Abyss was opened a few years ago?" "No!" He replied, then didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Ye anymore, and walked back Sit down where you were just now.

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