Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2094 Qualitative change from scratch

As time passed, Lu Ye observed carefully and found that the Xingyuan aura refined into the body could be roughly divided into three parts. One part was the impurities burned out by the talent tree, which were useless or even harmful to the monks.

The second part is normal spiritual energy. This spiritual energy can be seen everywhere in the starry sky, and monks rely on this spiritual energy for their practice.

As for the last part... Lu Ye didn't notice it at all at first, because the existence of this part was too small, but it did exist.

Strangely, this tiny part of existence actually merged into the talent tree as he refined and practiced.

It was not absorbed by the talent tree, but integrated into it. This led to an hour later, Lu Ye found a small mark on a blank leaf of the talent tree. If he had not been focusing on feeling, he would hardly have noticed this change.

After careful investigation, Lu Ye keenly felt that this tiny trace was the condensation of an extremely mysterious power, but it was too small, so it was difficult to detect.

This is... Daoli!

Although he had made a guess before, Lu Ye was still excited when the guess was confirmed.

Because according to the information provided by Thunder Castle, a creature like him who was not born from the Star Abyss cannot have his own Tao power without forging a Tao foundation. Only by casting a Tao foundation and entering the Tao realm can he attain the Tao. Force into the body.

But now, with the unique talent tree, he is able to break this rule by refining the aura of the star abyss!

This has always been the unique advantage of Xingyuan creatures.

This thin amount of Dao power is not complete. Even if it is activated, it will not bring much improvement to Lu Ye, but it is a good start after all. This is a leap from nothing to something, a qualitative change!

If he could have more power, his safety on this frontline battlefield would be greatly guaranteed.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lu Ye said: "Senior sister, I need to practice for a while."

Jiuyan was startled for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I will protect you."

In this moment, her expression returned to normal, as if nothing had happened before.

Lu Ye closed his eyes again and continued to maintain his previous practice state.

As time goes by, the traces of Dao power on the leaves of the talent tree become clearer and more complete.

It took a full ten days for Lu Ye to finally get a trace of complete Tao power. Under inspection, this trace of Tao power was like a golden thread, flowing and swimming on the leaves like a living thing. Just by looking at it, you can feel the power contained in it. It is infinitely mysterious, and the mysterious power within it seems to be able to evolve the best principles in the world.

Lu Ye finally understood why those Star Abyss strangers valued his Tao power so much. It was too difficult to cultivate. With the power of the talent tree, he built countless small spirit-gathering funnels on his body. His cultivation speed was beyond imagination. , but even so, it took such a long time to get a trace of power.

Other monks will definitely take longer than him!

And once there is a fight, Dao Li is easily consumed. No wonder those Star Abyss strangers will eat the corpses of their enemies to replenish themselves after fierce battles.

Of course, this is also related to the richness of the aura of the abyss here. Although this is not the edge of the battlefield, it is not a central place. If it can be in a place where the aura of the abyss is stronger, the efficiency should be higher.

It is necessary to practice even if it is difficult. After all, in a place like this, Taoist power is the foundation of one's life.

Lu Ye spent another twenty days and practiced two more strands of Taoist power before he paused.

These three strands of power are all gathered on the leaves of the same talent tree, looking like three golden fish swimming around.

The main purpose of this trip to the battlefield is to help Jiuyan build the Tao foundation. He already has an idea here, so there is no need to be so anxious. If he goes back and practices slowly, he can gain more Tao power.

You must first cultivate the power of the fire gourd and the sword gourd. The power of these two attributes is also crucial to deal with those aliens from the Star Abyss who possess Taoist power.

"Senior sister, I'm ready here." Lu Ye opened his eyes and said to Jiuyan.

Jiuyan turned her head and looked at him for a while, then nodded, closed her eyes and started her practice.

Lu Ye thought for a while, sacrificed a drop of precious blood, and turned into a clone, dormant outside and always alert, while the main body began to cultivate sword gourds and fire gourds.

This matter is relatively simple, and it only needs enough resources to complete. As for the resources to cultivate two treasure gourds, he brought a lot of them with him, especially the fire gourds. On the giant red star, he deliberately kept enough resources to cultivate them. Dozens of copies of the scorching sun essence of strange fire.

After devouring a large number of magic weapons of different qualities, the sword energy in the sword gourd gradually became complete.

After the cultivation of the sword gourd was completed, Lu Ye began to cultivate the fire gourd again.

As the essence of the scorching sun was devoured, the strange fire in the fire gourd slowly grew out.

Lu Ye was about to put away the fire gourd when he suddenly thought of a question, that is, will the talent tree undergo another transformation? If so, what are the conditions?

Ordinary fire resources obviously have no effect on the transformation of the talent tree and can only be used as fuel supplements. The opportunity for the fourth transformation is to swallow a large amount of strange fire. Will this kind of strange fire be needed next time?

With a thought in his mind, Lu Ye was ready to give it a try. Anyway, it would only consume some strange fire. As for whether the opportunity was this, he would know once he tried it.

After activating the talent tree, invisible roots penetrated the gourd's mouth. However, the next moment, Lu Ye's expression changed and he quickly withdrew the power of the talent tree.

He felt something was wrong in that moment of contact.

The talent tree... seems to be swallowing the fire gourd!

Thinking back carefully, Lu Ye was sure that it was not an illusion. If he hadn't reacted quickly, the fire gourd would have been swallowed up by the talent tree. Even if it could not be swallowed up in a while, once the fire gourd was damaged, its power would be greatly reduced.

The talent tree that has transformed four times can actually swallow attribute treasures?

Although he knew that after this transformation, the talent tree would definitely have some unusual changes, but he didn't notice it for a while, but such changes... were still unexpected.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Lu Ye didn't dare to let the talent tree come into direct contact with the fire gourd. Although he was sure that he would get a lot of benefits after swallowing the fire gourd, the fire gourd was still very useful.

He could only activate the fire gourd to release the strange fire inside, and hang it not far in front of him. Then he activated the power of the talent tree, and the invisible roots penetrated into the strange fire. In an instant, the strange fire came from there. Nothing, disappeared without a trace.

Lu Ye felt it carefully, and soon showed a disappointed look. The talent tree did not respond much, and it could even be said that it had no response. This undoubtedly showed that even if it could transform again, the opportunity would not be a miracle.

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because after this strange fire was swallowed up, the fuel reserve of the talent tree did not change.

Logically speaking, swallowing the strange fire is not a condition for transformation, so the fuel reserve will be increased. But the fuel reserve has not increased, so where did the swallowed strange fire go? It can't be said that it disappeared out of thin air. It was a treasure cultivated by many rays of scorching sun essence.

After calming down and checking carefully, Lu Ye soon discovered a change in the talent tree.

On the leaf that carried the three threads of Tao power that he spent a month practicing, there was an extra golden thread at this moment, turning it into four threads.

The power has increased...

Is this caused by the Devouring Strange Fire?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the only explanation. He had speculated before that the power exerted by the attribute treasure contains Tao power, otherwise it would not be such a big threat to those aliens from the Star Abyss, but this speculation cannot be confirmed. , but now this evidence is directly in front of you.

The extra trace of Dao power cannot appear out of thin air, and the strange fire cannot disappear without a trace. It was turned into this trace of Dao power by the talent tree!

Although I am very sure that it is correct, this kind of thing still needs to be verified.

Lu Ye once again spent some of the essence of the scorching sun to cultivate a ball of strange fire, which was swallowed by the talent tree. This time he carefully observed the leaves that carried the Tao power, and sure enough, he found that as the ball of strange fire was swallowed up, There was another trace of golden power on the leaves, and the four channels turned into five...

Lu Ye was extremely happy.

Based on his own cultivation efficiency, in this position and environment, it takes ten days to have a trace of Dao power. But if he uses the power of the attribute treasure, the efficiency will be much higher. The only restriction is the supply of resources, even if he exhausts it All the magic weapons and the essence of the scorching sun that he carries on his body can obtain almost over a hundred Taoist powers.

Baisi Dao Power is nearby. According to the information provided by Thunder Battle Castle, this is the capital that only strong people who have entered the Dao Realm have. Those who have not entered the Dao Realm, even the Star Abyss Strangers, do not have so much Dao Power. Available.

In other words, if Lu Ye converted all his resources into Tao power, then he would be comparable to the Tao realm, if not the Tao realm.

Is there any better deal in the world than this?

Also, a ball of strange fire in the fire gourd is just a trace of power, so what if the talent tree really swallows the fire gourd? How much power can you get? It must be more than just a trace. The supreme treasure is the condensation of Tao, and the attribute treasure is the derivative of the supreme treasure. Then the attribute treasure is also the condensation of part of Tao. No matter what kind of attribute treasure, there must be a lot of Tao power inside!

Dao tree... I see, the name of the Dao tree has such a profound meaning. Suddenly, many things seemed to become clear. Lu Ye had never understood why the talent tree was called the Dao tree before. Until today, he can get a clue. .

It is true that he will not let the talent tree swallow the fire gourd, nor can the sword gourd, but he has more than just these two attribute treasures!

With a thought in mind, he took out a tattered small umbrella as big as a palm.

Tianluo Umbrella.

This thing couldn't be repaired by Hua Ci, nor could it be repaired by Xingxiu Palace. Because they were incompatible with each other, Lu Ye originally planned to place it in the spirit jade vein, but he changed hands and forgot about it.

Since this treasure is damaged, it is just right to take it out and devour it!

But just when Lu Ye was about to do this, he stopped again, pondered for a moment, and then urged the power to pour into the Tianluo Umbrella. (End of chapter)

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