Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2066 The slow flow of water

Lu Ye only felt a slight pain in his chest, and surprisingly, several of the guardian spirit patterns were broken.

The next moment, extremely terrifying power came from his hand, which made him unable to grasp the arm of the star beast, and it broke free several times!

At the same time, the long sword slashed down!

A strange scream came from under the magma, and the fierce aura quickly disappeared.

Lu Ye steadied himself and looked at his chest in a hurry. He saw blood on his clothes. He was obviously injured in the sneak attack just now, but he could feel that it was just a flesh wound. Yu Shou Ling Wen blocked the fatal attack for himself.

Looking at the Panshan Knife again, there was a trace of bright red blood on the blade.

He snorted coldly and without any hesitation, he fell into the magma.

Let’s see where you go this time!

He secretly felt cruel in his heart. No matter what, he must avoid future troubles today. Otherwise, he will always be worried about this guy in the future. How can he cultivate the strange fire with peace of mind?

The two figures, one behind the other, went all the way deep into the giant red star, and their speed was not slow.

Although the Rizhao Star Beast was not panicked, Lu Ye had chased it once a few days ago, but was thrown away by it three times.

It thought it would be the same this time.

However, what it didn't expect was that no matter how hard it tried, the crisis behind it was like a maggot on its tarsus, and it couldn't get rid of it.

This pursuit lasted for several days. No one person or one beast had penetrated deep into the giant red star. The surrounding temperature was also frighteningly high, far beyond the surface of the giant red star. Such a temperature was the peak of sunshine. I am afraid that in an instant It will melt all the time.

The star beast can support itself because of its own unique talent. This kind of strange star beast is originally chasing the scorching heat. Even the stars can survive in the giant red star, let alone this sunshine star beast.

Its ability to withstand terrifying high temperatures is far beyond what other races can match.

Lu Ye could bear it because of the protection of the talent tree.

Invisible roots spread all over his body, making him feel no burning sensation at all.

At a certain moment, Lu Ye suddenly felt a feeling of fullness. This was a feeling he had never felt before. He was startled. After careful inspection, he discovered that the fuel reserve of the talent tree had reached its limit.

I couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Since the third transformation of the talent tree, the fuel reserve has never reached the limit, but I didn't expect an unexpected gain this time. This special environment is very suitable for the increase of the talent tree's fuel reserve.

But he clearly came to hunt down the Sunshine Star Beast to avoid future troubles.

Let’s call it an unexpected surprise.

After several days of waiting, it should be almost done now.

At this moment, the aura of the star beast escaping in front was obviously much weaker than before. This was not because it was consumed by the chase, but because the wound on its body continued to worsen.

This kind of star beast has a strong physique, and ordinary injuries are nothing at all. The inside of the giant red star is its best place to heal. However, the injuries caused by the Panshan Sword are different. The power of the beast is entangled, and the wounds cannot be healed. It was still being torn apart, which greatly consumed the star beast's energy and physical strength.

Lu Ye also relied on the guidance of the power of the beast to pursue him without stopping, otherwise he would have lost track of his opponent.

When he raised his hand, the Panshan Sword pointed far ahead and shook slightly.

Invisible fluctuations came out, and the Sunshine Star Beast escaping in front staggered, its wound suddenly tore open, blood flew out, and a rapid squeaking sound came from its mouth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Ye quickly rushed over, and with a few plunders, he reached the star beast not far away.

The star beast obviously sensed something was wrong and knew that there was no hope of escape. He immediately turned around and charged towards Lu Ye with a ferocious expression, as if he would drag him along with him even if he died.

Lu Ye's expression was dull. He had been entangled with the opponent for such a long time. He had already understood the details of this star beast. It had a strong physique and great strength. With the help of the special environment of the giant red star, its actions were also very covert. But if there was a head-on confrontation, If so, it is impossible to be his opponent.

If he wasn't here, he could have mobilized the power of the divine soul to suppress him, because the biggest drawback of star beasts is their weak soul power. Except for a few special star beasts, most star beasts have this weakness.

However, the environment here is not good and the temperature is too high. Lu Ye's spiritual mind left his body rashly, and he must suffer the pain of burning.

The light of the sword fell, and a huge lotus suddenly bloomed, with countless petals flying and cutting in all directions.

The squeaking sound became more rapid, and just one shot of Lotus Sun made the star beast more injured and dizzy for a moment.

Lu Ye struck out with another sword, and there was a faint roar of a beast. It seemed that the head of a ferocious beast suddenly appeared, and its fangs were exposed and it bit the star beast.

The surrounding magma retreated instantly!

After being promoted to Rizhao, Lu Ye's every move contained terrifying power, and his improvement in strength was simply incomparable to Yue Yao's.

The Rizhao Star Beast flew away in response, with a large dent in its chest, looking extremely miserable.

Lu Ye jumped forward and stabbed straight with the Panshan knife, intent on killing them all!

Facing this sword, the star beast, which had already suffered heavy damage, was no longer able to resist.

However, Lu Ye's knife failed to penetrate him, and the long knife stopped only an inch away from the opponent's head.

Under the surrounding fiery red light, Lu Ye could clearly see the fear in the star beast's eyes. It was covered in blood, but it opened its mouth and spat out a finger-thick red glow.

Lu Ye sensed it for a moment and was surprised to find that this red glow contained extremely pure fire energy. It looked like the essence of the sun that he had purchased in the Wanxiang Sea, but the quality was obviously much higher and more refined. Be purer.

Fire resources such as the Essence of the Sun are tempered by monks through special methods and techniques in an environment like the giant red star, and then sold out in exchange for the cultivation resources they need.

Lu Ye didn't expect that the star beast in front of him actually had such an ability, and it seemed to be a natural ability.

Looking at the other party carefully, the star beast's eyes not only showed fear, but also begged for mercy.

It was obviously scared, knowing that it was no match for Lu Ye and unable to escape, so it used this method to beg for mercy.

As for why a stream of flaming sun essence is spit out, it is not difficult to understand. The monks who come to the giant red star will basically temper the flaming sun essence by their own means, or bring it back to sell, or refine and absorb it themselves.

That is to say, Lu Ye does not need this process whether the talent tree reserves fuel or the fire gourd cultivates strange fire.

This star beast probably saw other monks tempering this thing, so it spit it out.

Looking at it this way, this star beast has a certain degree of intelligence. It knows how to give in when it is time to give in, and it also knows what to come up with to make Lu Ye fall in love.

It was undoubtedly successful. Just now it had moved a little slower, and now it was Lu Ye who had taken its crystal core.

Lu Ye raised his hand to capture the essence of the scorching sun, then took out the fire gourd, swung the mouth of the gourd, and directly swallowed the essence of the scorching sun, and the strange fire inside grew.

"Is there any more?" Lu Ye's spiritual thoughts surged and he asked via voice transmission.

The star beast didn't respond, obviously it didn't understand.

Lu Ye made a few gestures with the fire gourd, and then the star beast reacted, opened its mouth with great difficulty, and spat out another stream of scorching sun essence.

Lu Ye's eyes really lit up!

Use the fire gourd to devour it, and then look at the other person.

The star beast scratched its ears and cheeks anxiously. Lu Ye's face darkened, and he gestured at it with the Panshan knife, clearly threatening.

The star beast looked horrified, then reluctantly opened its mouth and spit out the essence of the scorching sun for the third time.

But after this time, Lu Ye obviously found that its spirit became extremely depressed, and the quality of the scorching sun essence it spit out was not as good as the previous two times.

Is this reaching the limit?

With this thought in his mind, Lu Ye still wanted to make sure. After using the fire gourd to absorb the essence of the scorching sun, he directly used the Panshan knife on the opponent's neck.

The star beast looks desperate...

Seeing this, Lu Ye could probably confirm that this was indeed its limit.

If so...this star beast is of great use.

It can temper things like the essence of the scorching sun, which can undoubtedly increase the speed of the birth of strange fires. Simply killing it, although the effect of sunshine-level crystal nuclei is good, is like killing the goose to get the egg. Instead, it can keep it, and the water can flow smoothly. .

It's just that this guy's intelligence is not very high, and it's a bit difficult to communicate. Moreover, we don't know how efficient it is in tempering the essence of the scorching sun. This needs to be verified.

When Lu Ye was thinking about how to communicate with it, the star beast suddenly thought of something, and urged Lu Ye to squeak, and then glanced in awe at the long knife on his neck.

Lu Ye understood, and he put away the long knife without forgetting to threaten it: "Don't try to escape, you will die if you dare to escape!"

The star beast had no idea what he was talking about. It flickered in a certain direction, but the speed was not very fast, mainly because it was too weak now.

Lu Ye was really afraid that it would die like this, so he immediately used the Panshan knife a little to neutralize most of the power of the beast.

One person and one beast returned along the way, which reduced the torture of the beast's power. The star beast's spirit seemed to gradually improve. It escaped along the way, making strange sounds from its mouth along the way.

Lu Ye didn't know what it was doing.

It was not until a long time later, as another star beast approached, that Lu Ye realized that this guy was summoning his companions!

The one who came was the Yue Yao Star Beast, and they soon met it. When they saw Lu Ye at first sight, the Yue Yao Star Beast was obviously taken aback, and grinned at Lu Ye.

The Rizhao Star Beast hit it on the head with a punch, which made the Yueyao Star Beast dizzy and finally became honest.

Immediately, the two star beasts came together and communicated in some unknown way. The Yueyao star beast opened its mouth and spat out a stream of scorching sun essence.

Lu Ye's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he couldn't help but smile: "Okay, okay, very good!"

He never expected that this Rizhao Star Beast could bring him such a surprise!

He had no intention of killing the other party. After all, from his perspective, the Sunshine Star Beast was just a chicken that could lay eggs.

But if the opponent can also summon his companions to provide the essence of the scorching sun, then it is not a chicken, but a group of chickens... (End of this chapter)

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