Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2024 The Confused Demon Lord Zixuan

In Fangcun Mountain, many sunshines are both shocking and confusing. What is shocking is that Lu Ye has done so generously. What is surprising is what the method is and what is happening with the nine sunshines.

Lu Yeke had never mentioned this to them before.

"It's our turn." Chen Xuanhai's voice came, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

According to the plan, after Lu Ye took the lead, it was their turn to appear, so even though the scene just now was shocking, they couldn't think about it too much.

"Are you ready?" Chen Xuanhai turned to look at the many sunshine people beside him.

Xu Yuan smiled and rushed towards him, blending into his body and disappearing in an instant. He was undoubtedly using the Soul Clan's unique soul-possessing technique.

One by one, the other Soul Clan Rizhao pounced on the target they had chosen.

The Little Human Clan dispatched eleven Rizhaos this time, and the Soul Clan also came over with eleven people. They had already discussed and selected the partners to join forces these days.

A total of twenty-two Rizhaos turned into eleven in an instant, but no matter who these Rizhaos were, their auras surged at this moment.

Everyone felt it attentively, and they all showed excited expressions.

The little humans have heard about the secrets of the Soul Clan, but this is the first time they have personally experienced the huge improvement brought to them by being possessed by the Soul Clan.

In an instant, everyone's aura was like a dragon, and they were filled with murderous intent.

"Let's go!" Chen Xuanhai shouted, taking the lead to fly towards the sky, followed by the others.

At the same time, where the allied forces of all ethnic groups gathered, many Xingxu Yueyao-level soul tribes also used the soul-possessing technique, rushing towards the selected target and possessing their souls.

In the blink of an eye, there was no more soul clan in the entire Fangcun Mountain, and the number of the coalition forces was also reduced by less than half.

Although the number has decreased, the overall strength has increased.

Outside Fangcun Mountain, the dazzling blood light has faded away.

The incoming Zixuan demon cultivators were all frightened, especially the three deer demon masters who had just escaped. They could sense that the blood explosion technique used by the nine vampire Rizhao just now seemed not coordinated enough, otherwise the three of them might not have been able to do so. Can survive.

Now that a life has been saved by luck, everyone is still frightened.

"Demon Lord, there is a lot of sunshine aura emerging!" Suddenly a voice rang out urgently. It was obvious that the battleship's detection array had detected changes in the outside world.

Bichen Demon Lord, who was still immersed in what happened just now, heard the words and quickly turned his head to look in one direction. In that direction, in the reflection of a mirror, more than ten figures suddenly appeared, heading straight towards this direction. .

Even in the battleship, he could clearly sense the powerful aura of these people, especially the leader, which even brought a slight sense of threat to him, the great demon king who had been famous for thousands of years.

The breath is panic, the momentum is magnificent...

"Where does so much sunshine come from?" The Deer Demon Lord, who had just escaped here and had no time to take a breath, was dumbfounded.

You know, the intelligence that Heiyun provided to them at the beginning said that there was not even a single sunshine in the Yuluo Galaxy.

Of course, Heiyun's clone was lost here, so this information must be wrong, so they had ten demon masters come together. They thought that even if the Yuluo Galaxy had hidden power, they could easily solve it.

As a result, as soon as they arrived, they were attacked by the self-destruction of nine vampire Rizhao, and then more than ten Rizhao jumped out of nowhere and attacked with great force.

This is definitely not the Yuluo Galaxy. They must have accidentally broken into some large galaxy.

There was no time to think. Seeing the group of sunshine getting closer and closer, Bichen immediately made a decision: "Meet the enemy!"

We cannot let the enemy get close to our own warships. The aftermath of the Rizhao Confrontation is too fierce. If we really let the enemy get close to us and start a duel, our demon cultivator will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, the enemy must come to block it.

After giving the order, he took the lead and swept away, followed by several other demon masters.

Demon Lords appeared on each of the other three warships, and soon they converged. Ten demon Lords gathered together, and the demon essence was billowing. Looking from a distance, it seemed as if there was a huge cloud in the starry sky.

"Fellow Taoists, we are from the Zixuan Demon Star, and I am Bichen. I passed by here accidentally. Is there any misunderstanding?" In Bichen's mind, this must be some large galaxy that they don't know about. Moreover, the opponent's lineup was so solid that he did not want to start a fight with the opponent. It would be best if the misunderstanding could be eliminated. As he spoke, he even reported the names of Zixuan Yaoxing and his own.

He originally thought that this would be somewhat effective. The Zixuan Demonic Star was an existence that could not be insulted wherever it was placed. Not only did the Rizhao people who attacked from the opposite side of the clinker turn a deaf ear to this, but their fighting spirit became even higher.

Bichen couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but the matter had reached this point and there was no possibility of relief, especially since the other party had already lost nine Rizhao.

A few breaths later, the Rizhao Group from the enemy and our side collided. In an instant, surging mana surged in all directions, and pure soul power bombarded the four poles.

That huge piece of starry sky suddenly distorted at this moment.

"Impossible!" Bichen's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the magic power that protected him showed signs of collapse at this moment.

He is the Great Demon Lord, who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. Looking at the entire starry sky, even if there are people who are stronger than him, they are only so strong, and the number of such strong people will never exceed the number of five fingers.

This is also the reason why he dares to lead the demon masters to face the enemy, because he is confident enough in his own strength.

But in that moment of contact, the confidence that had been maintained for tens of thousands of years was almost shattered.

He was facing a middle-aged man holding an illusory long sword. At that moment of contact, he felt that he was not his opponent for the first time in a long time. The opponent's magic power was much more powerful than his own. !

He is already at the peak of sunshine, and his magic power has been cultivated to the extreme in this starry sky. How could anyone be stronger than him?

But this unbelievable thing happened so strangely.

Not only this happened to me, but all the other Demon Lords also suffered from this.

This caused the two large sunshine groups that originally collided with each other fiercely to become superior and inferior in the next moment of contact!

After a brief stalemate, all the demon clan and demon lords retreated in panic. It can be said that they retreated as fast as they came.

A storm arose in Bichen's heart. They were the Zixuan Demon Lords. Each one of them was powerful. As they grew up, they could fight across different levels. Against those monks who were not from the top realms, and on the premise that their fellow practitioners were in the same realm, As long as they suppress others, they have never experienced such an outrageous experience today.

For the first time in their lives, they were suppressed by enemies with the same cultivation level!

Moreover, the methods used by these enemies to fight against each other are extremely unique. Spiritual talismans are shot out one after another for free. Each talisman has great power, and can be turned into spells, strengthen oneself, or weaken the enemy. The methods are endless.

Bichen was shocked and finally knew where these sunshines came from: "Are you a small human race?"

In the whole world, only the monks of the small human race have a fighting style that constantly uses spiritual talismans, because this is the foundation of their practice. could it be a small human race?

Zixuan has never had any grudge against the small humans, so he couldn't figure out why this group of small humans, Rizhao, intercepted Zixuan's army in this place.

"We can't retreat!" Mo Xuan's voice suddenly reached his ears.

Bichen was startled and reacted suddenly.

Their main purpose of leaving the fleet to meet the enemy was not to let the aftermath of Rizhao's battle affect other demon cultivators. If they retreated further, it would be meaningless to proactively meet the enemy before, because they would soon retreat to where the four battleships were. Area.

You can't retreat, but the opponent is too strong to suppress, so you can only pull him!

Bichen's spiritual thought moved and the sound spread in all directions. Many demon lords immediately understood and cooperated one after another.

In the next moment, the two sides of the battle slid out of an arc as if they had a tacit understanding, and swept diagonally upward, avoiding the Zixuan battleship behind them.

Bichen frowned, because he found that the Rizhao of the small human race did not seem to be too repulsive to his pull, but rather followed the trend.

why is that?

Soon he knew why, because in the direction where the little human race Rizhao appeared before, an army of monks appeared at some point. At first glance, the number seemed to be about six or seven thousand, and a group of tiger shark warships cleared the way. Behind the Tiger Shark battleship, many monks gathered in groups and moved forward.

Behind this army of monks, there is also a central battleship across the starry sky. On the deck, many figures are busy, and they don't know what they are busy with.

I see! Bichen reacted immediately.

No matter why the little humans are trying to embarrass them, but just by looking at the posture in front of them, they know that the other side is well prepared. This is a battle between soldiers and generals, so the sunshine of the little humans can't pull them away. Exclusion.

In other words, it is the will of both parties to separate the Rizhao battlefield.

The enemy numbered between six and seven thousand, and on the premise of losing one battleship, we had at least 8,000 demon cultivators, which gave us some numerical advantages, and we also had four battleships available.

Bichen withdrew his gaze and no longer paid attention to that side, because in his opinion, Zixuan's side could not lose in a fight under the sun.

The problem they have to face now is how to deal with these little human beings Rizhao.

The initial chaos has passed, and now the Rizhao on both sides are fighting each other. Although the number of Rizhao on the small human race is one more, and they have an advantage in every battle, it will take some time for this advantage to be transformed into a victory. time.

On the distant meteorite, Lu Ye stood up and smiled slightly: "It's our turn!"

The trend of the battle is developing as expected. Now the soldiers are fighting against the generals, but Zixuan has four warships to rely on. This is undoubtedly unfair to the Yuluo coalition.

His mission is very simple, that is, to erase this unfairness and allow our coalition forces to have a fair fight with the Zixuan Demon Cultivator!

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