Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2010 Two Thousand and Nine Faces Raising Sword Gourd

Later, Lu Ye's strength improved and he used this treasure many times. The most recent time he used it was probably to kill the star beast in the Sea of ​​All Things during the Star Realm, because in such an environment, only the power of the sword gourd was not affected.

But after being promoted to Yueyao, Lu Ye seems to have never used the sword gourd again. In recent years, his strength has improved rapidly. He relies more on his own abilities and no longer relies on external forces.

If it were not forced by the current situation, the sword gourd would continue to be idle.

But now, Lu Ye urgently needs a valuable treasure to use as his trump card, and the sword gourd is undoubtedly the best choice.

Zixuan's army will arrive at Yuluo in two and a half months, so he must rush back to Yuluo before then to step up deployment.

Luan Xiao'e must go back. This matter is related to this galaxy, and she cannot stay out of it.

Ma Bin was seriously injured and should not act rashly. Naturally, he had to stay here to heal.

Xiao Gua cannot be taken away. Only when Xiao Gua is here, Wanxiang Sea can be stable. Especially at such a sensitive time, Hua Ci must take Xiao Gua to sit on Sanjie Island, just in case.

Furthermore, Xiaogua can only have endless power in a special environment like the Wanxiang Sea. If it is taken away, there will be only two forbidden golden lights that can be emitted.

In addition, what Lu Ye can rely on is the Rizhao people from Fangcun Mountain. There are more than ten Rizhao people in the three Fangcun Mountains. They are quite worthy of the Zixuan demon cultivators in terms of numbers. But without the overwhelming attitude, this battle will not be possible. Get up, neither the enemy nor we will have an easy time.

Heiyun knows about the existence of Jiuzhou and covets the inheritance of Dao tree. Zixuan and other demon masters may also know about it. In the future, more people may know about it and then focus on Jiuzhou.

Therefore, in this battle against Zixuan, we must beat them painfully and cripple them!

Only in this way can we intimidate all parties and let the world know that Yuluo is not a soft persimmon that can be easily manipulated. Let those enemies who covet the Daoshu inheritance and Kyushu know what will happen if they dare to invade Yuluo and Kyushu.

Lu Ye had always known that the sword energy derived from the sword gourd was quite powerful, but it wasn't until he witnessed the battle between Shang Chengyue and Yuan Se that he realized that his understanding of the sword gourd was a bit too one-sided.

On that day, Yuan Se urged the fire gourd to go up to the city and responded with Tianxuan Sword Qi. The power of the two attribute treasures was overwhelming. It was definitely not a method that ordinary Rizhao could display.

Let’s not mention Tianxuan Sword Qi for the moment. Fire gourd and sword gourd are both treasures born on the good fortune vine. If the fire gourd can activate such power, the sword gourd will naturally not be inferior!

It is most suitable to use it as a trump card.

In the attic, Lu Ye held the sword gourd in his hand, and his magic power and spiritual thoughts surged into the sword gourd.

As early as when he got the sword gourd, Lu Ye tried to refine it, but at that time he discovered that he was not strong enough, so the refinement was not comprehensive, and the power that the sword gourd could display was only a small part. .

Now that he is Rizhao, he should be able to completely refine the sword gourd and fully demonstrate its power.

Inside the sword gourd, there are layers of dust-covered restrictions one after another. Those restrictions are extremely ingenious. They are not artificially refined, but are created naturally when the sword gourd is born.

This is not only true for the sword gourd, but also for the pill gourd. Now as the cultivation of the second senior sister who controls the pill gourd gradually improves, the role that the pill gourd can play is also becoming greater and greater.

As time passed, Lu Ye was refining layer by layer of restrictions.

It is not easy to completely refine the attribute treasure, especially the killing attribute treasure such as Sword Gourd, which consumes a lot of one's own mana and soul power.

Fortunately, Lu Ye's replenishment is convenient. When his mana is exhausted, he can go to the Wanxiang Sea. In terms of soul power, he has the best refining pills at his disposal.

But even so, it took Lu Ye a full ten days to completely refine all the restrictions in the sword gourd. During the whole process, he entered the Sea of ​​Vientiane three times and swallowed even more top-grade divine refining pills. As many as five bottles.

And in this constant consumption and replenishment, Lu Ye found that his Rizhao realm had become much more stable, which was an unexpected little gain.

After the refining was completed, Lu Ye held the sword gourd and could clearly feel that his connection with this treasure had become much closer, as if it had become a part of his body.

As his thoughts moved slightly, he could clearly detect that there was a twisted and unstable sword energy sealed inside the sword gourd.

There used to be more than one sword energy, but there were many, but now somehow there is only one left. From a sensory perspective, the sword energy to Lu Ye feels like a small flame, the kind that is extinguished by the wind. But he knows that this is just an illusion. If this sword energy is activated, the destructive power it can produce will not be inferior to that of a mid-term Yueyao with all his strength.

After blinking, Lu Ye found an unused magic weapon from his storage ring, pointed the gourd at the magic weapon, and activated his magic power.

The space was slightly distorted, and the magic weapon disappeared, apparently swallowed by the sword gourd.

After Lu Ye carefully sensed it, he could faintly notice that there were some strange things in the sword gourd. He couldn't explain the reason. This strangeness was swallowed up by the sword energy like a small flame, and then... there was no more, sealed in the sword. The sword energy inside the gourd didn't seem to have changed much.

Just one magic weapon is obviously not enough!

Lu Ye immediately took out more magic weapons.

This time the Wanxiang Sea was in chaos, and six Rizhao people died in his hands alone. Naturally, these Rizhao's legacies became his trophies, and there were still a lot of useless magic weapons.

At this moment, he took them all out and let the sword gourd swallow them.

In the past, he had let the sword gourd swallow some spiritual treasures and magic weapons, but the quantity was very small. In addition, after the sword gourd swallowed it, a lot of sword energy would be derived, which could be used by Lu Ye to kill the enemy at will.

Completely different from today's performance.

Lu Ye guessed that this was related to the fact that he had completely refined the sword gourd. This was the correct reaction after the sword gourd swallowed the magic weapon.

The inheritance of the Rizhao people is very rich, and every magic weapon is valuable. If others see Lu Ye's actions at this moment, they will definitely shout that they are prodigal, because in a short period of time, Lu Ye has thrown all the magic weapons into the sword gourd. The total value is at least tens of millions of spiritual jade.

But he didn't feel distressed at all. Gu Tai of Huanglong Realm said that if you want to activate the power of treasure, you need to pay a huge price or make sufficient preparations.

So no matter how much you spend at this moment, it is all preparations to show the power of the sword gourd. If you can use the power of the sword gourd to solve Yuluo's war this time, then no matter how much you spend, it will make sense.

And this is a trophy, so it’s actually not that painful to use.

After half a day, Lu Ye had all the unused magic weapons on his body swallowed up by the sword gourd. The value of the magic weapons consumed was at least hundreds of millions of spiritual jade.

Looking at it now, the sword energy in the sword gourd is obviously much more stable and solid, and the sword energy no longer just looks like sword energy, but more like a broken sword body.

It's like a long sword that was damaged in the battle with its owner and then became tattered...

Lu Ye's heart moved, and he vaguely realized one thing. When the sword body was completely repaired, then the power of this sword energy would be at its peak.

Even at this moment, the incomplete sword energy gave Lu Ye a sense of sharpness. If anyone used such sword energy to attack him, it would definitely bring him a considerable threat.

This is true for incomplete sword energy, but what if it is complete?

He immediately took out the notes and sent a message to the outside world.

After a while, Tang Jun brought a lot of storage rings with red eyes, threw them in front of Lu Ye, and asked curiously: "What do you want with so many magic weapons?"

He has been so busy recently that he needs to coordinate, record, sort and classify so many supplies. He has also been responsible for the handover of supplies to major spiritual islands before. He has not had a break for almost a month.

In addition, there are all kinds of information to contact him that need to be processed...

He was originally the foreign affairs manager of the complex external relations of the Three Realms Island. Now that the Three Realms Island has risen to the top, his status has also increased. I don't know how many monks want to entertain him, but they can't, and I don't know how many monks want to get acquainted with him and get closer to him.

Lao Tang is happy and troubled...

Having just received the summons from Lu Ye, he immediately brought over these storage rings containing a large number of magic weapons.

Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the sword gourd in Lu Ye's hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Is Fa Wuzun going to see the light of day again?"

I think back then, Lu Ye had pretended to be Fa Wuzun and swaggered through the market with this gourd. Unfortunately, he was too old and dim to be deceived.

Such gourd magic weapons are actually very common, so he didn't think much about it.

Then he saw an extremely incredible scene.

Lu Ye took out many magic weapons from a storage ring and piled them into a hill in front of him. He shook the gourd and the hill-like magic weapons disappeared.

Tang Jun was stunned for a moment, then looked stern: "Lu Ye, what kind of quality is this gourd... of yours!"

He instantly saw something was wrong. Although the magic weapons were messy, some of them were of high quality. How could they be suddenly taken away by a gourd?

Looking more closely, the intricate patterns on the gourd's surface gave him an unfathomable feeling.

"The fire gourd of the One Yuan Realm?" Tang Jun was shocked, "How did you get this thing? When did you go to the One Yuan Realm?"

When Yuan Se used the fire gourd, Lao Tang was still in the mermaid territory, so naturally he couldn't see it.

But he couldn't see it, but many people had witnessed it with their own eyes. He heard about it later, so he immediately made the connection and thought that Lu Ye had quietly gone to the One Yuan Realm to kill Yuan Se to seize the treasure... ...He can do this!

"It's not a fire gourd." Lu Ye casually replied while observing the changes in the sword energy, "It's a sword gourd."

Lao Tang was stunned for a moment: "This thing is the same as the fire gourd of the One Yuan Realm..."

"We're considered brothers!"


Tang Jun was shocked. He had an unreal feeling that a treasure that could intimidate everyone was suddenly found on Three Realms Island. But now he knows that there are not only treasures on this island, but also other treasures.

The fire gourd is pregnant with strange fire, and the sword gourd is pregnant with sword energy? This is a world-defining treasure. No matter which realm it is placed in, it is an important treasure that guards a realm.

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