Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1790 Starting anew

"What a little girl's way of survival, what a little more. Are you treating me as a bargaining chip for surrender?" Lu Ye already knew what Xiangyin was thinking.

Xiangyin smiled bitterly: "You have just come here, and you have no idea how difficult it is to survive in such a ghost place! Which of our sisters is not as strong as Zhou Ran and Wang Taisheng? But because we have already run out of resources to practice. , our strength gradually becomes inferior to theirs, and if things go on for a long time, we will have to rely on others to survive! We are women, and we are pretty, do you know what this means? "

"If you want to survive better, you can only find ways to obtain resources. We can't join the Red Talisman Society, so the only option is Holy Blood Peak! That Li Tian is also a lustful person, if you don't have enough chips, go and join him , our sisters will end up miserable! Your existence is a threat to Li Tian. If we can get rid of you, it will undoubtedly be a great achievement. In this way, even if our sisters seek refuge in the past, we will definitely receive good treatment. "

"I hinted that you went to that area to find the Red Talisman Society. I really wanted to use the Red Talisman Society to get rid of you, but I didn't expect you to come back alive. The Holy Blood Peak had no choice but to send another person over, and they failed again. ”

Xiangyin's face was full of bitterness, and she really couldn't figure out why. She had planned it well, but the result was unsatisfactory.

With a "pop" sound, Xiangyin suddenly knelt down, looked at Lu Ye and said: "I know I can't escape death, but these things are all my own initiative and have nothing to do with my sister. She has no idea from the beginning to the end. Sister She has a cold temperament, but a kind heart. Please ask Brother Dao to spare her life. This little girl kowtows to you!"

Saying this, he actually started to knock Lu Ye in the direction, with extreme force every time.

It was really sad that Tangtang Yueyao would do such a thing in his later period. If it was just that she was about to die, Xiangyin would not be so humble. It was just a poke in the neck, but she knew that if she could not satisfy Lu Ye, she would After death, Xuanyu will definitely not be able to escape this disaster.

She took responsibility for her own mistakes, but did not want to implicate Xuanyu.

Xuanyu hurriedly knelt down, and while pulling his sister, he looked at Lu Ye imploringly: "Brother Dao, my little sister was confused for a moment. I hope Brother Dao has not made a big mistake. Please spare her life. From now on." My two sisters work as cows and horses, doing the work of dogs and horses under Brother Tao."

Xuanyu begged, her eyes blurred with tears. After living for so many years, she had never been so humble. With her cold personality, she couldn't do such humble things, and she even looked down on people who did such things.

But when her sister's life hangs on a thread, the persistence and ideals in her heart instantly collapse. At this moment, Lu Ye is willing to do whatever she is asked to do as long as he can say a good word in his mouth.

It's a pity that Lu Ye just looked at her indifferently: "It's not a big mistake. It's my fate and it has nothing to do with her!"

Saying this, Shengxing continued to activate the suppression, holding the long knife and walking step by step towards the two sisters who were kneeling on the ground.

A feeling of suffocation hit her face, Xiangyin's head was broken, and she was still pleading: "Brother Dao, please spare my sister after I die. Just treat it like a cat or dog. Don't harm me." Take her life!"

What she received in response was the light of a knife that stabbed straight at her. Xiangyin felt a pain in her chest, and then her vision went dark.

In the darkness, consciousness floated.

I don't know how long it took, but when Xiangyin opened her eyes again, a familiar body fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose, and her whole body seemed to be lying in a soft embrace.

She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but soon recalled the terrifying sword light, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

"Are you awake?" came a low voice.

Xiangyin's vision slowly focused, and she saw a face that looked like a crying pear blossom, very close at hand.

"Sister?" Xiangyin didn't know whether she was alive or dead for a moment. If she was dead, was her sister also killed?

As if he had read her thoughts, Xuanyu whispered: "You are not dead, that knife did not kill you!"

Xiangyin was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Recalling the scene before coma, the murderous intention she felt was extremely real. Lu Ye really wanted to kill her, so she didn't understand why she didn't die.

It can't be said that the other party missed. After all, she didn't resist at all at the time, and even if she missed, she could still make up for it.

"I don't know." Xuanyu shook his head and turned his eyes to the side.

Xiangyin followed her gaze and saw Lu Ye standing there, looking up at the moon. The great terror between life and death struck her heart again, making her unable to help but feel terrified.

She moved her eyes away and looked down at her chest. There was a hole in the clothes on her chest. There was dried blood, but the injury had healed. She was still in the late Yueyao stage after all. It was not difficult to recover from purely physical injuries, even if she It's in a coma.

Smiling bitterly: "Sister, it's me who has caused trouble for you."

Xuanyu shook his head: "Don't say that, it's useless for my sister."

Xiangyin said: "It just looks like... we may really have to be like cows and horses in the future."

There was no reason for Lu Ye to keep her alive for no reason. Xiangyin had some suspicions about this... This person had just arrived and was alone, so he probably wanted to recruit some helpers.

The Red Talisman Society will definitely not accept him. Holy Blood Peak has already taken action against him. If Li Tian doesn't deal with Lu Ye, he won't feel at ease. Therefore, the conflict between them is irreconcilable.

In this situation, Lu Ye is caught between the cracks. It is difficult for him to do anything alone. It is better to spare the lives of the sisters and gather them under his command than to fight alone.

I have to say that Xiangyin's mind is still very sharp.

Lu Ye held back at the critical moment, and he did have this consideration in mind.

In the entire core world, the Red Talisman Society and the Holy Blood Peak were two separate parties, but he couldn't join either party. This forced him to start a new business.

It is unrealistic to fight alone. The only people he can recruit now are monks scattered outside like Xiangyin sisters, and they are not many in number.

Xiangyin was a little smart, he was a useful person, and he was strong enough. The most important thing was that when faced with his fatal blow, Xiangyin bore it calmly without any intention or action of resistance.

Furthermore, there is no personal enmity between the two parties. Xiangyin's actions are indeed just forced by the situation and want to survive here better.

This was the real reason why Lu Ye spared her life at the last moment.

The blood moon slowly dissipated, and Lu Ye finally exhaled, closed his eyes and concentrated, recalling all the thoughts he had just had.

There is no need to worry about the bad things happening to the Colorful Divine Lotus. He has gained a lot this time, but there is still some way to go before he can fully understand the Blood Eye Spirit Pattern.

There is no rush, there will be opportunities in the future.

He walked aside, sat down on a big rock, and thought about his next plan. It was inevitable to start anew, and it was also inevitable to target the Holy Blood Peak.

Perhaps we can try to contact the Red Talisman Society again in the future and join forces with them.

There are some things that are useless just by saying them. There is no way to win people's trust. If you do them, they will naturally be effective. Once he starts acting against the Holy Blood Peak, the Red Talisman Society will definitely get the news.

At that time, no matter whether the monks of the Red Talisman Society believe in him or not, they will all be natural allies.

And the most important point is that we have to find a way to find out why the Red Talisman and the Holy Blood Peak will be victorious, and the blockade in this world will be lifted.

This is related to getting out of trouble in this world, which is the top priority!

While he was deep in thought, he heard a rustling movement and looked up, only to see Xiangyin kneeling on the ground on all fours and slowly crawling over.

Xuanyu pulled her aside several times but failed to pull her up, looking sad and sad.

Lu Ye looked at it expressionlessly, but it had to be said that Xiangyin's figure was still very enchanting. There was a strange temptation to crawl over in such a posture, especially since she still had her head half raised, with an unknown expression on her face. The blush that appeared due to shyness or shame formed a sharp contrast with the white skin on the neck, and the visual conflict was extremely strong.

After a while, Xiangyin crawled to Lu Ye's feet, sat upright, and lowered his head.

Lu Ye looked at her indifferently: "What do you mean?"

Xiangyin whispered: "Xiangyin is willing to be a cat and a dog for Brother Dao, and thanks Brother Dao for not killing him."

In order to save her sister's life, she had said something similar before, asking Lu Ye to raise Xuanyu like a cat or a dog. Now that she was saying this, it was obvious that she wanted to do it for her. The move of kneeling over and crawling over was also a sign of her own sincerity.

Lu Ye understood what she was thinking and didn't feel too much pity. It was Xiangyin's own choice to reach this point, no one else could blame her.

This woman... has a great temperament. She can take things up and put them down. She can bend and stretch. If she uses them well, she will be able to play a good role. However, if she doesn't use them well, she may also run the risk of devouring the master, especially if she can't show it in front of her. On the weak side, Lu Ye believes that if she is given a chance, she will repay today's humiliation tenfold and a hundredfold!

"Did I say I won't kill you?" Lu Ye asked.

Xiangyin looked up in shock: "But before..."

"My hands were shaking before! I want you dead and I can kill you again at any time!"

Xiangyin obviously didn't believe what he said. It was completely untrue that her hands were shaking. However, she really couldn't figure out what Lu Ye was thinking. She could only ask, "Then what should I do to satisfy Brother Dao?"

When she asked this question, she showed a hint of shyness intentionally or unintentionally, which was full of temptation.

From the outside, all of the Snow Clan looked pure and pure. Xiangyin's posture at this moment would be extremely harmful to any man.

Lu Ye narrowed his eyes slightly: "If you dare to use some tricks in front of me again, I will kill your sister first!"

Xiangyin's face suddenly became frightened, and she immediately sat upright and said obediently: "I don't dare anymore, Taoist brother, forgive me!"

Lu Ye looked at her for a while, staring at her with uneasiness in his heart. After a long time, he heard Lu Ye's voice: "If you want to survive, it's easy, just refine this thing!"


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