Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1778 Searching

Lu Ye went to Chongxu to inquire about this matter, not to better protect himself. Although the blood pupils transformed by Xuan Miao in the spectacle were impressive, they could not stop the power of the colorful divine lotus. This has been confirmed.

So even if Lu Ye didn't do anything, he only had to wait for a moment for the colorful divine lotus to break the blood pupil that was eroding his divine sea, leaving him safe and sound.

When Lu Ye went to Chongxu to find out his methods, he just wanted to make some preparations in advance. He was very concerned about the spiritual patterns hidden in the blood pupils.

If anyone else asked, Chongxu would definitely ignore it, but since he had accepted Lu Ye's kindness, it was difficult to hide anything, and his methods could not be imitated by others.

He immediately said: "I do have some means to sense things in advance, but they are not accurate."

Lu Ye asked: "Brother Taoist, can you teach me? Of course, I can pay some reward."

Chongxu waved his hand: "I am not willing to teach, but this method cannot be imitated by others. Fellow Taoist, please look at my right eye."

Lu Ye immediately followed the sound, and as far as he could see, he saw some strange changes in Chongxu's right eye. Normal people's eyes have black pupils wrapped in whites, and the same was true for Chongxu's right eye, but as he spoke, It fell, but suddenly it all turned white without any black, which looked extremely strange.

Chongxu blinked, and his whitened right eye returned to normal: "To be honest, little friend, this old man's right eye was born strange. When he was not practicing, the things he saw were different from those of ordinary people. After entering the world of cultivation, Based on this, the old man practiced several pupil techniques. Of course, the reason for sensing changes in the magic pupil was not due to those pupil techniques, but whenever the magic pupil was about to change, the old man's right eye would feel a dull pain. The closer the time is, the more severe the pain will be, so I can know in advance when the magic pupil will blink."

Lu Ye suddenly realized that the little human race had collected information about this wonder for so many years, but they still had no way to identify the timing of the magic eyes blinking, yet a random Chongxu he encountered had such a method.

It turned out to be the reason why my right eye was born with a strange nature.

"And the old man can't fully perceive it. Out of the ten times, he can't notice it almost half of the time. But every time there is a change in the right eye, the magic pupil must blink. When I saw fellow Taoist before, it was the old man. When you notice something."

Only then did Lu Ye understand.

This is indeed not something that can be taught, so I am not very disappointed. If he can master this method, he can certainly take some advantage. If he cannot master it, it will not have much impact.

Of course, if you have to take the upper hand, you can choose to go with Chongxu. In this way, once he notices something, Lu Ye will know it.

But it is impossible for two people who have never met each other to really express their hearts and souls because of a little intersection.

"Let's do this, fellow Taoist." Chongxu thought for a while and suggested: "How about you and I leave a note mark on each other. In this way, when I am aware of it, I can send a message to you, and fellow Taoist can also make preparations in advance. "

"Okay!" Lu Ye nodded immediately and took out the musical note.

After a while, the two of them left note marks on each other, and Chongxu warned him again: "This is inside the wonder after all, so the distance limit of the note transmission is different from the outside world. If my fellow Taoist is too far away from me, I will not be able to contact you." , I usually move around this area, and if there are any changes, I will inform my friends in advance."

"Thank you, Taoist brother." Lu Ye thanked him. He was still very meticulous in his actions. After thinking about it, he asked, "Taoist brother, how long have you been here?"

Chongxu stroked his beard and smiled: "It must have been thirty years. When I was young, I pursued the growth of strength and took a lot of elixirs. Some of the erysipelas are stubborn and cannot be solved by ordinary means. I can only hope for this. In addition, the demon here When the pupils blink, they can also temper the power of the soul, which is also somewhat helpful for promotion to Rizhao."

Thirty years... Lu Ye was sighing. He had only been practicing for so many years. However, the higher the cultivation level of a monk, the longer he would stay in a certain realm.

Thirty years is a long time for him, but for Chongxu... although it is not short, it is acceptable for the sake of sunshine.

And judging from his appearance, he may have to stay here for a longer time.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, youth is your capital, but you should not pursue too much the improvement of your cultivation level. A momentary impulsiveness may cost you a thousand times to make up for it when you are old." Chongxu said seriously, obviously because of Lu Ye's age. Qing Qing had such cultivation, and mistakenly thought that he had swallowed a large amount of spiritual pills to grow up.

"I've learned a lesson, thank you for reminding me, Brother Dao." Lu Ye nodded.

Next, he asked Chongxu for some information, and asked him emphatically if he had encountered anything strange in this wonder.

Chongxu didn't hide anything, he just said what he had to say.

Most of it was information of little value, or information that Lu Ye already knew from the small humans. There was only one thing that made Lu Ye concerned.

More than ten years ago, when the magic pupil blinked, there were two monks fighting fiercely near Chongxu, and they fought fiercely.

He usually would not interfere in this situation, and at this time he would basically resist the erosion of the blood pupil within the formation area he had arranged.

Generally speaking, if the contending monks cannot decide the winner, they will regain their senses after the Blood Eye invasion and then give up.

But that time the situation was a bit strange.

In Chongxu's perception, the breath of the fiercely fighting hands suddenly disappeared completely at a certain moment. He originally thought that the two monks died together, but when he was safe and went to investigate, he found that There were no corpses at all in the area of ​​​​the fight, but there were many traces of the fight.

Lu Ye knew that it was a fake that Chongxu went to investigate, and that touching the corpse was real. He did not point it out, but just asked: "The place where the two fought was beyond the range of Dao Brother's perception?"

Chongxu shook his head and said: "It's absolutely impossible. Although that location is not close to where Lao Chan is, it is still within the detection range of Lao Chan's spiritual sense. Their disappearance is very strange. It just happened in an instant. But having said that, inside this wonder, , there are indeed many monks who have disappeared for no reason."

Lu Ye knew about this because it was recorded in the intelligence of the small human race.

The little humans have speculations about this. Although some of the missing monks died in battle, some of them must have accidentally come into contact with the core of Fangcun Mountain!

Fangcun Mountain is extremely mysterious. It doesn't look big on the outside, but there is a whole world inside. Even if it is divided into three, this mystery has not changed.

In this case, the lost core of Fangcun Mountain must have retained this characteristic. In other words, it is the core, but there is definitely a world inside it!

If someone accidentally comes into contact with this core, they may fall into that world.

The Yueyao, a foreign race sent here by the small human race for countless years, will definitely fall into it and be unable to escape.

The two monks who disappeared inexplicably that Chongxu sensed more than ten years ago probably had the same experience, otherwise Chongxu would not have discovered anything.

After hearing this, Lu Ye suddenly became interested and quickly asked Chongxu about the specific location of the two missing monks.

Chongxu heard the words and said: "That location is a bit far away from here, and what I said is a bit unclear. I will take you there."

He could tell that Lu Ye wasn't inquiring about this for no reason, there must be something going on, but he guessed that some of Lu Ye's elders might have disappeared here, and wanted to check out the specific situation. I would like to inherit the favor and show Lu Ye the way. No problem.

"Thank you so much, Brother Dao." Lu Ye was grateful. If I'm not mistaken, the core of Fang Cun Mountain should be at that location.

At that moment, the two of them set off and flew in the same direction.

This wonder is filled with a large number of meteorites, so it is difficult to drive the starship forward. It would be faster to cross it in the physical body.

Along the way, Lu Ye chatted with Chongxu word by word, hoping to find out more information, but unfortunately there was no practical gain.

On the contrary, from time to time, formed spiritual jade and spiritual crystals can be collected from a certain meteorite or a piece of strange dust.

He has been here for more than thirty years, and the jade and spirit crystals he brought in his early years have probably been completely consumed. Fortunately, there is no shortage of these things in the wonders. It is not a big problem to collect more to meet his daily needs.

After walking like this for several days, Chongxu calmed down, looked around for a while, and then said: "This area should be correct, but fellow Taoists should know that the environment within the wonder is not static, so I can only make a rough judgment, not too accurate."

Lu Ye nodded to express his understanding: "So, Brother Tao, how big is the error in your estimate?"

"It's possible within a radius of three thousand miles." Chongxu replied.

Three thousand miles... This is not three thousand miles on a plane, but three thousand miles across an entire complete space. This range is huge.

Even with Lu Ye's current strength, it would not be easy to cover the area of ​​3,000 miles.

"Thank you, Brother Dao."

Chongxu nodded: "If something happens to you, just call the old man. If the old man is aware, he will inform you in advance."

Chongxu left quickly without asking to stay and help. He didn't even know what Lu Ye was going to do. If he asked Lu Ye rashly, he might have violated a taboo. Leaving immediately was the way to go.

After Chongxu left, Lu Ye calmed down, and then he flicked his finger, and five drops of precious blood flew out and transformed into his appearance.

Lu Ye activated the power of the talent tree again and condensed the talent tree clone.

One deity and six clones gather here.

"Work, work!" Lu Ye gave the order, and the six clones swept around and searched carefully.

He did not let go of every meteorite, because he considered that it might be the core of Fangcun Mountain, and if he touched it rashly, he would fall into it. Therefore, Lu Ye used his magic power to attack directly from a distance. Ordinary meteorites would definitely not be able to stop his methods, and they would be directly attacked. Blast into powder.

If there is any meteorite that has not been exploded, it must be suspicious, and it may be what Lu Ye is looking for.

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