Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 164 The fangs are broken?

On the blood-stained arena, Lu Ye raised his eyes and saw the cat demon opposite him, lying down, with one hand pressed to the ground, and the other moved towards his mouth. Both of her hands had a claw, sharp and sharp. Incomparably, she licked the blood on the claw sleeves, a strange light bloomed in her eyes, and she meowed softly, as if provocative.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she could already see Lu Ye's desperation, and saw victory beckoning to herself.

With a smooth figure and sharp claws, what kind of cat is she? She's a cheetah at all.

The figure lying on the ground suddenly ran away, and when it came close, it turned sharply. Lu Ye turned his eyes, saw the side, and when he got up, he stabbed straight!

There was an ear-piercing sound of rubbing, the flames splashed, and the figure of the cat demon appeared, the tip of the knife stuck out against her cheek, and the sharp edge left a small wound on her smooth face, but she was smiling, Because at this moment, she has used her claws to hold Lu Ye's long knife!

Lu Ye wanted to draw the knife, but couldn't draw it back.

The cat demon's other hand immediately swung the claw cover off, and a flash of light flashed on the claw cover.

With a clicking sound, the spiritual weapon long knife that had been with Lu Ye for several months broke, leaving only half of the blade.

This spirit weapon was obtained by him from killing that white monk in Qingyun Mountain. There was only one restriction to strengthen the blade body, which was considered to be the worst quality among spirit weapons. .

But even if the quality is not high, this spiritual weapon long knife can play unimaginable damage in Lu Ye's hands, because he can bless this long knife with sharp spirit patterns.

During this journey, at least fifty or sixty Wanmo Ridge cultivators died under this knife. If you count the wheel battle this time, it has already exceeded a hundred.

Until today, the long knife that accompanied Lu Ye all the way was cut off!

The numerous cultivators in the Haotian League are all indifferent. If the spirit weapon in the cultivator's hand is broken, his strength will inevitably be damaged. Especially for Lu Ye, the reason why he can kill so many sixth-level realms by leaps and bounds is one aspect of his own background. The spiritual weapon is also indispensable.

On the other hand, the Wanmo Ridge side breathed a sigh of relief, especially those strong men on the Lingxi list, all of them were smiling.


Both Haotianmeng and Wanmoling believe that the long knife in Lu Ye's hand is an extremely high-quality spiritual weapon. The fact that the sixth-level monks who fought one by one were cut down without any power to fight back is the best proof , this spirit weapon long knife is Lu Ye's fangs!

Therefore, the Wanmo Ridge side has been trying to find a way to cut this fang. As long as this fang is broken, the Wanmo Ridge side will be invincible. The attack was not because they thought they could beat Lu Ye, but because they were trying to destroy the knife in Lu Ye's hand!

It's a pity that no one has succeeded until now. Until now, the cat demon has lived up to everyone's expectations. With his own swift speed and two claws, he broke the knife that was stained with the blood of the monks of Wanmo Ridge!

With his fangs broken, this Jade Blood Sect disciple named Lu Ye could no longer resist.

The moment the long knife broke, the cat demon rushed towards Lu Ye excitedly, her two bright eyes were full of excitement, she seemed to see a lot of rewards waving to her, and she also saw Lu Ye waving that The broken knife slashed towards him!

Before doing it, she would have to dodge such a knife. After all, she is good at speed, but her own defense is not very good. If Lu Ye cuts her, she will definitely have no good end.

But now she didn't dodge, instead she slammed into Lu Ye's arms, and the claw on her right hand was pulled out towards Lu Ye's heart.


Blood splattered, and the claws of the cat demon pierced Lu Ye's heart, but she froze in place, raised her head, looked at Lu Ye, with a puzzled face: "Why do you..."

Lu Ye kicked out, and kicked the cat demon in front of her into the air. She raised her hand to cover her throat when she was still in the air. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. After struggling for a moment, the look in his eyes quickly faded.

Lu Ye raised his hand to cover his chest, took a deep breath, and sensed that the injury was not serious and did not touch his heart.

At that moment just now, he had the opportunity to urge the guarding spirit pattern to resist, but now his spiritual power is getting less and less, and as he swallows the spiritual pill, the spiritual power is getting more and more obscure, so if he can save spiritual power Under the premise, he will try his best to save his spiritual power, and it doesn't matter if he would rather suffer a little injury for this.

In the silence of the venue, he walked up to the Haotian Union camp with the broken knife in hand, sat down cross-legged, took out the healing powder from the storage bag, and applied it on his chest.

Weiyang looked at him, clenched his fists tightly, resisting the urge to go up and bandage him...

"Idiot!" On the side of Wanmo Ridge, a strong man on the Lingxi list gritted his teeth and cursed. The breaking of Lu Ye's weapon just now was definitely the closest step for the side of Wanmo Ridge to win. There was a great chance to kill Lu Ye, but this guy was so smug that his throat was blocked with a knife, and his death was unknown, it was extremely stupid.

The fortieth battle is over, and the last three battles are left, and the sky is already bright!

However, it doesn't matter anymore, Lu Ye's long knife has been broken, his overall strength must be greatly weakened, and he can be taken down in the last three battles no matter what.

The strong men on the Lingxi List looked at each other and let out a long breath.

Before signing the contract with Li Baxian that day, none of them thought that the situation would develop like this. Everyone thought that no matter how powerful Lu Ye was, he would not be able to survive ten rounds.

But now it's more than ten rounds, it's already forty rounds!

At this moment, they are most grateful for the news provided by Han Zheyue, otherwise those who agreed to him to challenge the cultivation level without knowing it would have killed the forty-three sects. joke.

In front of the arena, the three Wanmo Ridge monks look at me and I look at you. These are the challengers of the last three sects. One of the three is from the Holy Fire Cult. The shape of a flame on the forehead seems to be burning. It is the symbol of their sacred fire, and the other two are disciples from two or three rank sects.

They will be ranked last, which is naturally related to their origins. The sects behind those who played before are not as strong as them, so they are ranked at the front.

The first forty people have paved the throne leading to victory with blood and death, and no matter who goes into battle next, they have a great chance to win the fruits of that victory.

This is not only about generous rewards, but also about their own future, so all three want to play next.

However, after all, the Sacred Fire Cult was only a fourth rank, and it was still inferior to the other two. After hesitating for a while, they took the initiative to take a step back. The meaning was obvious, and they gave up the opportunity to the other two.

"Senior brother Hu Ping, what do you say?" One person spoke, his eyes eager to try.

"Junior Brother Zi'an has given me a problem. If I say I go first, you will definitely disagree, but if I ask you to go first, I'm not happy either." Hu Ping lowered his voice, "At this juncture, it is impossible for us to go first. Decide the outcome."

"Yes, but there must be a priority." Zian nodded.

"How about this, let him choose himself, whoever he chooses will be who he chooses!"

"Is that so...very good!"

After a brief discussion, the two stood in place and waited, each looking at Lu Ye who was adjusting on the ring, as if looking at a dead person.

Approaching the side of the Haotian Union, Lu Ye silently sensed his own state. It was very bad. Even if there was an incense stick of time to recuperate, the spiritual power in his body would not recover much. After such successive battles, he now only has about 30% of his spiritual power left.

Although there were many injuries on his body, there was nothing serious about it. The healing medicinal powder that Huaci prepared for him had excellent curative effect on injuries, but the symptoms of blood loss still made him feel a little top-heavy.

He didn't know how many people he had killed, and he didn't know how many more battles he would have to fight, but he knew that if someone fought, he had to stand up.

This is the path he chose, as he said before, he is not afraid of death, but he does not want to wait for death.

The incense candles on the side were burned out, and it was time for rest.

Lu Ye stood up holding the broken knife, and walked forward step by step.

Weiyang opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it in the end.

She wanted to tell Lu Ye that she only needed to win three more games, but she was afraid that what she said would affect Lu Ye's state. Sometimes knowing the future trend may not be a good thing.

On the top of the Golden Light, there was a huge crowd of people all around. There were already more than 5,000 monks from the two camps gathered here. When Lu Ye was repairing, there were voices of people talking. The scene was chaotic, but when he came out At that time, the whole world was quiet.

Thousands of eyes were fixed on him, and even the monks on the Wanmo Ridge lost the previous contempt and ridicule. Everyone looked at him with serious eyes.

A fifth-level cultivator has fought 40 consecutive battles without a single defeat. Such a proud record is not allowed to be desecrated by anyone, even cultivators from the opposing faction will give him enough respect.

It is foreseeable that for a long time to come, the figure who walks step by step up to the blood-poured arena with a broken knife will be the nightmare of many Wanmo Ridge cultivators.

On the arena, Lu Ye stood still, and the mountain wind howled.

On the other side of Wanmo Ridge, two figures stood out. The next moment, thousands of pairs of sharp eyes from Haotian Union stared at them. Among them, there were many strong men on the Lingxi list, and their murderous intentions began to surge in an instant.

The two Ten Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators almost shrank back in fright. The situation...was terrifying.

That Hu Ping knew something was wrong, so he quickly explained: "It's not about two against one, it's just that fellow Daoist One Leaf chooses an opponent himself."

Zi'an nodded again and again, expressing that they didn't bother to do such a worthless thing as two against one.

Lu Ye raised his broken knife, pointed at Hu Ping, and said calmly, "Then you."

Hu Ping raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although Zian was reluctant, he still retreated.

Hu Ping took a deep breath, and was about to report to Lu Ye, when there was a bump in his ear, and he could see the blood-stained mud on Lu Ye's side, flying like an arrow. He culled towards himself.

Hu Ping was shocked, this guy would report himself every time, why didn't he even give him a chance to say a word this time, what kind of madness is this?

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