Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1495 Auction

After walking around the market, Anzhe was nowhere to be seen where he used to set up a stall. Instead, there was an unknown monk who was selling things that Lu Ye didn't need.

As expected, Anzhe hasn't come back yet.

Lu Ye could only scan for fire-attribute treasures first and spent millions of jade.

It was still early, and I had nowhere to go for the time being. I thought for a moment and continued to wander around the market.

Lu Ye actually prefers to come to this kind of place than to a behemoth like the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, and he can't explain why.

While he was looking around, he heard a small voice echoing in his ears: "Does this fellow Taoist need a spiritual elixir?"

Lu Ye followed the sound and saw a woman sitting in front of a stall, her face slightly red, her lips pursed slightly, as if she mustered up a lot of courage to ask him.

Lu Ye glanced at her and saw a dozen jade bottles placed on the stall in front of her, which should contain various elixirs.

What kind of magic pill does he need? Recently, I have been deliberately suppressing my cultivation and no longer take the initiative to practice. I am afraid that my cultivation will increase too fast and affect my foundation.

I didn't want to pay attention, but after meeting the woman's eyes, I couldn't help but squat down.

There was nothing special about the woman's eyes, but it reminded him of his embarrassment when he first came to Vientiane Island. He could probably tell that this woman's background was not very good, otherwise she would not have set up a stall here to sell elixirs.

This kind of thing is actually not easy to sell in the retail market. After all, it is something that needs to be eaten. Ordinary monks buy spiritual pills directly from the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce or other spiritual island shops. Only in this way can they be guaranteed. Women like this It's hard to win people's trust when selling elixirs here. If you buy a low-quality elixir and swallow it during a fight, it's easy to make a mistake.

There are more than a dozen jade bottles with labels on them, indicating the name of each elixir.

Seeing Lu Ye squatting down, the woman quickly straightened her expression and said, "Brother Dao, you can decide what you want. I have all the common elixirs here."

Lu Ye casually picked up a bottle of Spiritual Recovery Pill. This is the most commonly used elixir for supplementing spiritual power and cultivation among Xingxiu monks. It is in high demand. Basically everyone has a need. It is also the most basic elixir at the Xingxiu level. .

"Are you a medical cultivator?" Lu Ye asked casually, mainly because he felt some familiar aura from the woman's body. It was very gentle, as if he could relax as long as he was around her. Shui Yuan and Hua Ci had such aura. .

Lu Ye also smelled a faint fragrance, which was vaguely floral, but he couldn't tell what kind of flower it was.

"Yes." The woman nodded.

"Then it won't be easy for you either!"

Generally speaking, medical practitioners travel in the starry sky in company with others. After all, relatively speaking, medical practitioners have few means of dealing with dangers and are prone to encountering some crises.

It's not common to be alone like the woman in front of you.

The woman tilted her head and looked at him, obviously not understanding what he meant.

"How to sell it?" Lu Ye asked.

The woman quoted a price.

Lu Ye raised his eyes and looked at her: "Your price is higher than that of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce."

No wonder the woman's stall looked like no one was interested in it. What she was selling was a panacea, but it was expensive. It was strange that someone could buy it.

The woman explained: "The quality of the elixir I refine is very good. If Brother Taoist doesn't believe it, just buy a bottle and you will know."

Lu Ye said: "If the quality is not good after I buy it, can I still ask you to return it?"

The woman's expression became serious: "The quality is absolutely guaranteed. I made it myself, I know it."

You know it's useless! Lu Ye murmured in his heart that the woman's personality was not suitable for doing business here, and she was far worse than An Zhe.

"Let's take them all." Lu Ye put down the jade bottle in his hand.

"Ah?" The woman was stunned for a moment.

"I told you how many elixirs you have, I want them all!" Lu Ye looked at her. It was not easy to be alone. Think about how painful it would be if Second Senior Sister or Hua Ci set up a stall here but no one cared about them.

However, Second Senior Sister and Hua Ci are not ordinary medical practitioners, so there is a high probability that they will not be able to do this.

The woman reacted and was very happy: "Is what Brother Tao said true?" She had set up a stall here for several days and sold only a handful of elixirs. People would not stop when they passed by here. Thinking of this, I want to be rounded up.

"If you think I lied to you, I'll leave now!"

"Don't go, don't go!" the woman said, quickly taking out bottles after bottles of elixirs from her storage ring.

It wasn't until he took more than thirty bottles that he stopped and looked at Lu Ye carefully: "Brother Dao, is it too much?"

"Settlement!" Lu Ye urged.

The woman happily calculated the account, and finally reported a figure to Lu Ye, which was less than three thousand spirit jade, and Lu Ye paid it readily.

After putting away all the elixirs and leaving, the woman continued to thank her.

After walking for a while, he took out a bottle of Spiritual Recovery Pill, threw one directly into his mouth, and then watched the reaction of the talent tree.

The monks nearby did not dare to take the elixir at will, but Lu Ye didn't care. The talent tree was close to him, and even if there was anything wrong with the elixir, it would not cause harm to him.

After a moment, Lu Ye showed a look of surprise. Although the woman had sworn before that the quality of the elixir she refined was better than that sold by the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, there was no basis for such a thing, and even if a monk swallowed these elixirs, Dan, it’s also hard to tell.

But Lu Ye is different. Looking at the changes in the talent tree, you can intuitively see the quality of the elixir.

The more impurities, the worse the quality, and conversely, the better the quality.

Looking at it now, the reaction of the talent tree was very slight. As the woman said, the quality of the elixir she refined was very good.

Lu Ye looked back and saw that the woman had disappeared. She probably left after selling the elixir.

It was a little strange for a moment that with such alchemy skills, a woman could join a certain force and become that force's exclusive alchemist, so she would not have to work hard to set up a stall here.

Even the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce will never reject such talents.

But she would rather work hard to set up a stall by herself than seek refuge with any force. Lu Ye guessed that the woman didn't like to be restrained.

After continuing to wander around the market for a while, Lu Ye headed towards the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

In half a day, the auction will begin, and now is the time for the monks participating in the auction to enter.

The entrance was inside the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce. Many monks were queuing up there waiting to enter, but Lu Ye went directly in the other direction.

There was another entrance over there. When he came here, Lu Ye took out the Dingjiu Token he had received during the capital verification. Someone immediately took it respectfully and led him towards the inside.

Cao Xiang had previously told Duo that during the capital verification, the minimum standard was one hundred thousand spiritual jade. In other words, only one hundred thousand spiritual jade could be qualified to participate in the auction. Of course, if you want to get better treatment, you have to show more Strong capital.

The ten million spiritual jade that Lu Ye showed was indeed treated differently from ordinary monks now.

Under the guidance of the monks from the Chamber of Commerce, they quickly came to a wing and wrote the word Ding Jiu.

The monk from the Chamber of Commerce stood at the door, stretched out his hand and said: "Your honor, please come in. When the auction starts later, if your honor is interested in something, you only need to bid inside. You can see it from the outside. If a customer wins a lot, we will be responsible for delivering it.”

Lu Ye nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Entering the No. 9 wing of Ding, Lu Ye saw a huge transparent mirror at a glance. He didn't know what it was made of. Standing in front of the mirror, he could overlook the entire auction venue and had an excellent view.

Looking to the left and right, there were many wing rooms similar to the one he was in, but from this angle, the mirror of the wing room was filled with mist, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

Lu Ye tried to activate his spiritual thoughts, but was still blocked.

You can be sure that others see the same situation on their side.

The furnishings in the wing are very simple, with only a huge chair and a round table next to it. There are several fruit plates on the table, filled with fresh spiritual fruits. In addition, there is a pot of fine wine.

There was a raised object on the armrest of the chair. Lu Ye sat on the chair and studied it for a while, and then he knew that this object was used to bid at the auction.

At this moment, a large number of monks are entering the auction venue one after another, looking for seats based on the tokens they received previously, and monks from the Chamber of Commerce are guiding them everywhere.

Therefore, although there were many people pouring into the auction venue, there was no confusion at all, and everything was orderly.

The auction started for a while. Lu Ye was sitting on a chair and took a bite of a spiritual fruit. He didn't know what kind of spiritual fruit it was. Anyway, it was very sweet, and the spiritual power contained in it was also good. It could be refined into his own spiritual power. .

By the time Lu Ye had eaten almost all the spiritual fruits here, the entire auction venue was already full of people.

This is the result after the capital verification. You can imagine how heated the scene would have been if the capital verification had not been carried out.

Lu Ye made a rough estimate and found that there were at least three thousand monks participating in the auction this time.

In the vast sea of ​​things, there are still many wealthy monks, and of course, more of them are struggling at the bottom.

At a certain moment, the originally bright auction venue suddenly went dark, and then a beam of light came from nowhere and hit the high platform in the front.

When the light beam lit up, an old man with white hair and beard appeared at that location.

His eyebrows were lowered, his hands were folded in his sleeves, and he stood there loosely, but the powerful aura exuding from his body showed that he was a genuine Yueyao, and he was still in the late Yueyao stage!

The originally noisy auction venue suddenly became silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the old man.

The old man spoke slowly, his voice was not loud, but it rang in everyone's ears: "I, Yu Xiuzhai, am the ninth manager of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce. This auction will be hosted by me."

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