Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1477: The Way of Heaven Is Good for Reincarnation


On the desolate star, Yue-yao, who was chasing after her, looked down coldly, but her expression suddenly changed, because in her perception, the aura of Fa Wuzun disappeared without a trace.

With a flick of his sleeve, the dust in the sky dissipated, and the scene below came into view.

Sure enough, there was no figure of Fa Wuzun, and there was only a thing that looked like a portal standing there.

Was this portal created by Fa Wuzun? What kind of magical method is this? Fa Wuzun has moved his position several times, is it related to this portal? Where does this portal lead to?

The thought in this person's mind changed, and he quickly looked towards the palm of his hand. After a glance, his brows frowned.

Because the golden mark on the palm of the hand is actually rapidly dimming, and it is about to disappear.

The secret technique he used with the help of half a piece of golden rope is extremely powerful. As long as the two parties are in the same space and the distance is not too far, they can use the mark to detect it. At this moment, the mark is disappearing rapidly, which only shows one problem, Fa Wuzun either entered another space, or was far away from him, as far as the distance where the secret technique would fail!

He faintly felt that it was the former possibility, because the portal looked unstable and could not lead to too far away. In other words, Fa Wuzun must have used this portal to hide in another dimension!

Of course, Lu Ye is not in another space. The portal condensed by Qinghai Conch allows him to enter the territory of the Mermaid Clan. Strictly speaking, everyone is still in one space, but because of the barrier of Vientiane Sea and sea water, Haixia and Vientiane are separated. There are two worlds beyond the sea, which leads to the failure of the secret technique.

This person can't help hesitating a bit, in this situation, he has only two choices, chase along the door or wait in place!

Chasing and killing the past is risky, no one knows what is going on at the gate, it is even more unreliable to wait in place, because no one can tell whether Fa Wuzun will come out again, maybe he can leave from another place indefinite.

After a moment of hesitation, the man made a decision, rushed towards the door in a flash, and plunged in.

Fa Wuzun is just a star, but he is Yueyao. Where Fa Wuzun can go, he can go naturally. Even if Fa Wuzun ambushes him on the opposite side, he is confident that he can resolve it!

It was a coincidence to meet Fa Wuzun this time. If you miss this time, it will not be easy to find Fa Wuzun again. As long as you take him down, the Tongqi Lianzhi Formation Plate can be refined in large quantities, which can give him The benefits brought by the forces behind it are unimaginable.

On the other side, Lu Ye appeared in front of the Tianluo Hall in a state of embarrassment, and two mermaids who had been guarding here under the order of Bai Lu immediately came up to meet them. The momentum is booming.

The two mermaids were stunned for a moment, not knowing what Lu Ye was doing, but Lu Ye had already rushed in front of them, grabbed one of them with each hand, threw them into the distance, then turned around, and stared at the door when they came!

Being forced to come here with the help of Qinghai Conch is also a bet that Yueyao will not give up easily. If the other party relies on his strength to chase and kill him, then it is naturally in his mind, but if the other party is a cautious person and does not come after him, then Lu Ye's plan fell through.

The portal doesn't last long. Once the portal disappears, he really has to swim out if he wants to leave here.

The previous experience let Lu Ye know that with his current cultivation base, it is very unreliable to swim out of the Vientiane Sea. Maybe he will meet Yueyao or Rizhao Star Beast on the way, and he will become someone's food. things.

So right now, Lu Ye can only hope that the other party will come after him!

After a short wait, the time seems to be infinitely stretched.

Fortunately, within a short time, the portal suddenly started to vibrate, and Lu Ye must have known that this was a sign that someone was passing through the portal.

As expected, Yue-yao came after her!

He jumped out, and when he came to the gate, he just stood still when he saw Yueyao, who had just chased and killed him, appear. This guy is also a cautious person, and he rushed into an unknown place, and he activated the protection in advance The power lingers around his body, which is the power manifested by some magic weapon. A silver belt is like a silver dragon, winding and flying around his body surface.

Taking advantage of the fact that this person had just appeared in an unknown situation, Lu Ye crazily poured spiritual power into the Panshan knife, and his flesh and blood were vibrating in a regular rhythm. At this moment, there was nothing in his eyes, only That Yueyao who came after her.

The light of the knife rises continuously.

There was a faint sound of the tide, and Yueyao suddenly turned her head to look. In her field of vision, a boundless saber light came, but under her perception, the incoming saber light was not just a saber light, but more like a wave.

This person snorted coldly: "Xingxiu and Yueyao are fundamentally different, even the last resort dares to be presumptuous!"

Raising his hand and pushing lightly, the light of the knife shattered, turning his palm into claws, and grabbed Lu Ye. He thought that he would be able to catch it straight, but who knew that behind the broken light of the knife, there was a denser knife Light.

"Huh?" This person's eyes revealed a look of surprise, it was too late to retreat at this time, and he didn't feel that he needed to retreat when he was facing a star, so he stretched out his big hand and continued to grab it with his spiritual power.

The sound of the tide became more and more fierce, like a tsunami overwhelming the sky, and the waves formed by the light of the knife were layer upon layer and endless.

Ten waves!

Hundred waves!

Thousand Waves!

Ten thousand waves in the tidal sea!

Lu Ye has been comprehending the saber technique in the inheritance of the small knife for a while. Although he has some insights and experience, he still feels that there is something wrong. Until now when he is facing Yueyao, he finally wakes up. The true meaning of the saber in the inheritance is just an appearance , Its unceasing momentum is the true meaning.

There is indeed an essential gap between the power of Xingxiu and Yueyao, just like the difference between a handful of gravel and a rock, once they collide, Xingxiu's power will be easily defeated.

But one layer of power can't stop it, what about ten layers? What about hundreds of layers and thousands of layers?

The sword technique in the Xiaodao inheritance may not be so profound and complicated, but this sword technique seems to be specially used to defeat the strong with the weak, especially suitable for Xingxiu's confrontation with Yueyao, which is exactly the situation Lu Ye needs to face at this moment.

That Yueyao stretched out her big hand, and layers of saber light continued to shatter.

It seemed to have no effect, but in Lu Ye's perception, the power from the opponent's protruding hand continued to attenuate in the process of the saber light shattering!

In other words, the sea of ​​tides and waves did weaken the power of his blow, and even the protective power of the opponent's arms became somewhat dimmed.

If the opponent hadn't activated the power of the protective magic weapon in advance, this move would definitely make the opponent suffer a small loss.

However, the difference in strength between the two is not small after all. In just an instant, Lu Ye's continuous sword light was broken, and the opponent's hand pressed on Lu Ye's chest, and mana burst out!

Even if Lu Ye saw that the situation was not good and urged the protection of the holy guard's spirit pattern, it was broken directly.

His chest sank, and Lu Ye felt his heartbeat stop for an instant. He flew out and hit the wall of the Tianluo Temple behind him heavily. His throat was sweet, and the smell of blood filled his mouth.

Secretly horrified, Yue-yao is worthy of being Yue-yao, and it is still in the middle stage, this strength is indeed not something that he can compete with right now.

He was terrified, and the Yueyao who came after him was even more surprised, because he had never seen Xingxiu who could block a move under his hands.

With this strength alone, when the Xingxiu Hall was opened, it was absolutely no problem to win the first place, but for some reason, Fa Wuzun disappeared after the chaos.

Suddenly there was a strange movement, followed by a cold voice: "Who dares to act presumptuously in my conch palace!"

Hearing this voice, Lu Ye was overjoyed.

When he first appeared, he frenziedly stimulated his spiritual power, and made a bang, in order to alarm the strong men of the mermaid clan. Now it seems that the plan has succeeded.

The Great Elder Yan Miao came, and in his perception, powerful auras belonging to Yue-Yao were coming here from all directions.

Although the Mermaid Clan doesn't have any Rizhao powerhouses in town, there are still a few Yueyaos. At least Lu Ye knows that the five elders are all from the Yueyao realm. As for the other Yueyaos, Lu Ye doesn't know. But I guess there is.

In the mid-Yueyao period, if they went to the Huangluo Palace of the Mermaid Clan to play wild, what good could they end up doing?

The Great Elder spoke in the mermaid language, and Lu Ye could resonate with it, but Brother Yueyao couldn't, so naturally he couldn't understand what Yan Miao was shouting.

But he is not stupid, he sensed many Yueyao's auras, and immediately knew something was wrong, finally he knew why Fa Wuzun came here, it turned out that there was someone here to protect him!

It is no longer realistic to think about capturing Wuzun, this monk Yueyao made a decisive decision and wanted to return from the gate.

At the same time, Lu Ye, who had slipped from the wall of the Tianluo Temple, was rushing towards this side frantically. The portal has not disappeared. If the enemy retreats, it will be difficult to kill him. If you track down your whereabouts, you will have no peace in the days to come.

He didn't know that when he entered this place with the help of Qinghai Conch, the secret technique of others had already failed.

Lu Ye has only one thought now, no matter what, he must prevent this person from leaving.

But the house is right next to the gate, and it will take time for him to rush over, so how can there be time? What's more, even if they really rushed over, the gap in strength between each other is also here, and Lu Ye may not be able to stop them.

When the enemy was about to leave, the cyan portal was shaking again.

Lu Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that someone had come over again.

I don't know who it is, maybe someone passed by nearby, saw the portal he left on the deserted star, and ran in out of curiosity to take a look?

But the next moment he knew he was wrong.

It wasn't someone else who came in from the portal, it was actually a ghost. When he appeared, this guy looked like he was looking around and sneaking around, and even hid his figure for the first time!

Lu Ye almost didn't laugh, this is good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

It was because of the ghost that I suffered such an indiscriminate disaster. This woman, who was clearly being hunted down, actually asked me to meet up, and even wanted to bring trouble to the east.

As a result, she actually broke into the dragon's pool and tiger's den by herself!

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