Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1460 Qinghai Snail

Half a day later, the group arrived at the Xingxiu Palace.

Upon entering the hall, Lu Ye saw at a glance that at least a hundred male mermaids had gathered here. These were obviously the manpower that Yan Miao had sent here before.

Seeing Yan Miao's arrival, one of the male mermaids stepped forward and reported to Yan Miao respectfully. After Yan Miao listened, he said something else.

Then he looked at Lu Ye: "My little friend, let's go out and have a look together."

"Okay." Lu Ye naturally had no objection. He also wanted to understand why Yan Miao said that these mermaids could not get close to the outside of the temple.

Soon, a large group of mermaids left the Xingxiu Palace and came outside.

Under Yan Miao's instructions, these mermaids rushed towards Xingxiu Palace in all directions, but Lu Ye could see clearly that no matter which mermaid they were, the closer they were to Xingxiu Palace, the harder their journey would be. It was as if the entire Xingxiu Palace was filled with a wave of An invisible force field is preventing the mermaids from approaching.

Almost all the mermaids stopped only three feet away from the Xingxiu Palace, with hard expressions on their faces, fighting against the invisible force.

This is strange. Lu Ye has been weeding here before, but he has never encountered such a thing.

You can't say that there have been any changes in Xingxiu Palace in the past few days since you left, right? If so, that would be troublesome.

With this thought in mind, he quickly flew forward, and under the surprised gazes of a group of mermaids, he easily clung to the wall of the Xingxiu Palace without any hindrance.

I tried to remove the seaweed on the walls of the palace, but there was no problem at all.

Upon seeing this, Yan Miao also rushed over, but like the other mermaids, she couldn't get close to the Xingxiu Palace.

After a while, Lu Ye and Yan Miao returned to the Xingxiu Palace again. Yan Miao expressed her feelings: "My friend, the temple seems to be resisting our approach. I feel that if we forcefully approach, it may cause some unforeseen events." Predicted consequences.”

But they were able to enter the Xingxiu Palace directly.

"I understand." Lu Ye nodded, "Great Elder, please take the noble clan members back. I can handle matters here myself."

"Sorry." Yan Miao looked apologetic, "My clan can't help with this matter. I originally promised you..."

"It's not your fault." Lu Ye suspected that Xingxiu Palace was just torturing him, otherwise it would have no reason to resist the mermaid clan's approach, but he could easily get close to them.

So I can't blame others for this. Yan Miao mobilized hundreds of tribesmen to help at one time, which was already a great sign of sincerity.

Yan Miao left with the mermaids. Before leaving, she told Lu Ye that if he got bored staying here, he could go to the mermaid clan's territory. The door of the mermaid clan would be open to him at any time.

After they left, Lu Ye continued to weed with anger on his face.

I originally thought that with the help of the mermaid clan, I might be able to finish the work here early and rush back to participate in the battle to determine the rankings, but now it seems that this idea is in vain, and I can only do the work here myself.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Lu Ye was weeding while his spiritual thoughts surged.

Xingxiu Palace has its own will, and Lu Ye was sure that it could hear his words. But what made Lu Ye feel helpless was that in the face of his inquiry, Xingxiu Palace had no response at all.

Lu Ye thought about it and found that he had nothing to offend the Xingxiu Palace. Since the Xingxiu Palace opened, he has participated in various battles normally like other monks. How come he was captured by it and used as a coolie?

He is only worried about one thing now, whether the fire treasures he has stored are enough, because under the Vientiane Sea, the fuel consumption of the talent tree is too serious.

Moreover, it was impossible to weed quickly in such an environment, and since there was no way to leave, Lu Ye could only work hard without complaining.

After thinking about it, if he really had to, he could only ask Yan Miao to escort him for a while to see if he could swim directly out of the Wanxiang Sea. Yan Miao had a conch in his hand that could expel the Yueyao star, as long as he didn't encounter the Rizhao star along the way. Beasts are basically not very dangerous.

Weed, rest, and then let the talent tree devour the power of the fire treasure to replenish the consumed fuel.

Lu Ye's life was boring and monotonous.

After a few days, Lu Ye, who was replenishing the talent tree fuel in the hall, suddenly remembered something and quickly took it out.

It was a conch, only the size of a baby's fist, with a green color overall. It was exactly what he brought out from the Tianluo Palace.

When he brought it out before, he saw Yan Miao and other mermaids waiting outside Tianluo Palace at a glance. Lu Ye put it away without having time to examine it carefully, so before that, he didn't know whether he had What was brought out of Tianluo Palace?

Looking at it at this moment, Lu Ye suddenly discovered that the conch was exactly the same as the one in Yan Miao's hand, except for the different color.

My spirit was shaken!

Could this thing have the same effect as the one in Yan Miao's hand? If so, then there is hope for him to leave here.

Lu Ye finally understood where the conch in Yan Miao's hand came from. She obviously got a reward from Tianluo Palace, but his was a golden conch, while his was a green conch.

From this point of view, the countless fluorescent lights of different colors in the Tianluo Palace represent conchs. If the monks who enter it pass the test, they can take away one as a reward.

After playing with it for a while, he put the conch to his mouth and blew it gently.

A low voice came out, but it was just a simple voice and did not contain any magical power.

Lu Ye thought for a moment, then urged spiritual power to pour into the conch and started blowing it.

At this moment, a wonderful power emerged.

Lu Ye clearly saw that the tip of the conch's butt began to flash with cyan light, and as his spiritual energy poured into it, the cyan light became brighter and brighter.

He knew clearly that his green conch was probably different from Yan Miao's golden conch. It did not have the power to expel the Yueyao star beast. As for what power it possessed, it was not yet known.

After a while, when the sharp light of the conch reached an extreme level, the blue light suddenly shot out and settled not far in front of Lu Ye. Then the green light spread out, like a splash of green ink, covering the air. The space in front of him was dyed cyan.

Lu Ye looked at the scene in front of him with a strange expression, because the position stained by cyan looked like a portal leading to an unknown place...

However, in Lu Ye's opinion, this portal is not stable enough. If it is forcibly passed through, it will inevitably cause some unpredictable dangers.

He could only continue to puff out his cheeks and blow, while constantly urging spiritual power to pour into the conch.

The cyan color became more solid, and the portal stabilized at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It wasn't until dozens of breaths later that Lu Ye stopped and stared blankly ahead.

It was indeed a portal. The cyan light was rotating, and there was a vortex in the middle. Lu Ye tried to feel the atmosphere inside, but found nothing.

There is only one question now, where does this portal... lead to?

Lu Ye had a bold guess in his mind.

After hesitating for a while, he still stepped into it. If he wanted to verify his conjecture, he could only check it out for himself. However, before stepping in, Lu Ye had already held down the Panshan Sword at his waist, and was ready with all his spiritual power. Send, always ready for emergencies.

His body froze slightly, as if some kind of membrane had been penetrated. His vision blurred, and Lu Ye realized that he was no longer in the Xingxiu Palace.

Turning around and looking around, he looked familiar.

Looking back, it was exactly as I thought. The door leading to this door was the gate of Tianluo Palace!

Lu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just a few days after leaving the mermaid's territory, he actually ran back again.

If he had known this, he would have tried the effect of the green sea snail before leaving to avoid wasting time.

The voice of a mermaid came from not far away. Lu Ye scratched his head, feeling a little guilty.

The last time I came here, I was invited by someone, but this time I came uninvited, which seemed a little bad.

But having said that, Yan Miao said before leaving Xingxiu Palace that he would come here when he was bored. The door of the mermaid clan was always open for him, so it didn't seem to matter if he came in uninvited.

And if Qinghai Snail has such a strange effect, he really has to say hello to the mermaid, otherwise he will appear here mysteriously, and you may not know what others will think.

Turning his head and looking at the place where he came from, there was a portal similar to that of Xingxiu Palace, which had not disappeared. Lu Ye felt that he could return to Xingxiu Palace through this portal.

Could it be that he opened up a void passage from the Xingxiu Palace to this place? Does the Qinghai snail have such strange power?

Two mermaids came into view. They seemed to be passing by. They were stunned when they saw Lu Ye, but they quickly realized and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

When Lu Ye came here before, Bai Lu took him around and saw many mermaids, so even if the mermaids here had not seen Lu Ye in person, they knew that there was a distinguished human guest in their clan.

After thinking about it, Lu Ye said, "Can you call Bai Lu for me?"

Of course the mermaids didn't understand. The two mermaids looked at him in confusion and replied a sentence that Lu Ye couldn't understand either.

It's a pity that both mermaids are male, otherwise they could use the enlightenment spell on him to facilitate communication with each other.

Fortunately, they are not stupid. They can't communicate by themselves, so they know how to find someone who can communicate. One of them stayed, and the other left in a hurry, obviously looking for elders such as Bai Lu or Yan Miao to come over.

Lu Ye waited quietly, but after a moment, he realized something was wrong. The portal in front of him seemed to be unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

Lu Ye looked at the door, hesitated for a moment, and quickly said to the merman who stayed behind: "When Bai Lu comes, tell her, and I'll come back and explain the situation to her."

Regardless of whether people understood it or not, he said this and rushed into the portal again. He had to quickly verify his thoughts while the portal was still maintained.

The feeling of breaking through the membrane appeared again, and his vision blurred again. Lu Ye found that he had indeed returned to the Xingxiu Palace.

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