Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1444: Miserable Victory

The withered bone general in this hall was pierced through the frame of his left eye by a magic weapon. He was just a Yueyao with a discounted strength. Before that, he was injured by the sword storm that he used, and his strength has improved to a certain extent. Weakness, now urging this strange fire, has consumed him a lot.

After these repeated losses, even if General Withered Bones still has Yueyao's foundation, he might not be able to display much strength.

On the other hand, the three of them were always linked together, and the formation was unbreakable. Although Lu Ye was fighting against General Withered Bones alone, he was actually borrowing the strength of the other two all the time, and he was not really single-handed.

The sound of bang bang bang was heard continuously, and the collision of the Panshan knife and the giant sword was deafening every time, and the flames splashed everywhere. There was obviously a huge gap between the two sides in the confrontation, but the strength of each other was not so different .

When Lu Ye was entangled with General Withered Bones, Park Ke and Ghost were not idle. Park Ke still flicked his fishing line and used all kinds of strange means to support. Ghost didn't have so much work, just like Lu Ye, Killing to the side of General Withered Bones, his figure is erratic like a ghost, and every time he appears, he can absorb a large part of General Withered Bones' energy.

The will-o'-the-wisps are floating around, and under the control of the general withered bones, they gather from time to time, trying to cause trouble for the three of them, but every time this happens, Lu Ye will take the initiative to bump into those will-o'-the-wisps, and use the power of the talent tree to absorb and devour them .

After a moment of fighting, Lu Ye said through voice transmission, and suddenly withdrew and retreated. He needs to take it easy!

The most powerful enemy I have encountered so far, except for Qin Yuandai, is this bone general, but when killing Qin Yuandai, Lu Ye used the power of the red talisman, and did not feel Qin Yuandai's resistance at all, and did not even know What is her strength?

But the withered bone general in front of him is a real opponent, whose strength exceeds his own, but not enough to make him feel desperate.

For a soldier, such an opponent is the most suitable and satisfying opponent.

Fighting close to such a powerful enemy is also the best way to hone yourself.

Lu Ye was full of fighting spirit and excited, but after such a long collision, his right hand holding the knife couldn't stop shaking, and his arm was covered with blood and flesh, which was a sign of broken flesh and blood.

Fortunately, he is now in the middle stage of the constellation, and the essence of flesh and blood has been tempered to the extreme, so he only needs to slow down for a while to recover.

He withdrew and retreated, and only Park Ke and the ghost were left to entangle the general with the bones. Park Ke was better, standing far away all the time, using his own weird methods, and the ghost was miserable. She didn't seem to be strenuous when it was her turn, but every step of the way was startling when it was her turn, making her feel like she had stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, and was in danger of falling at any time.

This is not only because of the gap between her strength and Lu Ye's, but also because her faction of ghost cultivators is not suitable for such a head-on confrontation with others. Those who are suitable for her have always been sneaky and sneaky.

I couldn't help shouting: "The law has no respect, help me!"

Called a few times, but Fa Wuzun didn't respond, just stood and stared at her from a distance as if watching a play. Changing the subject, he shouted: "Father, help me!"

It's a matter of life and death, it doesn't matter what is shameless...

The corners of Park Ke's eyes twitched, he only hated himself for having such a shameless friend, secretly decided that after this time, he would cut off his righteousness with her and never have any contact with her.

Lu Ye killed again, not because the ghost called his father, but if he didn't fight again, the ghost would really be in danger.

A three-person formation, even if one person is missing, may lead to the loss of this battle. It has already been formed like this, how can he allow this to happen?

The main force of the confrontation was replaced by Lu Ye, and Ghost finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly stepped aside to take a rest. The fierce battle was fierce, but the balance of victory was slowly tilting towards the team of three, because with the passage of time, there were more and more cracks in the bones of General Withered Bones, and Lu Ye, who was confronting him head-on, felt It is particularly obvious that the strength of General Withered Bones is slowly declining!

Until a certain moment, as Lu Ye slashed out with a knife, the general withered bones failed to resist in time, and one of his leg bones broke in response!

The tall figure suddenly tilted and nearly fell to the ground. Although he barely stabilized his figure, he fell into a disadvantage in the confrontation with Lu Ye.

The fracture of a leg bone was a trigger, which directly led to the defeat of General Withered Bones.

Not long after the first leg bone was broken, Lu Ye saw the opportunity and cut off his other leg bone, followed by the right arm holding the sword!

So far, General Withered Bones has little room to resist, and has completely become a fish on the chopping board.

He was obviously full of unwillingness, the will-o'-the-wisp in the frame of his right eye was beating fiercely, and the will-o'-the-wisp floating in the hall suddenly jumped violently.

The breath of danger began to fluctuate.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Ye was about to withdraw, but the boneless general, who was missing two legs and one arm, entangled him tightly.

In the next moment, the will-o'-the-wisps floating in the hall quickly gathered towards this side, and the aura from the will-o'-the-wisps became more irritable and dangerous.

Lu Ye wanted to create a teleportation of the void spirit patterns, but he had done this several times before, and the general withered bones had obviously noticed the clues. At this moment, a ball of will-o'-the-wisp fell on the imperial weapon he left in advance. Under the burning of the will-o'-the-wisp, he The spiritual power remaining in the imperial weapon was instantly emptied.

Without the spiritual power stored in the imperial weapon, it is impossible to construct the void spirit pattern and use it to move itself. In a hurry, Lu Ye fixed his figure and frantically constructed the holy guard pattern to protect his body.

Groups of will-o'-the-wisps drifted over, and then burst open.

The sound of bang bang bang was endless, and the flames shot up into the sky, and the figures of Lu Ye and General Withered Bone disappeared.

Park Ke and Ghost watched nervously, and at the same time used the connection of each other's qi to investigate Lu Ye's life and death. Although they had not had much contact with Fa Wuzun before, this was a tough battle for life and death.

It is easy for the monks to forge a deep friendship in such a battle, and the mutual trust and fetters are slowly born in this way.

Although today's battle is a three-person formation, the main force is undoubtedly Fa Wuzun. It is impossible to achieve this level even if he is the one who ranks first in the current accumulation list.

Specter originally invited Fa Wuzun just to borrow the power of his array, but after this battle she realized that inviting Fa Wuzun was the wisest and only winning choice.

Now that victory is in sight, if Fa Wuzun dies, neither she nor Park Ke can accept it. Fortunately, they can always feel the aura of Fawuzun...

The berserk power subsided gradually, and there was a figure standing upright in the place covered by the fire, with a disheveled face, who was it?

In front of him, there was a pile of broken bones, which obviously belonged to the general withered bones, only the skull was still intact, and the will-o'-the-wisp around his right eye was still completely extinguished, but it had become extremely dim.

When Pu Ke and the ghost looked over, they happened to see the scene where the will-o'-the-wisp slowly faded away. Lu Ye raised his foot and stepped on it, and with a click, the skull that was still intact was shattered. He fell to the ground and took out the healing Dan Sai into his mouth.

Although the power of the talent tree can isolate the erosion of those cold will-o'-the-wisps, the impact of the final burst cannot be isolated. He hastily constructed more than a dozen layers of holy guard patterns as protection, but they were all broken, and he was also affected. Not a minor injury.

At this moment, his body was covered in blood and flesh, his broken clothes stuck to the flesh and blood, and his internal organs were somewhat displaced.

Park Ke collected his fishing rod, rushed over with the ghost to check his situation, and was relieved to make sure that he was fine.

Suddenly, a mysterious light descended from the sky, which was extremely huge.

If you win in such an exclusive scene, you can also get Xuanguang rewards and accumulation points, and the rewards you get are more generous than ordinary scenes.

If it weren't for this, Specter wouldn't bother to bring in a helper. If it was just a short-blade treasure, she wouldn't have to spend so much effort, especially if she judged that the short-blade was just a spirit treasure.

The three of them occupied a corner of the main hall, and began to refine Xuanguang, and at the same time cultivated and healed their injuries.

If he was alone, Lu Ye would naturally refine this mysterious light very quickly, but now that Park Ke and the ghost are around, it is not easy to reveal the secret of his rapid refining speed, so he can only refine it according to the normal practice efficiency.

Three days passed suddenly, and Lu Ye found that the ghost had finished refining and was cleaning the battlefield.

She picked up the short blade around the left eye of General Withered Bones, and she smiled for a while, then she looked at the giant sword of General Withered Bones again and put it down after a while, then she began to search in the hall again stand up.

As a qualified ghost cultivator, treasure hunting is a natural instinct, especially for a poor ghost like her, even if there is a piece of spiritual jade in this hall, she can search it out.

Another hour later, Lu Ye and Pu Ke completed refining successively. The three reunited.

Holding the short blade in his hand, the ghost coughed lightly: "I'll take this thing, it's useless if you take it, I won't divide other things!"

The main reason is that her intelligence was wrong, which put the three of them almost in a desperate situation, so she took the initiative to share some benefits.

Then she pointed to the huge sword on the ground: "This magic weapon will be given to Fa Wuzun. He has contributed a lot and deserves more."

Park Ke nodded, expressing that he had no objection.

Lu Ye was also polite, and put the giant sword into his storage ring. This thing is a magic weapon. Although he can't use it, he can at least sell it.

Of course, he does not lack spirit jade now, so it is very likely that he was swallowed by the sword gourd. He wanted to know what kind of power the sword energy that was born after the sword gourd swallowed the magic weapon would have.

Finally, the ghost pointed to the two piles of storage rings in front of him: "You can choose one of these two piles. Whether it is good or bad depends on your own luck!"

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