Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1435 Get rich overnight

If someone wanted to harm him, Lu Ye would naturally not be polite to him. If it weren't for the fact that the Xingxiu Palace couldn't fight with others, he would have drawn his blood three feet away!

The human monk didn't know which galaxy's chamber of commerce was in charge. He wanted to be stubborn, but under Lu Ye's indifferent gaze, he still admitted that he was wrong. Some things he did secretly were not discovered by others. Now that he was discovered No wonder Fa Wuzun didn't sell array disks to him.

You Ran looked worried, and snorted coldly...

Regarding casualties, Jiuxingzong is also counting them.

Cao Ye looked at Dong Shuye sadly: "Senior brother, our side has suffered a lot of casualties. Nearly sixty people have been killed since the start of the war."

Dong Shuye was startled: "Why are there so many?" Even if the Nine Star Sect is not a Taoist opponent, it would not be such a big loss in a few days. Cao Ye said: "It's not the good thing that Guoshanhu did. Every time when the two sides fight each other, he suddenly kills, and many disciples died because of him." "This bastard!" Dong Shuye was furious, his face was gloomy For a while: "Where are the fifth-level realms in the sect?"

"They're all being watched by the other party's people." Cao Ye felt a little helpless, the two sects could only deploy a few fifth-level realms, and everyone knew each other's details, so they were easy to be targeted.

"Brother, do you want me to make a move...

Dong Shuye shook his head: "No, if you make a move, Wang Yan will definitely not sit back and watch. Can you deal with that lowly maid?" The lowly maid he was talking about was Xiao Zhu. Cao Ye had a headache and said, "I can't beat me, but she can't kill me either." Although the lowly maid came from a humble background, she was really good in strength, and I don't know what kind of shit luck Wang Hao had, and all the maids around her grew up to be like this degree.

"What's going on with Luo Ji?" Dong Shuye asked.

Speaking of Luo Ji, Cao Ye's head hurt even more: "That guy didn't take this declaration of war seriously at all, and he didn't know where he went, and he didn't reply to the summons."

"He's from Wuya Island, so of course he doesn't take our declaration of war seriously." Dong Shuye gritted his teeth with a gloomy expression on his face, "Didn't he want the purple clothes? Tell him, as long as he takes that mountain tiger Bring the head here, and I'll give him the purple clothes!"

"Brother!" Cao Ye looked at Dong Shuye in shock.

"Go!" Dong Shuye said in a low voice.

"Yes!" Cao Ye took the order and left with an aggrieved face. When he walked out of the hall, he turned his head and glanced at the purple-clothed girl who was squatting in front of a bush, sniffing the fragrance of flowers. 14

Chu Tian quickly received the message. He thought it was a reply from Senior Brother Wang Yan, but after investigating, he discovered that it was a message from someone he had never contacted before. The message is very simple, only two words.

"Chu Tian?"

Chu Tian was confused, but soon he understood who was summoning him. In the record of his battlefield imprint, there was only one person who had never contacted him, and Dang even replied with a message: " It's me, Junior Brother Yiye, what's the matter?"

"Nothing!" The other side replied immediately.

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth twitched, what message did he send? To his surprise, he thought that Guo Shanhu had something important to ask him, thought for a while, and sent another message: "If Junior Brother Yiye has something to do, it's okay, I, Chutian, have nothing to say if I can help. "

Nowhere, no response!

On the other side, Lu Ye hid in the tunnel, sensing his own battlefield imprint, with an inexplicable expression and a strange mood.

Is this the first friend in his address book?

He really didn't understand what was going on in this world. Ever since he entered the Lingxi battlefield, strange things happened one after another.

Fortunately, after his investigation, contacting Chutian would not reveal his real name, but it made him feel relieved.

Ignoring Chutian's reply, Lu Ye swallowed the elixir to restore himself.

This time the battle was not expensive, so it took only half a day to fully recover, but he didn't stop there, but continued to take the elixir to hit the barrier of a certain spiritual orifice.

Now he has cultivated at the third level of Lingxi, but he has already opened up to twenty-eight.

The extra spiritual aperture is the one recorded in the Taotie meal exercise.

He has practiced the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue to perfection, and he has no more advanced skills in his hands, so he has no way to improve his cultivation, so he moved his mind and practiced that gluttonous meal.

He bought this skill with three spirit stones, and it contains fifteen spiritual orifices, most of which coincide with the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue, only two of which are not in the system of the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue.

In the mind that idleness is idleness, Lu Ye has been thinking about this gluttonous meal since the past few days, and now he has successfully opened one aperture, as long as he opens another aperture, he can get a glimpse of the true face of this practice.

According to Na Sanxiu who sold his exercises, this exercise can double the efficiency of practice, but Lu Ye can be sure that he has been deceived. There is no such heaven-defying exercise in this world. Will be sold at will.

In any case, the two extra spiritual apertures are real. He opened two more spiritual apertures now, and he can open two fewer spiritual apertures when he practices more advanced exercises in the future.

Lu Ye practiced this exercise with the intention that he would not suffer no matter what.

The spiritual power surged, and he rushed towards the spiritual orifice to avoid obstacles again and again. Compared with when he first started practicing, it is much easier to hit the spiritual orifice barrier now, because he has enough spiritual power in his body.

During the impact, the barrier of the spiritual orifice kept loosening, and there was a sour feeling from the spiritual orifice. After about an hour, Lu Ye felt that the barrier of the spiritual orifice shattered.

The next thing is simple. If you want to operate a set of exercises, you must let your spiritual power flow according to the exercise route of that exercise. Most of them overlap, so if he wants to operate the Taotie meal, he must first interrupt the operation of the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue. The third small week does not need to be interrupted, because the nine spirit apertures are not in the operation of the Taotie meal. on route.

Lu Ye had never done such a thing as interrupting the operation of his own spiritual power before, but after trying it a little, he found that it was actually a very simple thing. The small Zhoutian circulation system is originally produced by the rapid flow of spiritual power from the nine spiritual orifices. As long as the rushing spiritual power is stabilized, the flowing spiritual power will return to quietness in the spiritual orifices again.

Lu Ye tried to let the spiritual power flow again, and in just a short moment, it returned to its original state.

Now he felt more confident, and he was much more confident and bold.

Once again calming down the flow of the spiritual power of the first two small celestial systems in his body, after all the spiritual power was absorbed into the spiritual apertures, he began to follow the Taotie meal's exercise route, allowing the spiritual power to pass through the fifteen spiritual apertures in turn.

One cycle, two cycles... Gradually, the speed of the spiritual power flow became faster and faster, until it operated on its own without Lu Ye's urging.

Lu Ye suddenly felt a strange feeling, that is, his abdomen seemed to start to squirm violently

His heart fluttered, and he quickly took out a panacea and swallowed it.

In the next moment, the peristalsis of the abdomen became more obvious, and the whole lower abdomen seemed to turn into a millstone. Under the grinding of the millstone, the elixir swallowed by him quickly released the pill power and transformed into spiritual power.

Lu Ye opened his eyes suddenly, with a shocked expression on his face.

He suddenly discovered that the guy named Chen He who sold him this exercise didn't seem to be lying! This gluttonous meal can really double the efficiency of practice!

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