Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1281 The Ninth Layer of the Divine Sea

In such a practice and derivation of spirit patterns, Lu Ye completely lost the perception of the passage of time, and his head was full of various combinations of yin and yang duality.

Even the use of the golden spiritual stick was completely forgotten.

But the practice has not stopped.

I don't know how long this state lasted, until Lu Ye suddenly felt that his spiritual power was surging much faster than usual, and at the same time, it seemed that there was a kind of shackle in the invisible that had been broken, and then he came back to his senses.

The whole body's Qi machine was boiling, spiritual power and Qi and blood surged together, and the invisible gas field suddenly spread outward, and the whole person felt an indescribable comfort from the inside to the outside.

The ninth level of the Divine Sea!

This has been the bottleneck that has plagued countless generations of monks in Kyushu, and it is also the highest height that monks in Kyushu have reached for thousands of years. Generations of monks have been struggling so far and have stopped. I don’t know how many heroes have chosen the way of closing the door to seek a breakthrough. opportunity.

But it ended in failure after all. Before this generation, no one knew that the cultivation level of a monk would be related to the level of the world in this realm. The level of the world is not enough. It is impossible to see the dawn of a breakthrough.

Compared with the predecessors of Kyushu in the past, this generation of monks is extremely lucky, just in time for the improvement of the world level of Kyushu, this generation and future elite monks no longer have to worry about being stuck in Shenhai.

But this is an opportunity, and there are also risks. Connecting with the starry sky, Kyushu will no longer be able to survive in silence as before. Perhaps one day, Kyushu will usher in new enemies and new crises. This requires the current Kyushu monks They practice hard, and only by continuously improving their own strength can they be qualified to protect their homeland and homeland in possible future crises.

For a monk like Lu Ye, the ninth level of the Divine Sea is just another new one, one that looks into the starry sky. Only with this level of cultivation can it be possible to enter the starry sky, just a possibility.

Although so far, there is no precedent for Shenhai Ninth-Layer Realm promotion to XingXiu, but that is because the monks who have been promoted to XingXiu in Kyushu now have accumulated a lot of time in the Ninth-Layer Boundary. The success rate is naturally extremely high.

Furthermore, in the previous environment of Kyushu, those who could cultivate to the ninth level of the Divine Sea were all talented people. What such elite monks lacked was just a chance to take off. The improvement of Kyushu's world level gave With such an opportunity for them, they can take advantage of the trend.

But Shenhai Jinxingxiu, after all, is a promotion of a big realm, and it is impossible to say that it is 100% successful. Just like before, every time you advance to a big realm in practice, there is a risk of failure. The promotion before the real lake realm is not bad. , As long as the accumulation is enough, the success rate is not low, but the promotion of Zhenhu to Shenhai has stumped a large number of monks.

It is foreseeable that with the changes in the cultivation environment in Kyushu in the future, it will become easier for monks to advance to Shenhai, but correspondingly, there will inevitably be failures in Shenhai's promotion to Xingxiu.

Ordinary monks would not feel too much about being promoted from the eighth level of Shenhai to the ninth level. It is nothing more than the improvement of their own background and their strength.

But on Lu Ye's side, after being promoted to the ninth level, he could clearly feel a mysterious force in his body starting to play a role, nourishing every inch of his flesh and blood at an extremely gentle speed, making his flesh and blood glow With stronger vitality, it even made him feel warm and comfortable.

After a little perception, Lu Ye knew what kind of power was at work.

It is the reward after the Absolute Beginning Realm won the top spot! This power has been hidden in his flesh and blood before. Lu Ye thought that this power would start to work when he was promoted to XingXiu, but he never thought that it would already start now. This is undoubtedly better, because it takes a period of time to accumulate from the ninth level of the Divine Sea to the stars. During this period of time, the subtle influence of this mysterious force will definitely be able to play its due role better.

He realized that when this gentle force completely merged into his own flesh and blood, it was the best time for him to be promoted to the stars! This process may take a while.

Turning his head, he looked at Xiao Jiu who looked like a rabbit beside him: "Thank you!"

During this period of time, he was immersed in the process of deriving the spirit pattern, and he completely forgot to crush the golden spirit stick to maintain his practice, but his practice has not been interrupted. The main reason is that Xiao Jiu ran over at some point, When the golden stick's time limit is approaching, it will crush a new golden stick for Lu Ye, allowing him to maintain his cultivation state.

If not, Lu Ye's practice would probably not be affected too much, but it would undoubtedly be very troublesome to be interrupted in the process of deduction.

Xiao Jiu opened his eyelids and glanced at him, without saying a word, with a proud look of what would you do without me.

Lu Ye got up, stepped outside the bamboo building, and slowly pulled out the Panshan knife from his waist.

While thinking about it, the sharp spirit pattern on the Panshan knife is blessed!

But this time the blessing is not the original Fengrui Spiritual Rune, but a recent derivation.

After such a long period of deduction, there are still some results after all.

At the moment when the new sharp spirit pattern was blessed, a faint light flashed on the pitch-black Panshan knife, and there was a faint feeling of extra sharpness.

Lu Ye swung his saber and began to dance slowly, just like the scene when he practiced the saber when his cultivation base was low, every movement was meticulous.

On the front of the green bamboo, when the figure was moving, the sound of the long knife piercing the air was continuous. It was not until a long time later that Lu Ye slowly withdrew his knife, frowning.

Although he didn't have the opportunity to have a real battle with any strong enemy to test the results of his deduction during this period, Lu Ye could still feel that the new sharp spirit pattern deduced this time was not satisfactory.

In comparison, the new spirit pattern is indeed better than the original Fengrui spirit pattern, but it has not reached the expected level!

Not to mention comparing it with Lu Yingying's blessings.

Such a spirit pattern, in a real life-and-death fight, can only bring him a limited improvement. If he has reached the level of the Constellation Realm, it may take a lot of effort to count on such results to kill the enemy.

Sure enough, deriving new spirit patterns is not so easy.

The Void Spirit Pattern could be deduced smoothly before, it was because Lu Ye had learned the complete Void Spirit Pattern in the book, and his derivation of the Void was just an optimization of some details based on the original basis, and it was not subversive sexual outcome.

But now it's Fengrui's turn, it's not that simple, it means that he wants to derive a complete new spirit pattern, even if the original Fengrui is used as the basis for derivation, the difficulty is not ordinary!

Lu Ye felt that no matter how much he tried to continue to deduce, he might not make much progress. Ultimately, he had some attainments in the way of spirit patterns, but he was young after all, and the time spent on the way of spirit patterns over the years There is not enough time, he spends more time in the process of cultivating and improving his fighting skills, and he has always regarded the way of spirit pattern as a kind of support.

It seems that he still relies too much on the talent tree, because he can use the spirit patterns on the talent tree as he likes, so he loses the interest and motivation to study the way of spirit patterns.

There is no end to learning! Especially the way of spirit pattern, which is more theoretical, does not have enough time and energy to immerse in this way, and it is only half a bucket of water after all. Fortunately, there is still Master!

Lu Ye decided to go to Master for advice!

Speaking of this trip, I haven't visited the master yet, so it's somewhat inappropriate.

But when Lu Ye arrived at Mingyue Peak, he realized that the huge spiritual peak had been deserted, and even Xiaodie, the master's avatar that he could see every time he came here, was gone.

It seems that there has been no human habitation here for a long time.

Tried to send a message to the master, but the message could not be delivered, so I had to call the second senior sister to ask about the situation.

After getting a reply from the second senior sister, Lu Ye knew that the master had already been promoted to the star constellation, and had left Kyushu more than three months ago to go deep into the starry sky!

Not only did Master Yun Xuechu leave, even the old man who taught him also left with him!

So when he came back from this trip, Lu Ye didn't even see the head teacher.

In today's Jade Blood Sect, only Shuiyuan is still struggling to stay behind, because she can't leave. If she leaves, the entire Jade Blood Sect will really have no leader, and those disciples under the sect will definitely lose their protection completely. A plate of loose sand.

Of course, it is also the reason why Shui Yuan's cultivation base is not enough. Although Shui Yuan was promoted to Shenhai a long time ago, until today, her cultivation base is only at the seventh level of Shenhai.

Lu Ye couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. More than three months ago, at that time, he was competing with monsters from various realms in the Absolute Beginning Realm.

But this is also a good thing, the master and the head teacher have stepped into the stars together, and now they are exploring the starry sky together, staying and flying together, and they are at ease, but I don't know if the head teacher can untie the master's knot.

The master is not here, and the person who pointed out the maze is gone. Lu Ye thought for a while, and sent a message to Shuiyuan, asking him to help him find out the whereabouts of the famous spirit pattern masters who are still in Kyushu.

Since the master is not here, we can only go to other spirit pattern masters to discuss together. Maybe these spirit pattern masters who are still staying in Kyushu are not as good as himself in terms of cultivation and strength, but Lu Ye will not underestimate them because of this.

In the previous environment, if these spirit pattern masters were able to become famous, they must have their own strengths, and these strengths are what Lu Ye needs to learn.

He didn't leave Mingyue Peak either, but plunged in.

It's true that the master has left, but the collection of books she left behind is still there. Lu Ye decided to practice the way of spirit patterns again before being promoted to Xingxiu, starting with the collection of books left by the master.

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