Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1278 Groping

Lu Ye has no scruples about swallowing the magic pill, not to mention the treasure pill that sprayed out from the gourd with unknown effect, even the real poison pill, he doesn't care.

Under the talent tree, there is no poison in this world that can affect him.

He took a grain at random and threw it directly into his mouth, chewed it lightly, and then there was a sound of popping in his mouth, as if something was broken, followed by a burst of sweetness rolling down his throat and down his abdomen.

It felt like swallowing a panacea, but eating a berry full of sweet fruit juice. The slight sound was the sound of the berry's outer skin cracking.

It was the first time Lu Ye had such an experience.

Since he practiced so far, he has swallowed a lot of various panacea, especially the panacea for improving his cultivation. He has only one feeling, but any panacea has no good taste.

But this panacea from the treasure gourd gave him a different feeling, and he was secretly surprised. As expected of the panacea from the treasure gourd, the taste is different.

Calm down and experience the efficacy of this panacea.

After a while, Lu Ye figured out what the panacea was for.

This is a healing pill!

Because after the effect of the medicine was dissolved, some dark wounds accumulated in his body showed signs of great relief, and there was a tingling and refreshing feeling all over his body.

As a military cultivator, he has to fight close to the enemy from time to time. Injuries in battle are inevitable. So far, Lu Ye has suffered serious injuries and minor injuries. There was a period of time when he took off his clothes. very.

After recovering from these injuries, there are still some slight deposits. Hua Ci told him a long time ago that if there is a chance, he must seek medical treatment from time to time, so as to eliminate the deposits of hidden injuries in his body.

Lu Ye didn't take it too seriously, because these tiny silts had no practical impact on his display of strength, and he even said that he couldn't feel it himself on weekdays.

But when this healing pill is swallowed, with the effect of the medicine, the relief of the accumulated dark wounds is real.

In a short period of time, Lu Ye felt that the whole person was much lighter, and there seemed to be greater vitality bursting out of his flesh and blood.

The efficacy of such a healing pill can hardly be described in words, and its curative effect on injuries has almost reached the extreme.

What surprised Lu Ye even more was that after swallowing this healing pill, the talent tree didn't respond at all!

This is something that has never happened before. Any panacea has impurities. When the panacea enters the stomach, the useful things are absorbed and refined by the body to exert their proper medicinal effects, and those impurities will be absorbed by the talent tree. Burned cleanly, and then turned into gray mist and dissipated.

The higher the quality of the panacea, the smaller the reaction of the talent tree, that is, the thinner the fog.

So far, the quality of the spirit pills that Lu Ye has swallowed is all good, because he has not lacked meritorious service and military exploits long ago, and spirit pills can be purchased at will in the treasure house of heaven, so it is natural to pick up those with good quality purchase.

But no matter how good the quality is, it still has impurities. The reflection on the talent tree is the gray mist after burning.

But this time, there is no gray mist on the talent tree, which undoubtedly means one thing, the healing pill produced from the treasure gourd does not contain any harmful impurities!

What an inconceivable thing this is, one must know that no matter how skilled an alchemist is, it is impossible for the alchemy to be free from impurities, this is simply something that cannot be achieved by manpower.

And this kind of healing pill, after swallowing one pill, there are still eight pills left! If this thing is used in a critical place, it is enough to save or even save lives.

The birth of the Healing Pill must be related to the dozens of herbs that were swallowed by the treasure gourd before. Those herbs were collected by Lu Ye from the Taichu Realm, and they are extremely precious and rare. After such herbs were swallowed by the treasure gourd, they were born. The quality of the healing pill must be extremely high, and it will naturally have extremely extraordinary medicinal effects. As for its absence of any impurities... it should have nothing to do with those medicinal materials. This is probably the ability of the treasure gourd itself.

In other words, even if it is replaced with other less precious medicinal materials, the panacea produced by the treasure gourd will not have any impurities. This is the ability of the treasure gourd itself.

The key question now is that Lu Ye didn't understand how these panaceas were born!

There must be a set of procedures. If he can understand this procedure, Lu Ye thinks that he will be able to understand the effect of the treasure gourd.

He recalled his previous actions, nothing more than letting the treasure gourd devour the elixir, and then devour the medicinal materials he collected from the Absolute Beginning Realm, there seemed to be no rules to follow.

Moreover, he didn't know what those medicinal materials were, he just chose them at will.

It is undoubtedly difficult to find the law in such disorder, but since there are already successful precedents, as long as you try more, you will definitely find something.

With this in mind, Lu Ye started to let the treasure gourd devour the elixir and various medicinal materials again.

After a while like this, Bao Hulu had another slight vibration!

Lu Ye knew in his heart that the treasure gourd was about to spit out the elixir again, so he immediately held his breath and waited while sensing the changes inside the treasure gourd.

Sure enough, a moment later, as the mouth of the gourd flashed a faint light, a dense light was spewed out.

This time Lu Ye was already prepared, and easily put it away, then the second group, the third group...

After another nine rays of light, Bao Hulu calmed down again.

Lu Ye carefully looked at the newly produced nine spirit pills, and found that they were the same as the previous nine pills, all of which were dense and dazzling, with lines all over the surface of the spirit pills, which looked extremely mysterious.

But it can be clearly distinguished that this batch of nine elixir is not the same kind as the previous nine elixir, not only the size of the elixir is different, but the most obvious difference is the color.

What's the situation?

Why under the same process, the treasure gourd will produce two different panacea? Does it have something to do with the input raw materials?

Lu Ye collected a lot of medicinal materials from the Absolute Beginning Realm, and there were also many types. The medicinal materials that were put into the gourd before were naturally different from the ones that were put in this time.

After different raw materials are devoured, different panaceas can be produced, which seems to be the right thing to do.

And Lu Ye discovered a rule, that is, once the treasure gourd started to spit out the elixir, there must be nine pills, not more than one, and not too many.

Although this is only two experiences, I think this is a potential rule of Bao Hulu.

The previous panacea was a healing pill, so what is it this time?

With a hint of curiosity, Lu Ye took out a elixir and stuffed it into his mouth to swallow. Just like before, after chewing lightly, the elixir shattered, followed by a burst of sweetness down his throat and into his abdomen.

Feeling it silently for a moment, Lu Ye raised his eyebrows.

He probably knew what the effect of the panacea was.

This is obviously a panacea that can improve a monk's cultivation, that is, it is used for cultivation! And the effect is wonderful, and the effect is long.

Under normal circumstances, the process of his practice of swallowing the elixir is roughly like this. A elixir enters his stomach, refines and absorbs it, and turns it into his own powerful foundation. The whole process lasts no more than ten breaths, because each elixir The improvement brought to oneself is limited, so the feeling is not very obvious, and it has to be accumulated to a certain extent to be clearly noticed.

But the continuous effect of this elixir is more than ten breaths. After dozens of breaths, the inside of the abdomen is still warm, as if there is a small stove in the abdomen. As the effect of the medicine dissipated, his own background was slowly growing.

This means that the improvement that this elixir can bring to a monk of his level is extremely considerable, so the efficiency of practice with the help of elixir is even faster than his stealing secrets!

Originally, for Lu Ye, stealing the secrets was the fastest way to practice, because the talent tree can devour pure spiritual power as much as it wants, turning it into its own foundation, and swallowing elixirs and spirit stones is just an auxiliary means.

But if there are enough such spirit pills in hand, then the practice efficiency of swallowing the spirit pills will inevitably become the main way of practice!

What's even more frightening is that this panacea has no impurities, and anyone can easily refine and absorb it.

So if there are enough such panaceas, no matter who they are, their practice speed will be improved by leaps and bounds! This is bound to be a great impact and subversion to the existing practice methods in the practice world.

The invisible small furnace in the abdomen is still functioning continuously. I don’t know how long it will last for the effect of this panacea before it is completely exhausted. What is commendable is that although the medicinal effect it contains is extremely huge, it is in the monk’s body. It is released slowly and will not burst out all at once, which gives monks enough time to absorb and refine the medicine without wasting the effect of the medicine.

Lu Ye calmed down. He had already had two successful experiences. Although there seemed to be no special rules in these two experiences, as long as there were more attempts, he would be able to find out the hidden rules.

For the next few days, Lu Ye kept fighting with Bao Hulu. During the period, he even sent a message to the second senior sister to ask her for some advice on medicine.

After unremitting efforts and exploration, Lu Ye finally found the correct way to use this treasure gourd, and also knew what kind of effect it can exert.

The process of groping is bumpy, but once the doorway is found, all problems can be easily solved.

Lu Ye didn't expect that the treasure gourd he won in the Absolute Beginning Realm would have such a miraculous ability! It is not like the sword gourd, which can devour treasures to generate sword energy and kill enemies invisible, nor is it like the legendary wind gourd, which contains dark flames and strong winds, with infinite power.

It is a thing that can make alchemy, but by virtue of its power, even if you don't know anything about medicine, as long as you master the laws, you can refine a high-quality panacea without any impurities!

And the most worry-free thing is that the refining does not require any external interference, and the treasure gourd can complete the entire process of alchemy by itself.

Lu Ye decided to call it Dan Hu!


I just talked about why I have been unable to concentrate recently. It turns out that there is brain fog after the new crown. Many people have similar sequelae. For authors like us, this sequelae is a bit uncomfortable.

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