Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1267 Bouldering

As soon as Yu Yaoluo's words fell, the ground shook violently, and amidst the waves of air, from the corner of his vision, he saw Lu Ye's figure soaring into the sky, and slammed into the huge monster cloud.

"This..." Yu Yaoluo looked dumbfounded. She had clearly reminded Lu Ye to be careful of the other party's Yaoyuan's treachery, but Lu Ye obviously didn't take it to heart, and she didn't know whether to say he was confident or arrogant.

But soon Yu Yaoluo knew that it was not arrogance, because there was a fierce fight soon from within the Yaoyun. At the beginning, the roar of the wolf tribe was full of energy and power, but it only took three short breaths. It turned into screaming and shouting, and then screaming and screaming.

After a few more breaths, the huge monster cloud suddenly dissipated, and a figure stood in mid-air, holding a knife in one hand and a huge wolf head in the other. look.

Tick ​​tock, fresh blood flowed from the wound. Although the sound was soft, it struck Yu's enchanting heart like a heavy hammer.

Lu Ye flew back and threw the wolf's head aside casually, his face was as usual, as if he just went out to pick a wild flower, not a wolf's head.

Yu Yaoluo's mind was shocked, such a quick and sharp killing efficiency, no matter how many times she watched it, she could not adapt to it. Originally, she was somewhat confident in her own strength, and she had repeatedly proved her strength when walking with Zhao Yunliu and Ding You strength, but it was not discovered until now that in front of real evildoers, so-called evildoers in this realm like her seem to be no different from ordinary Shenhai Realm.

Zhao Yunliu was born in Baxing, a top-level realm, and he is considered very good among the group of evildoers who have entered the Absolute Beginning Realm, but compared with the Lu Junior Brother in front of him, there is still a big gap.

Yu Yaoluo gradually realized a problem. Junior Brother Lu beside him, who only had a cultivation level of the eighth level of the Divine Sea, might become the most dazzling star in the entire Taichu Territory. Anyone who underestimated him because of his cultivation level would definitely To pay a very heavy price.

She has to speed up her recovery. Junior Brother Lu is not leaving now, obviously to take care of her injury, but she can't let him stay here forever, she has to recover as soon as possible, and then leave, so as not to drag him down.

With this in mind, Yu Yaoluo swallowed another precious healing pill and refined it silently.

But she soon discovered that things seemed to be a bit troublesome, because less than an hour after Lu Ye beheaded the monk of the wolf family, someone came to the door again. Unexpectedly, he was beheaded by Junior Brother Lu.

After that, every once in a while, people came from different directions, and then fought with Junior Brother Lu, but no matter what race or realm they came from, they were all killed or injured without exception.

A quick-response confrontation with a few moves to escape quickly can save their lives, and a slow-reaction one, once the confrontation time is delayed beyond ten breaths, there is basically no way out.

Next to the resting place of the two, there were more and more bloody corpses. In less than two days, seven or eight people had already died here.

Yu Yaoluo didn't know whether Junior Brother Lu did it on purpose or not. Anyway, the corpses of the monks he beheaded were neatly placed aside, and anyone who came could see them clearly.

This is undoubtedly a deterrent, but also a warning.

After two days of cultivation, Yu Yaoluo's injuries have recovered a lot. According to her original plan, it was time to leave Lu Ye and act alone, but the development of the situation in the past two days made it impossible for her to leave.

Because in her perception, she can clearly perceive that there are dormant auras in all directions.

In other words, the location where she and Lu Ye were was surrounded! It's just that the seven or eight corpses placed on the ground are sufficiently deterrent and shocking, so for the time being, no one dares to do it lightly, lest they follow in the footsteps of those people.

Why is it like this? Yu Yaoluo couldn't figure it out, but she knew that she must have overlooked something, otherwise, it would be impossible for all these monstrous monks scattered here and there to gather here, and those people who were killed by Lu Ye before were all by name. The last name came to him.

Yu Yaoluo soon knew what she had overlooked, because the second revelation of the reincarnation tree came.

A large piece of information appeared in my mind out of thin air, including the names of twenty people, including the names of the top ten and the last ten people at this stage.

The one ranked first was Lu Yiye from the Nine Heavens Realm, and the number two hundred and sixteen after her name made her dizzy for a while.

Two hundred and sixteen! Just looking at this number is nothing, but you must know that this number represents the monk's gains in the Absolute Beginning Realm, and every increase in the number is the blood accumulation of a monster in the realm.

Yu Yaoluo's own gains so far are only four, compared to these two hundred and sixteen, it's not even a fraction.

how did you do that?

Yu Yaoluo stared blankly at Lu Ye who was not far away, and really couldn't understand how such a young man who seemed a bit taciturn and didn't have any particularly domineering aura could kill so many people!

I finally understand why these people have come here. The revelation of the tree of reincarnation must have come once. The gain of more than two hundred is really unreasonable. In addition, Junior Brother Lu is from the Nine Heavens Realm, which is not well-known, so it will definitely attract the attention of others.

There are those who rely on their strength and want to step on him to the top, they will naturally come to him, and some people are driven by curiosity, come to watch the excitement, so that this place will naturally become the center where monks gather .

"Junior Brother Lu..." Yu Yaoluo couldn't help but yelled softly. There were a lot of things she wanted to ask, but she didn't know where to start. What happened to the capture?

Lu Ye probably guessed what she was thinking, and didn't explain it. Since the reincarnation tree counted those Zerg guards as his gains, he deserved it. There is another bug nest. If others are not convinced, completely You can try to see if you can remove it.

"Senior Sister Yu, you'd better stay here."

If Yu Yaoluo had left before, even if her injuries were not healed, she still had some strength in her body, and she would not be helpless in any danger, but in the current situation, she is no longer suitable to leave, and now I don't know how many monks are hiding in all directions. They all saw that Yu Yaoluo was with him. If Yu Yaoluo really wanted to leave at this time, she would easily be targeted by others. With her current state, she couldn't resist too many attacks.

Lu Ye could probably guess the mentality of the monks hiding around.

Maybe not all of them came to trouble me, maybe many of them came to join in the fun. After all, their gains were too amazing, and everyone would want to see if they were superhuman.

But watching the fun doesn't mean they won't make trouble. Now that the situation is temporarily stable, there is a lesson from the past. The seven or eight bloody corpses on the ground can undoubtedly form a great visual impact and deterrence. Have to weigh whether it is stronger than the dead guys.

Right now, the situation here maintains a strange balance. Those who are willing to try themselves dare not act rashly, and those who watch the excitement are waiting for others to make trouble, so the overall situation can be regarded as calm.

But this kind of peace will inevitably be broken. Lu Ye doesn't think he can stay safely until the closure of the Taichu Realm. Not to mention others, among the first few evildoers, there must be someone who is eager to reach the top. These evildoers are the real powerhouses. If they want to reach the top, they have to pull themselves down.

Lu Ye was waiting, waiting for a real opponent with sufficient weight. Only in this way could the problem be solved once and for all, otherwise these unpredictable people lurking around would not easily disperse.

While waiting like this, the ground suddenly trembled slightly, the initial vibration was not obvious, but as time passed, the vibration became more and more clear, as if some huge monster was approaching here step by step.

Lu Ye raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and sure enough, he saw a burly figure rushing over there unhurriedly.

The burly figure was a bit abnormal, even if Lu Ye was wearing a dragon seat, he might not be tall, the upper body of the visitor was bare, and the lower body was just tied with simple animal skins, the skin on his body glowed with a bronze luster. The flesh and blood all over his body are well-defined. At first glance, it doesn't have any sense of flesh, but it looks like a pile of stones.

His body seemed to be extremely heavy, because every step that fell left deep marks on the ground, and the ground trembled slightly.

Yu's enchanting voice sounded in his ears, looking a bit dignified: "It's the stone clan, it should be bouldering!"

Lu Ye nodded slightly, and also recognized the identity of the visitor. It wasn't that they had met each other before, but among the revelations of the reincarnation tree, this boulder from the five-color field ranked seventh.

Lu Ye doesn't know if the five-color field is the top realm, but to be ranked seventh in this battle of the sea of ​​gods, this bouldering is not comparable to those monks he met before. In fact, Lu Ye did also learn from the other side. Feeling some pressure in the momentum.

Lu Ye realized that he seemed to have made some mistakes.

He originally thought that the most likely to come to find him was either the ancient jade building in the Yellow Dragon Realm, or the Youping of the Northern Darkness, because if these two people wanted to be number one, they had to find a way to kill him. As for the others... Even if they come to trouble him, it doesn't make much sense, because even if he is lucky enough to kill him, it will only increase the ranking by one, and there is no real benefit.

What he had been waiting for was the two people behind him, but they didn't arrive, instead they waited for the bouldering person who was ranked seventh...

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