Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1220 Huang Tongtong and Lu Yingying

The discussions among the fairies were over, and it was still Jin Yingying who stood up with a serious face: "We have decided, we agree to your request, and will send two of the strongest fairies to help you!"

Listening to this... it seems that something is wrong.

Obviously it was Lu Ye and Yu Yaoluo who came to help them fight against the enemy's invasion and restore the tranquility of the tree world, but Jin Shining's words obviously meant turning against the host and turning the host into a guest.

But with fairies, there is really no need to worry about these, they are born this way.

Yu Yaoluo nodded: "That's the best, I wonder which two goblins the noble will send?"

Jin Xixi smiled: "This...we still need to discuss it!"

Turning their heads, the goblins began to discuss again.

Lu Ye couldn't tell which of the goblins was strong and who was weak. From his perception, there was not much difference in the aura of these goblins. It seemed that they even had the same level of cultivation, but thinking about it, some of them A standard that can distinguish between strong and weak.

Moreover, this matter is related to the future of the Fairy Tree Realm, they will definitely not be sloppy, since they said they would send two strongest fairies, then naturally...

But soon, Lu Ye knew that he was thinking too much.

Because the goblins were very repulsed by this matter, the discussion turned into a quarrel. Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, Jin Shanshan jumped into the air, clasped his waist with his hands and shouted: "In that case, then follow the old Act according to the rules, there is an old saying in the human race, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, and it also applies to us goblins, so later, no matter who you are, don’t complain!"

A group of goblins all looked serious, ready to fight.

Just when Lu Ye thought that they were going to use some sacred and fair method to decide the title of the strongest, Jin Shining shook his hand, and suddenly a big cylinder appeared in his hand, and he hugged the cylinder with both hands up and down Shaking it left and right a few times, he slapped it in front of him, and shouted, "Whoever comes first!"

The goblins pushed and shoved each other, showing humility.

"Everyone has a share, and no one wants to run away!" Jin Xianxiu showed the style of the patriarch, and pointed at one of the goblins in yellow clothes: "You come first!"

Normally, any goblin would dare to disobey the patriarch, Jin Xingxian, but when he gave orders, no one dared to disobey. The goblin in yellow immediately flew forward dejectedly, stretched out his small hand to grab the cylinder, and then pulled it back. When I picked it up, a long thing appeared on my hand. I don't know what kind of material it was made of, but it was pitch black.

The goblin in yellow immediately cheered and laughed.

With the first one, the next one is easy. The goblins stepped forward one by one, and each goblin grabbed a small black stick from the cylinder, some rejoiced and some were uneasy.

Lu Ye found that those who were happy had obviously caught the longer little black sticks, and those who were anxious were all shorter.

He finally understands that this is not a sacred and fair ceremony at all, it is simply a lucky draw!

When all the goblins drew their own little black sticks, Jin Shining shook the cylinder again, and almost all the little black sticks in the hands of the goblins flew back, leaving only two goblins with their own little black sticks in their hands. with.

"Haha, the result is out!" Jin Xiong looked at the two frowning goblins, and concluded, "It's you!"

Among the two goblins, one was dressed in yellow, but it wasn't the goblin in yellow who was the first to draw lots, but another one.

The second is wearing green clothes.

The one in yellow is a male goblin, and the one in green is a female goblin. I don't know if it's a coincidence.

Jin Shining brought the two goblins to Lu Ye and Yu Yaoluo, straightening his face: "Two distinguished guests, these are the two most powerful members of our goblin clan, and they will definitely be able to give you the next itinerary Best wishes!"

Lu Ye didn't know what to say at all. If he hadn't witnessed their selection with his own eyes, he might really believe this old guy's nonsense!

Yu Yaoluo, on the other hand, seemed not to be surprised, and said with a smile: "Then I would like to thank the patriarch, and please rest assured, we will protect them."

Jin Shining nodded: "Then I will leave the rest to you."

He stretched out his hand and pushed the two selected goblins forward, turned around and left, a large group of goblins followed along, and quickly disappeared. From a distance, a golden voice came: "Children, life is alive!" To have fun in time, let's continue with the banquet!"

There was a round of cheers.

The two humans and the two goblins were left looking at each other.

The two goblins were obviously very disturbed about what happened next, and there was a lot of panic in their eyes. Yu Yaoluo knew it well, and comforted her gently: "Don't worry, you two, we will never let anything happen to you."

The two goblins nodded together, and the panic on their faces dissipated a lot.

Lu Ye said: "But you must be obedient, if you are not obedient, death will be in vain!"

He is really convinced of the unreliability of these goblins. From the moment he saw the goblins, there have been all kinds of ridiculous situations. Such unreliability does not matter on weekdays, but if it is revealed in the battle with the enemy , may cause some unnecessary troubles.

Red face and black face have always been the instinct of the human race. If Yu Yaoluo sings red face, then he can only do black face.

To be honest, if he wasn't curious about what the goblin's wish was, he wouldn't have wanted to take these two guys with him, but Guan Yu's enchanting demeanor seemed to be very satisfied with it.

The calm faces of the two goblins turned panic again. Death... To them, that is the most vicious word in the world.

"So in the next operation, you must assist us well, and we will do our best to protect you!" Yu Yaoluo continued.

"But if someone is disobedient and flees during the battle, I will kill him first!" Lu Ye added.

Yu Yaoluo smiled knowingly, stopped talking, and asked instead: "Then, where do you two wish to go?"

As a male, the goblin in yellow spoke first, calmly: "My wishes are more for the blessing of the body."

The female green-clothed goblin said softly, "My wishes are more for the blessing of weapons."

Yu Yaoluo understood, and raised her finger to the goblin in yellow: "Then you follow me, and the other follow Junior Brother Lu Ye."

She is a dharma practitioner, and she doesn't know how to cut people with a knife, and it's useless to ask for the blessing of the goblin in green, so this arrangement is reasonable.

The goblin in yellow turned her head into a chick pecking rice, and the goblin in green looked at her tearfully: "Can I..."

"No!" Lu Ye raised his hand and grabbed her, put her on his shoulder and sat down.

The goblin in green grabbed a strand of hair by his ear, trembling.

Yu Yaoluo smiled, and said: "Then let's start by introducing ourselves? I know that you fairy wishes need to use the name of the person you wish to bless. My name is Yu Yaoluo, and I come from the Nine Profound Realm. This is Lu Junior Brother Ye is from the Nine Heavens Realm!"

The goblin in yellow said: "My name is Huang Tongtong."

The goblin in green still whispered, "My name is Lu Yingying."

What kind of bullshit name, Lu Ye was stunned, but seeing Yu Yaoluo's smiling expression, it seemed that he had expected it.

"Then we know each other now."

I have to say that the beauty of Yu Yaoluo is also good at adjusting the relationship between each other. Getting along with such a person, if it is not hostile, will be very relaxed and happy. After a few words, the two goblins are not as nervous as before up.

"Before we act, can you let us experience the power of your goblin clan's blessings first? That way, it will be easier to cooperate in the future." Yu Yaoluo said, this is also a proper suggestion, even if she doesn't say it, Lu Ye will raise it of.

Since they want to cooperate with each other, it is natural to get acquainted with each other first, and you can't get acquainted after you go to battle with a knife.

"No problem." Huang Tongtong nodded, and then flew to Yu Yaoluo's shoulder, and he didn't know what he muttered, and then a layer of bright yellow light flowed out, submerging into Yu Yaoluo's body.

Yu Yaoluo raised her eyebrows, felt silently, and sighed with emotion: "The fairy's wish is indeed well-deserved!"

The blessing of the physical body is not just to strengthen the body, which is of little use to the cultivation of the law, but under such blessings, she can obviously feel the speed of the spiritual power in her body to flow faster, and the whole person's thinking It seems to be much purer.

Just this one action can indeed increase her strength by at least 10 to 20 percent.

If another individual cultivator accepts such blessings, I'm afraid the improvement will be even greater.

"What about you?" Lu Ye saw that Yu Yaoluo seemed to have something to gain, so he turned to look at Lu Yingying on his shoulder.

Lu Yingying was taken aback, and almost fell off his shoulders. She just felt that this human race was much more vicious than the other one. When the big mouth opened, it seemed to want to eat people. She dared not be negligent, and hurriedly activated Zhu Yanzhi.

Lu Ye waited for a while, but didn't feel anything, but thinking of what Lu Yingying said before, it seemed that her wish was for the blessing of the weapon, so she drew the knife out of its sheath.

Lu Yingying cried instantly: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I've worked very hard!"

"Shut up!" Lu Ye yelled, and Lu Yingying quickly stopped crying and looked at him pitifully.

Lu Ye frowned: "It's useless?"

Pan Shan Dao doesn't seem to have changed in any way.

Yu Yaoluo was puzzled: "It shouldn't be."

"It's true that there is no change." Lu Ye looked at Lu Yingying again while speaking, "Is Zhu Yan wrong?"

"No! There is absolutely no mistake!" Lu Yingying waved her two little hands and flew up, and the wings behind her also flapped.

Yu Yaoluo also said: "The goblin's wish can't be wrong, if it's useless, then there is only one possibility..." She looked at Lu Ye meaningfully: "Did the younger brother give a fake name?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Ye was puzzled.

Yu Yaoluo explained: "The goblin's blessing is a very magical power. It has been studied by a powerful monk, but it is an ability that no race can display except for goblins. Some mysterious powers are involved in it. .”

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