Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1205 Inexplicable Formation

In addition to practicing, the construction and derivation of the void spirit pattern has not stopped.

The talent tree after the second conversion seems to have a strange power, which allows Lu Ye to create a lot of incredible inspirations and whimsical ideas when he constructs the spirit pattern on the leaves of the talent tree, which can be deduced .

This is not entirely the ability of the talent tree. The talent tree only plays a guiding role. What really works in the derivation process is Lu Ye's own background in the way of spirit patterns. Possibility to improve an existing Netherweave.

Time flies, since Yang Qing left Kyushu and disappeared, January passed by in a trance.

During this time, all the stars were waiting in Haotian City, and Lu Ye did not leave Haotian City, but lived in his small courtyard.

On this day, while he was practicing, Xiao Jiu's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "He's back!"

Just as Lu Ye was about to ask who came back, Xiao Jiu was silent, and then a huge coercion fell from the sky.

He instantly understood that it was Yue Xin who had returned.

This is undoubtedly the situation that Kyushu monks least want to see. The two strong men left Kyushu one after another. Yang Qing disappeared at the moment, but Yue Xin returned first.

This means that the Kyushu monks have to deal with him first, and the key point is that they don't know how long they will have to deal with!

There is no cover for Yue Xin's return, and in such a realm, he has no need to cover himself.

All over Haotian City, silhouettes gathered towards the place where he appeared, and Lu Ye was among them. After a while, hundreds of people gathered in one place.

Except for the hundreds of Constellation Realm present, all the others were Shenhai Realm who rushed to this place after hearing the news.

It was the first time Lu Ye saw Yue Xin. He was as young as Yang Qing. If he really wanted to compare, he might be a few years older than Yang Qing in appearance, but not much older. This made him murmur, Perhaps monks can rejuvenate their youth at the end of their practice? Otherwise, why are the faces of these two strong men so immature?

But relatively speaking, Yue Xin's aura is undoubtedly more violent. Yang Qing has never shown his powerful aura when facing the Kyushu monks. He has always been very peaceful.

Yue Xin swept his eyes away, snorted softly, and could not conceal the contempt in his eyes. He naturally saw the unwillingness of these monks in Kyushu, but in the world of cultivation, the strong are always respected, especially in the starry sky. With a high cultivation base and a high realm, one has the absolute right to speak and take the initiative, so what if one is unwilling? Last time, he just showed his powerful strength a little bit and injured a group of stars. If anyone dares to jump out at this time, he doesn't mind killing a few people and making an example to others.

But to his disappointment, hundreds of monks in Kyushu stood quietly and looked at him, as if waiting for his instructions.

This made him feel a little bored, he glanced at Jian Guhong: "What's your name?"

The reason why he focused on Jian Guhong was because in the last confrontation, he noticed that among the Kyushu monks, this person was the most powerful.

The next thing he needs to do is to have a leader in Kyushu, so naturally he has to choose the one with the strongest strength.

Jian Guhong was silent for a while, but he stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Tianshan, Jian Guhong!"

Yue Xin raised his hand and played out a jade slip: "I have a formation map here. No matter what method you use, set up this formation for me within three months. If it is overdue, I will kill one of you if it exceeds one day, and I will kill you if it exceeds ten days." Ten people, until you have fully arranged the formation."

Jian Guhong took the jade slips and scanned them with his divine sense, and indeed he saw an extremely complicated array.

However, he is not proficient in combat, so he couldn't see what this formation is used for for a while, so he said: "Dare to ask senior, this formation..."

"No need to ask, just do it, after three months, I will come to check!" He coldly dropped a sentence, soaring into the sky, turning into a stream of light, going straight up nine days, and soon disappeared.

For a strong man like him, he has no interest in staying in a boundary like Kyushu. He is currently injured, and staying in Kyushu is not good for him. If he wants to heal his injuries, he has to enter the starry sky.

However, this is good news for Kyushu, because Kyushu monks don't have to face the horror of this person, so they will have less trouble and crisis.

Everyone even secretly expected that this guy would better meet Yang Qing in the starry sky, and then be killed by Yang Qing.

This is possible. Although the starry sky is vast and boundless, if they all have the same destination, it is still easy to meet each other.

Of course, if this person really met Yang Qing, it would be very clear who killed whom.

Yue Xin came back and left quickly, leaving behind a formation.

A group of people looked at Jian Guhong, and someone asked, "Friend Jian Dao, what formation did he leave behind?"

Jian Guhong shook his head: "I don't know, everyone can see for themselves."

Saying this, he urged spiritual power to pour into the jade slip, arousing the formation pattern imprinted in the jade slip, and presenting it in the eyes of everyone.

A group of people stared fixedly, all frowning and dizzy for a while.

Just because this formation diagram is too large and complicated, various large formations are nested with small formations, and there are even smaller formations within the small formations. Such a complicated formation diagram has already surpassed the existing formation system of Kyushu.

It takes a lot of time just to understand it, let alone arrange it.

But it is undeniable that such a formation diagram is definitely a coveted treasure for those formation cultivators. If they can figure out the mechanism of this formation diagram, it will definitely increase their attainments in the formation way.

Among the hundreds of people, quite a few are proficient in formations, not to mention simple formation cultivators, those ghost cultivators are also proficient in formations.

Impermanence saw scratching his head and scratching his head: "What is this thing, what's the use?"

Jian Guhong said: "In the territory of Kyushu, I dare not say that you are the highest in formation and Taoism, but you are also second to none. You can't even understand it. Who can you ask?"

Lu Ye was also watching, and at a glance, he could see that there were many void spirit patterns in the formation, but it was one thing to see the spirit patterns, but another to understand the function of the formation.

In addition to the void spirit patterns, he also saw other familiar spirit patterns, but they were slightly different from the ones he knew.

This is also normal.

The same spirit pattern has many different construction methods. Yue Xin does not know where it came from in the starry sky. The spirit pattern he knows may not be the same as the Kyushu system, and there will naturally be some differences.

But even if they are different, the effect should be the same, only the construction method is different.

"You said, this guy ran away with an injury for more than a month, and suddenly came back to ask us to set up such a large formation. What is he doing?" Someone showed a puzzled look, and Yue Xin's actions were really unpredictable.

Someone boldly speculated: "Will this formation be related to his healing? Is he going to devour the foundation of Kyushu to restore himself?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. Not to mention, although this speculation is somewhat unreliable, it may not be impossible.

The foundations of the world can devour each other, so there is no reason why monks cannot swallow the foundations of the world.

For a while, everyone was silent. If this is the case, is the formation still in place?

If there is no arrangement, Na Yuexin will definitely kill people after three months. By then, there will not be enough people in Kyushu to kill him.

If it can be arranged, what will be lost in the future is the foundation of Kyushu, and this group of people will definitely become sinners of history!

Wuchang also said at this time: "There is a shadow of swallowing in this big formation, maybe he really has the idea to do this."

In the formation diagram, there are traces of devouring spirit patterns, and Lu Ye has also seen this, but what makes him puzzled is, if he really wants to devour the foundation of Kyushu, what is the explanation for the void and other spirit patterns in the formation diagram? ?

Not to mention other kinds of spirit patterns, the main function of the void spirit pattern is to teleport and move. What does devouring the foundation of Kyushu have to do with teleporting and moving?

Everyone couldn't help worrying: "What should I do now?"

No one knew what to do. It was really not good to arrange it rashly before being sure about the effect of this large formation, but the fist was not as big as others, and they couldn't resist, which was really worrying.

Everyone looked at Feng Wujiang.

Although the big senior brother still hasn't been promoted to Xingxiu and has fallen behind many people in terms of strength, many Xingxiu present have long been used to obeying him for many years.

Feng Wujiang pondered for a while and said: "Let's arrange it, the left and right can't resist, and didn't he give a deadline of three months? Before the deadline, find a way to ask the function of the formation map before making a final decision. , The layout is difficult, but the destruction is very simple, and Senior Yang Qing also gave instructions before leaving, let us make excuses, maybe before the time limit, Senior Yang Qing will take care of him, the situation is not that bad."

This is also the only option Kyushu has at this stage.

No one had any objections, and those who had their cultivation bases at the moment made rubbings of a formation map and studied it carefully. At the same time, news from all parties was passed on.

It is not easy to arrange such a complex and huge formation. At this stage, it requires the cooperation of the entire Kyushu.

All the monks who are proficient in formations have been summoned, and a large amount of materials have been recruited.

For a time, the entire Kyushu moved.

If you want to set up the formation, you must choose a position for the formation.

Such a large formation will not occupy too small a territory, and if the scope is too small, it will not be able to be arranged at all, so a wide and flat open area is needed.

After some discussion, the location of the formation was chosen above Liyuan, which was the large plain behind the defense line of Bingzhou Wanmo Ridge.

There are also considerations for choosing this place. Before knowing the specific use of this formation, it is really not suitable to arrange it in a place where there are people.

The distance from the original is vast, sparsely populated, and the terrain is flat, which is very suitable for formation.

Array repair ghost cultivators including Lu Ye began to study the array map. If you want to arrange the array, you must determine the layout plan. This cannot be done by one person. It needs to be coordinated in layers and stages. You arrange an area , I set up an area, so that it is possible to completely set up this map within three months.

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