Human Shackles

Chapter 100: Parasitic fungus

At night, the town was quiet, and there was no dog barking. Luo Kai stood in front of the window and looked at the outside quietly. The strong black evil spirit even drove out the moonlight, making the whole town covered by endless darkness. cover.

   There seemed to be something floating in the air, very tiny, almost like dust, they gathered into a ball and drifted past my eyes lightly.

Luo Kai's expression moved, he stretched out his hand, and the tip of his nose smelled the rancid smell again. At the same time, his head was slightly dizzy. This thing seemed to be toxic. He hurriedly blocked his sense of smell, and his palm was stained with a lot of black dust. No, it's not dust. It is a spore, a spore of a fungal organism.

His eyes lit up with a green light, and he tried his best to deliver blood to his eyes, to maximize his night vision ability. There are black clouds floating above the small town. They contain a lot of fierce energy. These black clouds are fungal. spore.

   A numb and itchy sensation came from the palm of his hand, and the contaminated black spores actually penetrated through the pores of his skin, and followed the blood to penetrate into the body.

Luo Kai was shocked and immediately interrupted the blood circulation in his arms. He pulled out the tactical knife from his waist and slashed his palm. The gray skin tissue was very tough, but a white mark appeared, and he hurriedly relaxed the palm skin tissue. After slashing several times in such a cycle, he finally broke a small mouth, and a spray of blood shot straight out, which contained a large number of fungal spores.

Luo Kai's heart was pounding, and there was a layer of cold sweat all over his body. This thing is obviously a kind of parasite. It is definitely not a good thing to be parasitized in the body, but this kind of spore is too small and can even escape from the skin pores. Get in, how do people guard against this!

   The people in the small town may have been parasitized by this spore.

The fat boss was lying on the bed and seemed to be asleep, but his breath was very weak, and his heart beats once for a long time. After close observation, Luo Kai discovered that he was not normally fat, but puffy, which was caused by prolonged hunger. Swelling.

   reached out and put his hand on his wrist, carefully sensing the pulse, this person is already in a state of dying, but there is another force in his body that maintains his signs of life.

Luo Kai got up and walked to the street outside. The black spore cloud in the sky floated with the wind. When he had the idea of ​​taking the initiative to guard against, the power of spirit and will formed a road-shaped barrier in his body to block external things. Dive in.

Following the aura of life one by one, the residents in the town are mostly parasitic like the fat boss. The difference is that some of them are still conscious, and some are like walking dead. The people in a small building in front of them are very conscious. Sober, he lit an oil lamp and was struggling with writing on the desk.

Luo Kai pushed open the door quietly, and walked to the front lightly. This person was very thin and could not see the specific age, but he was very energetic, as if he had fallen into some kind of fanaticism, and did not notice the arrival of others. .

   Luo took a look at the probe, and was immediately taken aback by what he wrote. This person was actually studying the law of longevity!

Earlier, the hunters in the small town brought a millstone-sized fungus plant from the depths of Tieheng Mountain. Then the people in the town were infected with parasites. The infected people do not need to eat, only drink water and sunlight. Can survive without getting sick or even dying!

   The only shortcoming is that the parasitized person's mind and consciousness will become dull, and gradually become a walking dead, and to overcome this shortcoming, you must kill, or kill, according to this person's record, it is necessary to swallow the vitality of the dead!

Luo Kai instant understood, no wonder the town is so desolate, so many people have been killed, people who are still conscious need to continue to kill to continue their conscious existence, and this fungus must be a kind of after being transformed by evil energy. Only when the parasites continue to kill can they have a continuous supply of evil spirits. The so-called law of longevity recorded by this guy is basically the law of the living dead!

   became angry and blasted this man's head with a punch without hesitation. There was no blood in the broken head, and it was actually full of large clusters of fungal spores!

   The man's head was blown out, and his body was still able to move, shaking like a puppet, reaching out to touch his head.

   Luo had a bitter cold in his joy, stretched out his feet and kicked him onto the bed, picked up the oil lamp and threw it on it, and the flames rose.

   Killing together, Luo Kai didn't care about anything. Following his breath, he killed all the parasitic townspeople one by one, and then set fire to them. After a while, the whole town turned into a sea of ​​flames.

   The black spores in the sky were cracked by the flames, and the strong evil spirit rolled violently, as if they were very angry.

Luo Kai stood in the center of the town, staring indifferently at the black evil spirit in the sky thick as dark clouds. To cure the root cause, he had to find the source of the fungus. Although the evil spirit energy here is also huge, it is completely the same as Timubao. Can't be compared, even if I resonate with it, I should be able to stand it up.

  Different from the chaotic evil spirit of Tiemubao Wuzhu, the evil energy here has been controlled by other creatures. As soon as the frequency of his consciousness was extended, it was immediately bounced back, and the turbulent evil energy swept toward him.

If it is someone else, it will be difficult to resist the impact of the violent evil spirit energy, but Luo Kai has already had experience and initially understood the true meaning of the small universe. In short, under the leadership of his own tyrannical will, as long as he keeps his heart, any energy enters The body must be surrendered to the spirit will of the deity!

   And he doesn't need to resist the entry of evil spirit energy, he only needs to guide the energy out after it enters the body. His body is like a transfer station, with violent evil energy pouring in constantly, and then being squeezed out again.

  At this moment, Luo Kai had already sensed the source of the evil spirit, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he ran towards the northwest corner of the town. He continued to increase the speed of his blood while running. His gray skin began to turn red, and his eyes became as black as ink again.

There is only a lonely small yard in the southwest corner. There is a fungus the size of a millstone growing in the yard. It seems to notice the arrival of Luo Kai. The huge fungus cover suddenly shrinks, and then suddenly opens, spewing out a black flame. The speed is extremely fast, no less than a bullet.

   A strong sense of crisis came to his mind again, Luo Kai hurried to one side, avoiding the seemingly weak black flames, and pulled out a pistol at the weird plant and pulled the trigger.

   "Boom!" The bullet hit the cap, like a drop of water into the sea, and the cap raised a wave of ripples, and it couldn't hurt it.

   Luo Kai did not dare to approach this weird plant, and kept shooting around, while avoiding the black flame sprayed by the strain.

   The pistol had only seven bullets, and it ran out very quickly. He could only pick up a thick wooden stick on the ground, a little closer, and swung it down.

The    strain sprayed a black flame and hit the wooden stick in Luo Kai's hand. The thick wooden stick was burned and corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Luo Kai hurriedly threw down the stick, watched the stick on the ground turn into a blue smoke, and became irritable. What should be done!

   The evil energy in the town has all concentrated on the top of the head, part of it is still pouring towards Luo Kai, and the other part is pouring towards the strain. Supplemented by the evil energy, the entire strain is covered by black flames, and the black flames sprayed are obviously much larger. It used to be only the size of a little finger, but now it is the size of a fist. This thing is almost everything, even the bricks and mud are contaminated. They were all corroded into blue smoke, which was terrible.

Luo Kai ran swiftly to dodge, while thinking about ways. His enemy means all come from his body, and now he has nothing to do when he encounters a hedgehog-like guy. , This thing can't be moved anyway.

   Just about to leave, he suddenly saw a well in the yard, his expression changed, how could he forget the most important thing! The mind and consciousness came out, and the water in the well touched the frequency of his consciousness and immediately violently rioted. A stream of water burst out from the well, forming a waterspout in the air and rushing towards the strain.

   An astonishing situation happened. The water flow could not extinguish the black flame, instead it was corroded by the flame and turned into blue smoke.

   Luo Kai called for more water currents, and the surrounding water elements began to gather here, the air became humid, and a thin layer of mist rose.

Although the water current could not extinguish the black flame, it was constantly consuming its energy. Soon the black flame on the strain was consumed, and the water stream continued to wash towards it, and countless tiny spores were washed out by the water current. After a while, the millpan-sized strain was one size smaller and became listless.

Luo Kai picked up a wooden stick, approached vigilantly, and went around, seeing that there was no danger, he waved the stick and smashed it into a mess. Without the protection of the black flame, this thing is very fragile. He picked up some wood and piled it up. I lighted it, and a raging flame rose, and I was finally killed this thing.

   got up and looked around. There were a few skinny bones scattered in the yard. The original residents here must be relatively well-stocked. The house was full of moldy grains. It was a pity that I suffered such an innocent disaster.

   got up and prepared to leave. After two steps, I suddenly felt something was wrong, because the black evil spirit in the sky was still around. It is reasonable to say that once they lost their resonance, they should dissipate between the world and the earth.

   Just when he was vigilant, there was a hot pain in his chest, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. The fungus was still in front of him, but the fire he had ignited was on the side, not burning it at all.

   A black flame burned on his chest, and his tough skin was quickly corroded and spread quickly to other places. Everything just now was an illusion! He didn't kill this thing at all!

Luo Kai let out a muffled hum. Under the crisis of life and death, the blood running speed was instantly adjusted to the apex. The hot blood began to boil, ignoring the black flames burning on his body. It was sparse, and I felt the evil spirit clouds in the sky become messy, until they began to dissipate, this time it really killed this thing!

But his whole body was wrapped in black flames, and the whole person was burning. This kind of pain far exceeded all the pain he had suffered before. It was the kind of pain that seemed to burn even the soul, and the spiritual will burned and collapsed under the black flame. The feeling of falling into eternal darkness came to mind again.

The frequency of his consciousness radiated uninhibitedly, and the water in the well spewed, but it could not extinguish the black flames on his body. The evil energy in the sky gathered again and swarmed into his body, constantly assimilating the black flames. Only then did the spread of Black Flame stopped, and his life was finally saved, but Sha Neng could only start to transform his body again.

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