Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 86 The most unlucky first batch

At Roselorian's signal.

The door of a secret chapel deep in the valley was pushed open.

The sudden opening of the chapel door surprised the elves inside.

Compared with her fellow tribesmen who were elegant in all postures, she gave others a feeling that something was wrong with this elf except for her perfect manners.

Because she was not an elf, or only her body was an elf.

Lily Heather. This was her real name. As for her elf name, she didn't know it at all.

Because she was found to have problems as soon as she came.

Calculating the time, she has been in prison here for five years since she was sent here.

As the first batch and the only known traverser who traveled as an elf.

She always thought that she would be like the protagonist of a novel.

At least she thought so in the first year.

By the second year, she completely gave up this idea. And tried every way to commit suicide.

Although it was house arrest, the experience was really no different from being in prison.

The most important thing is that being in prison at least gives her hope and she knows when she will be released.

But she can't see a way out of the elves' confinement.

It's just that under the elves' supervision, suicide has become a joke.

All the suicide methods she can think of seem extremely pale in front of that bizarre and extraordinary power.

It's not that she didn't think about saving herself.

For example, she negotiated with the elves and tried to act as a middleman between the elves and the human alliance, or contacted other travelers to try to be rescued.

But the former, the elves have always ignored her intentions, no matter how much she talked.

As for the latter, when others heard that she could see the legendary holy tree when she looked up, nine out of ten advised her to give up, and the remaining one simply advised her to commit suicide.

As for escaping, forget it. Since she knew where she was, she had no idea of ​​escaping.

What kind of guy can run away from the valley at the foot of the holy tree!

Unless she can become a god on the spot.

But this is obviously a joke.

So on the website, she is also called the most unlucky first batch.

In five years, she had not spoken a single normal word to the elves.

It could be said that she was in the valley, and she herself was an elf. But her knowledge of the elves came almost entirely from other travelers.

And today, looking at the open church door, she had a premonition that something might be different.

"Did something happen?"

In the past five years, the elves had not said anything to her at all.

If she had not been able to travel back to the Human Union on time, she would have gone crazy long ago.

The five-year routine was broken, and it was obvious that something had happened.

And she also noticed that the elves who came in were all wearing exquisite black armor.

She heard from other travelers that if they saw an elf wearing black armor, it meant that they had encountered a genuine high elf.

They were all the personal guards of the Eternal King, and they were very, very ancient and powerful elves.

It is said that in that distant age of gods, when the Eternal King was still alive, their armor was a more natural and gorgeous gold.

But because of the departure of the king, they painted the armor black to express their eternal shame.

After Lily took a glance, her eyelids twitched a little.

There were so many high elves.

She could see as many as twenty of them.

The elf standing in front of these high elves looked her up and down.

"Excuse me?"

Facing Lily's question, the other party still did not answer her intention.

This made Lily a little scared.

The elves were undoubtedly a force that could kill her across a world.

"Take her out."

Lily was immediately carried away from the secret chapel by them.

This was also the first time Lily saw the whole picture of the chapel where she was detained.

It was a giant tree.

It was not built against a tree, nor was it hollowed out of a tree. It was just a complete tree.

"Where are you taking me?"

The elves still did not answer.

This feeling of oppression was almost indescribable.

Lily could only focus all her attention on the surroundings.

The valley was beautiful, and as the capital of the elves, it could not be beautiful.

This was a consensus between Lily and everyone else.

But the beauty of the valley was indeed beyond Lily's description.

The perfect combination of human architecture and natural ecology.

Lily racked her brains and could only think of such a pale but extremely appropriate description.

After trying hard to withdraw her eyes from this stunning beauty, Lily found that these high elves were taking her across the valley.

They were obviously not walking fast, and she didn't even see them using any tools.

But she could see that the iconic buildings that were far away just now suddenly and reasonably appeared in front of her, and then disappeared.

Looking back, those buildings were already far away.

'What is this? ! '

Lily, who couldn't understand all this, smiled bitterly.

This section of the road was not time-consuming.

Not far away, Lily, as an elf's iconic long ears, heard the sound of water.

The valley is a city surrounded by countless water systems.

But this sound is different from the previous ones, and she is more agile.

Following the sound, countless giant trees that blocked out the sky and the sun disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there is a towering holy tree that used to require a specific angle to see its true appearance.

She stands on the cliff, embracing the old capital of the elves.

The answer to the lively sound of water is the Cangquan River that flows around the roots of the holy tree.

The Cangquan River flowing down from such a cliff should have an extremely loud sound, but here, it is only a lively sound that is neither quiet nor noisy.

Right below the waterfall, there are more high elves and an open sarcophagus.

Sarcophagus? !

Isn't it for me?

Lily's eyebrows jumped slightly.

After five years, are the elves finally going to kill me?

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she even felt a little bit of anticipation, because she was finally going to be free.

Obviously, the other party might not even want to let go of their own souls

"Am I going to lie in that sarcophagus?"

The elves still didn't answer, but they did stuff her into the sarcophagus and slowly closed the lid.

In Lily's mixed emotions of anxiety and expectation.

The covered sarcophagus was lit up with golden runes.

Then, the sarcophagus went upstream along the high waterfall.

Lily, who was lying in the sarcophagus, could not feel this change at all.

She only knew that not long after she lay in the sarcophagus, the lid of the coffin, which she could not push at all, opened by itself.

At the same time, she was able to see the closer holy tree!

They sent me to the old capital of the elves? !

To the foot of the holy tree?

Why is this?

Didn't they say that the elves have never been here?

The development of the situation greatly exceeded Lily's expectations.

"Come with me."

I don't know whether it should be said that there are elves waiting for her here.

But Lily noticed the golden flower pinned on the other party's chest with just one glance.

The Twelve Golden Flower Lords, so far no traverser has seen a big man of this level.

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