Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 75 Is he back? He is back!

In the Baratheon capital, several cabinet ministers were looking at the queen who had never said a word in front of them.

"Your Majesty, those guys in the north have begun to increase their investment, and we should start to act."

The queen did not answer this.

She just looked outside seriously.

She seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Your Majesty?"

Several cabinet ministers couldn't help but step forward and say:

"Your Majesty, we must start to act!"

"Your Majesty, please give the order quickly, otherwise it will really backfire!"

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer."

In this regard, several cabinet ministers could only leave helplessly.

The next day, the cabinet ministers and all the upper seats of the House of Representatives came.

"Your Majesty, please give the order to counterattack, please!"

The queen still did not respond to them, she just looked outside and asked:

"Is he here?"

The ministers and parliamentarians were all confused, who is it?

"If not, then wait a little longer."

"Your Majesty?"

Before they continued, the royal knights dispersed them.

On the third day, the cabinet ministers called the entire House of Representatives and all the influential people in the imperial capital.

They all knelt down in front of the queen and said:

"Your Majesty, please don't wait any longer!"

Most of the people here didn't understand why their superiors called them here.

But that didn't stop them from shouting.

None of them wanted anything to happen to Baratheon.

No matter family interests or personal feelings.

"He still hasn't come?"

The cabinet ministers were completely confused by this sentence. Who is it?

They have already found everyone they can!

The deputy speaker said with tears in his eyes:

"Your Majesty, I don't know who you are waiting for, but I believe that the person you are waiting for must not want to see you causing chaos in the country just because you are waiting for him!"

This time, the queen finally responded.

"No one has come to see me?"

Ministers, nobles, and parliamentarians didn't know who the queen was talking about, but they all knew that the person should really not come.

So they all shook their heads.

The queen couldn't help but tremble.

If the teacher is back, he will come at this time.

"Wait any longer!"

"Your Majesty?"

"I said wait any longer! He will come, no!"

People had to retreat again.

On the fourth day, no one came again.

Looking at the audience hall that was always empty, the queen was about to despair.

Did she really guess wrong?

Then what's the use of all the preparations she made?

The teacher really won't come back!

Because on the third day, the cabinet ministers found almost all the people who could be found.

So what happened in the audience hall was also spread out, and the first to know was the Northern Alliance.

For this strange situation.

They couldn't make any useful judgments, they could only speculate that the young queen might be crazy.

And they also passed this inference as confirmed news.

In order to hit the morale of the remaining forces of Baratheon as much as possible.

The tenacity of the royal nobles exceeded their expectations.

They had deployed three times the number of troops as before, and the old nobles had basically tried to turn against them, but they were still in a tug-of-war.

Because those royal nobles actually took their own private soldiers to the front line!

So even if the main force was a group of new recruits, they dared to follow such a fearless noble master to fight to the death.

The news that the queen had gone crazy did not spread immediately to the east and west fronts, but spread within the coalition first.

That was why Morn, who had been staying in Anras City, also knew the news.

After a brief moment of shock, Morn found a few coalition soldiers wandering on the street.

Relying on their generous actions, the coalition soldiers who were drunk told Morn almost everything they knew.

"You mean your superior told you that the queen is not only crazy, but she keeps asking if he's coming?"

The coalition soldier burped and said with a red face:

"Yes, almost everyone knows about this. The young queen is really crazy. She keeps asking her ministers, 'Is he coming? Is he coming?'"

"How can someone come? If someone comes, how can she still ask? She must be crazy!"

No one knows who the queen is waiting for.

But Moen knows.

The queen is waiting for him.

The Queen knows she is back

After a few more burps, the coalition soldier who was about to get completely drunk grabbed Morn's hand and said:

"You don't know, my superiors also said that the Baratheon nobles in the imperial capital are almost driven crazy by us."

"They fantasize every day that as long as their queen gives an order, they can turn defeat into victory. It's really crazy. What can they hide after the war has come to this point?"

After saying this, he was drunk with black eyes, and the others were even worse. Not only did they fall down first, they also lay directly on the ground.

After Morn left the money, he left here.

Each took what he needed, that's all.

After returning to his hotel, Morn wrote a letter without any hesitation.

Then he used the fine lanolin wax he had bought on the way back to draw a complex spell on the floor.

Here, apart from various supernatural items, the most common means of long-distance communication for people is through the spirit world and its messengers.

As for the prayers used by the Queen's Spy and Miss Leida, that is the rarest communication method.

Because the High Sequence is not a messenger, nor a transit agency.

You asked them to send a letter to you, that is really blasphemy among blasphemy, and death among death.

"I am your master, I am the only and eternal Lord of the South, I am Trajan Westeros. Show up, my messenger!"

As Morn's call ended.

The lanolin wax carved on the floor by Morn spontaneously combusted out of thin air.

A faceless gentleman in an elegant tuxedo respectfully dedicated himself in the flames.

"My master, it is an honor to hear your voice and call again."

"Long time no see, old friend."

The faceless gentleman bowed in fear.

"Your words frighten me, Master."

"Please help me deliver this letter to my student."


Late at night on the fifth day, in the audience hall of the Baratheon capital, the desperate Queen still sat there blankly.

She couldn't believe that her guess was wrong.

She was even more unwilling to believe that her teacher really wouldn't come back.

The blow of picking up hope and then losing it is an indescribable horror for a person who is already deep in darkness.


The moment the memories emerged in my heart, my longing also turned into tears.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the flames ignited.

In the firelight from the spirit world, the confusion and despair in the Queen's eyes slowly emerged with light.

That was firelight, and also hope.

The faceless gentleman bowed.

"My master wants me to deliver this letter to his students!"

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