Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 69 Interesting Discovery

"Lost? My Lord, are you sure you didn't forget it somewhere?"

"No, it shouldn't be. I remember I brought a lot of Baratheon gold pounds as a backup."

"But my Lord, we have been with you all the time. If someone is so powerful that he can steal your gold pounds right under our noses."

"Then I think there is no need for him to be a thief."

These two sentences made the old prime minister fall into silence.

Yes, if the other party is so powerful, why would he be a thief?

And the old prime minister also checked other things and found that only the money was missing.

This is not very logical.

If other things are also missing, then it can also mean that this may be an elite spy of a certain force, such as Queen Baratheon.

But if only the money is lost, it means that the other party is just a thief, but in this case, a thief who is so powerful that he can steal people's money in front of a bunch of supernatural people who are on guard

There is no reason for someone with this ability to be a thief, at least there is no reason to only steal money.

After a brief moment of confusion, the old chancellor couldn't help but look at his hands.

The joints of his fingers had become swollen and bent, as if telling of the ruthlessness and cruelty of the years.

'Am I really old? ! I'm so old that I don't even remember where I put my money? '

Perhaps after this time, I should retire.

Hasank Iman, the former chancellor of the Loiman Empire, has been the chancellor of the empire for a full thirty-one years.

Although he is now a mid-sequence transcendent, he is indeed over a hundred years old, and half of his body is already lying in the promised land.

"Sir. Do you need us to check it out?"

"No, it should be that I'm really old."

The old chancellor shook his head and walked forward.

There was only one room in front, and it was obvious that the old chancellor came to see the prophet.

Moen also estimated his remaining gold coins, and finally Moen decided to gamble.

At the time when the old chancellor entered, Moen melted the stone wall in front.

Instead of leaving only a little stone wall to support it as before, it left a thickness of about two palms side by side.

This is the limit of the sound detection horn.

And it also depends on whether the other party will open any barrier.

As soon as he entered the door, the old prime minister stopped his men from crushing the runes to set up a barrier:

"This is the territory of the Lion Family. I just want to meet the demigod of the prophet. There is no need to set up a barrier."


The old prime minister's men were a little stunned.

The old prime minister had to smile and shook his head:

"Two outsiders are in the master's territory, so it's better to be honest. You set up a barrier to tell others what we are plotting?"

"Or are you sure that the Lion Family can't find out that we set up a barrier to prevent detection?"

The men bowed their heads in shame.

The old prime minister waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to worry about it, and then he looked at the jester:

"If I'm not mistaken, there is no similar setting in your workshop, right?"

"There are only basic warning spells. Otherwise, the old lion will not allow an outsider like me to live in his fortress openly."

This made Moen above his head nod repeatedly, good job!

This is the style of a good comrade!

"Does that ensure that we can discuss normally?"

The jester pointed to his eyes and said:

"I can tell you for sure that even if the guardian knight of the old lion comes, I can find it early!"

"If someone can hide and eavesdrop on what we say without being discovered by me, then there must be an angel hiding above our heads regardless of his identity!"

At this point, both of them laughed.

How could such a thing happen?

After laughing, the old chancellor said to the jester:

"I have read the prophecy you sent, so I came here too. So let me see your true sincerity, right?"

"Don't you know my sincerity yet?"

The old chancellor smiled and said:

"Are you talking about the Baratheon that is about to cause chaos?"

"Isn't that enough?"

"Indeed, after the young queen killed that terrible guy, she is a big shot of Sequence One."

"Your Lu family failed, and our emperor died long ago. In this case, the Principality of Roman will not take out the seal of His Majesty the Emperor."

"After all, there are no Sequence Two angels to use, but no one thinks that it is theoretically possible to rely on a few demigods."

If a mortal holds a seal of the same level, theoretically, he has the possibility of killing gods.

But so many years of history have also clearly told people that it is basically just a possibility.

As long as they can't deal with the queen, their plan will be greatly hindered.

The jester smiled and said:

"Then it seems that I have to admit it in person. Don't you know that I am actually Sequence 3?"

"You should have guessed that the purpose of doing all this is and only to be promoted to an angel!"

While saying this, the jester opened his palm, and then a clay tablet appeared in his hand from nothing.

This is the standard ability of the Sequence 3 of the Prophet Path - the Destiny Tablet.

It can only be used three times, but each use can specify an unavoidable fate for a person.

"In this case, as long as you can convince the Principality of Roman to take out the sealed object, then as long as I complete the promotion, I will be happy to help you completely eliminate a great enemy who will definitely hate me!"

Looking at the clay tablet in the other party's hand, the old prime minister asked curiously:

"Can you use this to give the queen the fate of death?"

The jester laughed out loud:

"This is not what someone of your level would say, it's too stupid."

"I am only a sequence three now, even if I become a sequence two, I don't think I can kill a sequence one by this method."

"Lord Hassank, the fate specified by the destiny clay tablet is indeed unavoidable, but if it is written too outrageously, no one knows when and in what form it will be realized."

Hassank Ke waved his hand and said:

"Of course I know this. I remember that before the second Lord of Prophecy took over the throne from his predecessor who was the eldest son."

"He tried to use the clay tablet of destiny to specify the death of his enemy."

"But the result..."

Before the old prime minister finished speaking, the jester looked back and laughed:

"But the result made him the first god killed by a 'mortal'. Although he did kill his enemy in the end, he paid with his life."

"It's really ridiculous!"

These two sentences made Moen above his head hear something wrong.

This is not like the attitude that a prophet should have towards the main god of his path.

Although this main god has died a long time ago, he is still the predecessor.

But you have to know that respecting your main god is a compulsory course for every extraordinary person.

Even if they are dead!

And Moen also heard hatred from his sarcasm.

This is very interesting. A prophet living in the present hates an ancient god who has been dead for several epochs?

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