Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 37 The Witch and the Girl

When Moon found Potter again.

Neither Moon nor Potter knew that Potter was about to be transferred to the South.

Moon didn't know that a younger brother he had developed with great difficulty was sent to the South because of his own reasons.

Moon just said to Potter after seeing him:

"Congratulations, you have become a Silver Owl."

Looking at the Silver Owl badge hanging on Mr. Potter's chest.

Moon knew that the other party had been promoted.

Very good, the faster the other party is promoted, the greater the convenience will be.

"Yes, sir, this is all your promotion!"

Porter was really excited, as a person who had worked for thirteen years and was still a yellow-headed eagle.

Now, in the few days since he met Moon, he has been promoted to a Silver Owl.

If he can continue to work for this sir.

Porter dared not imagine how far he could go.

It's exciting to think about it!

"If you are a silver owl, you should have your own exclusive arsenal, right?"

"Yes, sir, it has been approved for me. I can now directly use the things that I had to apply for before!"

"That's great. Give me a mithril revolver and matching ammunition. Remember, bullets for extraordinary people are also required."

"Ah? Sir?"

No, why do you always ask me for this kind of thing?

Do you think the common goods distributed are worthy of it?

"Don't worry about the extras, just give me the things."

Ah, yes, why do small characters like me ask these questions?

Potter suddenly felt that he might have said something wrong.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'll do it right away."

Looking at Potter leaving, Moon felt that this would not work.

If you keep asking the other party for small things that big people would not look down on.

After a long time, the other party will definitely be suspicious.

Well, knock it for a while, so that he won't dare to ask more or think more in the future.

Wait until Potter delivers what Moon wants.

Moon said meaningfully:

"Mr. Potter, please remember that you are lucky to meet me."

"Yes, sir!"

As expected, Potter immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Very good, it works!

Moon left with satisfaction.

Potter watched Moon leave with fear.

He thought that he should not be punished in any other way, right?

With this question in mind, Potter returned to the Supervisory Office, and before he could sit in his Silver Owl's special office,

Potter received a transfer order.

"Southern Territory?!"

Potter looked at the transfer order in his hand in disbelief.

How could he be transferred away just after becoming a Silver Owl?


Damn, my mouth!

Potter suddenly remembered what Moon said before he left.

'Mr. Potter, please remember that you are lucky to meet me. '

The answer is very clear.

He annoyed the sir by talking too much, so he was transferred away immediately.

After the clerk closed the door, Potter couldn't help but slap himself.

His mouth completely ruined his future.

The position of the Silver Owl in the Imperial Capital is more glorious than the Golden Eagle in many places!

If I leave like this, who will take over the position of that lady?

Will someone come to hand over to me, or will that gentleman find someone himself?

Potter rationally thinks it should be the latter.

But emotionally, he always thinks it will be the former.

But until he left with the depressed Boris Golden Eagle.

Potter didn't wait for the person who came to hand over.

After looking back at the increasingly distant Imperial Capital on the airship.

Potter couldn't help but look at the Boris Golden Eagle beside him.

Did he implicate the Boris Golden Eagle?

Potter didn't think so, but on second thought, it seemed that there was no other possibility.

After all, the Boris Golden Eagle had made outstanding achievements.

In this case, it can't be that the Boris Golden Eagle asked to be transferred, right?

What's more, he brought along a stranger whom he had never seen many times.

The more he thought about it, the more Potter felt that he had betrayed his boss.

"Lord Boris, I'm sorry."

Boris sighed and looked at Potter who apologized.

He also had a complicated expression.

He actually apologized to me!

If it weren't for him, why would he be like this?

At this moment, Boris wanted to kill Potter.

But he held back, because he knew that if Potter, the monitor, was gone and he was still alive.

Then the next one to die would be his whole family.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's my own problem. Who made me lose my temper."

Ah? Lord Boris, it's not because of me?

Potter was relieved instantly. It seemed that he was sent away by that lord.

That's good. He won't be bullied in the future.


When Potter and Boris's airship finally arrived at the main city of the South Territory and left the dock.

A girl outside the dock ran towards them with bright eyes.

"My Lords, I ask for asylum! There is a terrible supernatural being following me!"

The girl didn't understand why there was a golden eagle and a silver owl here.

But she knew that this should be her only way to survive.

Since she took on the task of the boss who was suspected to be the first batch.

She started her work.

Although the places that the big guy asked her to see in the South Territory were a bit troublesome, they were basically safe.

Next, she just had to wait until the next time she traveled to the Lion Family to visit the last few places.

But what she never expected was.

She didn't realize until last night that she had been followed from the beginning!

At first, the other party should have just watched from a distance.

But as she finished looking at each place, the other party got closer and closer to her.

From the hill not far away, to the crowd behind her, and then to the opposite side of the street.

Every time, every time, he was approaching her madly!

Like a character in a horror story!

And now, the other party was right behind her.

This really scared her.

So after noticing that there were two big figures among the sound-hunting soldiers in front of her.

The girl immediately stepped forward for help. The other party must be an extremely powerful extraordinary person, and he certainly didn't expect that two big figures would suddenly appear in this place.

As long as she successfully opened her mouth.

They will definitely confront each other.

She can also get away safely!

Perfect plan!

But what made the girl collapse was that after she shouted this sentence.

The whole world stopped.

The world that was noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

The girl was stunned.

What level of extraordinary person is this?

Could it be a demigod? !

And the extraordinary person who had been following her also appeared in front of her.

The other party was wearing an elegant black evening dress and a deep veil to cover his face.

The whole person had a temperament that the girl could not describe.

But it didn't matter. The important thing was that she was afraid of dying.

As the other party raised his hand.

The girl closed her eyes in fear.

Don't attack my soul! Don't attack my soul!

Gods, kings, please bless me!

Woo woo woo, I don't want to die yet, I don't even have a boyfriend!

"Don't be afraid, child, although I am a witch, someone has redeemed my soul from the abyss."

A very soft voice, but for some reason it was full of sadness and sorrow.

The girl then carefully opened her eyes.

To the girl's surprise, there was a bottle of potion quietly placed in the other person's raised hand:

"This is the potion of the masked dancer, a girl from another world."

"You, what do you mean?"

"I'm looking for someone, so I came to discuss a deal with you."

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