Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 251 Ancient Apocalypse (3k2)

In the direction of the light, the rock faded and the sand disappeared.

A long archway just wide enough for people to pass through appeared in front of them.

The witch put down the polyhedron in her hand.

She turned and walked towards the archway.

Seeing this, the knight followed behind her.

"Where does this lead to?"

"A temple."

"The memorial temple? But isn't that thing said to be in Agas, where Augustus is?"

When it comes to the temples in the Old World, almost everyone's first reaction is the memorial temple where the holy sword is hidden in the rumor.

"It's not that old, but in terms of their own holiness, this one here is not bad."

The witch's voice has always been so sad and crisp.

Since the person who exchanged her from hell with himself left, her life has become black and white like her clothes.

The only touch of color was that afternoon, in the broken nameless church, the saint who said in the sun that he redeemed her from the abyss.

This was the only color in her thousands of years of life, and also the last color.

It was obtained, but it was fleeting.

It was trust, but it was completely lost.

The saint used her redemption to put a perfect end to his legendary life.

Everyone who knew about this would praise the saint's glory and holiness.

But for her, this was an unimaginable nightmare.

Her life was left with only a black and white nightmare.

"Isn't it worse than the memorial altar? Whose temple is this? What holy objects are enshrined?"

As he went deeper, the knight finally found more and more man-made buildings, instead of the rock and soil as before.

"Augustus ruled Rome for seventy-three years, but in the end, when he was about to become the master of the world, he was assassinated by the senators."

"In this regard, the gods and kings who were waiting for Augustus' death were naturally happy to see it happen. They recognized Augustus and were willing to wait for his departure."

"But they also wanted to see the mortal standing above them leave early."

"The same goes for the rest of the people. No one likes to have another master of the world above their heads. But Augustus's Honorary Army, Augustus's generals, and governors were all silent."

"Why do you think this is?"

The knight who was asked back said:

"Because, because, well, I don't know why."

It's not surprising that the senators made mistakes, but it's strange that Rome remained silent. It's like Augustus almost has no followers of his own.

"Because after discovering that he no longer needed an army to fight, Augustus, who knew that he would die, took the initiative to accept the peaceful evolution of the elders."

"That should be something that Augustus wants very much, because he really came just to mend that broken world."

"He knows that he is leaving in a hurry, but he must leave in a hurry, because the life of a mortal is short."

"So he also knows that if he leaves so quickly, he will definitely leave behind a Rome that will expose countless problems after his death."

"So, he doesn't want to leave too many people who care about him to continue bleeding for Rome after he leaves."

"In the last forty years when there is no need for war, he silently sent away his true warriors and followers, and no longer cultivated his own followers. Presumably, with Augustus' company, they will be able to go to the resting place promised in the original promise in their old age."

The knight suddenly realized why Augustus died so easily.

Augustus never thought about continuing to live and rule the world. When the world was mended, he was satisfied.

"What a great man, just like a saint."

This subconscious sentence stopped the witch in her tracks instantly.

She suddenly turned around and asked:

"What did you say?"

"What a great man?"

"Next sentence!"

"Just like a saint, ah, should I say the saint is just like him!"

The saint is just like him? !

The witch, who had never thought about this, was suddenly stunned.

Until the knight asked carefully:

"What's wrong with you?"

The witch came to her senses after hearing her companion's voice. She turned around again and headed inside.

"No, nothing, let's continue."

"In short, Augustus, who had completed his mission, took the initiative to accept the peaceful evolution of the elders, so Rome was so silent after his death. Because everything had been hollowed out."

"However, Augustus' followers and admirers did not disappear because of this. On the contrary, they even have considerable power. It's just that, compared to revenge, they are more willing to use their power in other places, just like Augustus they follow!"

After hearing this, the knight said in astonishment:

"Did they build this place? The last followers of Augustus? "

"Yes, although Augustus is gone, the spirit he left behind is not dead."

"Although he died in Rome, his spirit of giving everything for the world is indeed not dead."

"The followers of Augustus had long anticipated that the gradually corrupted Roman nobles would definitely attract the prying eyes of the abyss, so they built this cathedral to isolate the prying eyes of the abyss. They wanted to protect Rome and the people of Rome."

"For three eras, this cathedral has been protecting Rome!"

This world is broken, but there are always people who patch it up.

Once this person was Moeen, and then a new person took his place.

Although neither they nor Morne thought that it was not just the powerful people of Rome who had fallen.

As the witch's voice fell, the heavy door was pushed open by invisible force.

Everything inside was revealed.

It was a simple church, and in front of them was a high platform that was obviously an altar.

Looking at the high altar, the knight subconsciously wanted to kneel down and worship.

He is also a high-sequence person, and he knows very well what such an altar and arrangement represent.

The morning star mural on the wall and the outline of the ferryman on the ground clearly indicate that the sacred object enshrined here is a holy relic!

So he immediately knelt down and continued to simplify the Holy Emblem according to his own beliefs.

"The original is above, my Lord is above, and I can actually see the great Augustus!"

But his words made the witch a little confused.

After a long time, the witch said something embarrassing:

"It's not Augustus who's being worshiped here."


The knight almost jumped.

"Isn't this the church built by the followers of Augustus?"

"They built the church, but they did not enshrine the holy remains of Augustus here. Moreover, Lord Augustus is only a mortal, and his bones cannot do all this."

During the three eras of isolation in the abyss, no recorded demon appeared in the world.

This is indeed not a miracle that mortal bones can do.

"Then who is worshiped here?"

Although he knew what the witch said was right, the knight still couldn't hold himself tight.

It's okay to kneel to the wrong person.

"Um, do you remember the person I talked about before?"

The knight was stunned for a moment and then said:

“The one who says everything he says will come true?”

"Yes, what is enshrined here is this person's organ. But I don't know which organ it is."

The knight asked tentatively:

"How do you know?"

He is also a high-sequence person, but he has never heard of these things.

"A man wearing one of the three elven rings told me."

The knight did not ask whether the other party was reliable because he believed in what he saw now and the witch's judgment.

"You've been acting weird these days. Is it because of what he said? What else did he say?"

The witch lowered her head slightly and looked at her feet and said:

"He said that in a very, very distant era, in the Age of Gods, it had not yet been officially opened. In the beginning of creation, it was said that it had not been sleeping all the time."

“He gathered together his brothers and sisters, the first children of the original generation—the firstborn.”

"He stood on the sun and said these words to the firstborn sons standing on the earth."

"The six angels threw the bloody daggers into the well, and the well became dry and the water dried up. This was to prepare the way for the demons who came from the evil place."

"There will also be five unclean spirits, like frogs and like vultures. For they are spirits of devils who work evil and go out to all the kings of the world to gather them together to fight."

The knight shook his head and said:

"I, I don't quite understand. This sounds like a description in the scriptures of some churches. Or there are too many similar records in the scriptures."

The witch continued:

“More than that, He said.”

“Heaven was opened, and he appeared on a white horse, who judges and makes war in righteousness.”

"His eyes were like fire, and on his head were many crowns. Each crown had a name written on it, and each crown symbolized the highest power in the world, but no one could see it except him. People know those names.”

"He is clothed in clothes splattered with blood, and his name is known to everyone and unknown to everyone. He leads the armies of heaven against the people. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. He will rule over them with an iron rod of rebuke, and he will kick the faces of the gods into pieces.”

The knight said seriously:

"This is like a prophecy blabbered by some god. Therefore, someone tempted many people to participate in an unjust war, but they were defeated one by one by a certain great person."

As he spoke, the knight cursed:

"Damn it."

This has been accomplished!

And right before their eyes - six Roman angels who betrayed Augustus are gathering armies of kings from all over the world in the name of five fallen Rome.

They are about to go to war with Augustus, who has been crowned the Lord of the World by countless countries!

"What else did He say?"

Another strange phenomenon appeared on the ground. A monster that looked like fire and a demon crawled out of the ground. Its appearance brought the death of one-third of mankind because they did not believe in justice. Its advance brought the death of another third of humanity as it devoured sin and grew stronger.

Only the last third of people will be saved, because they are kind, stick to justice, and wait for the knight on the white horse.

This was all the witch knew, but in the end, she shook her head helplessly and said:

"The person wearing one of the three elven rings doesn't know what's behind it. However, I think that as long as we take good care of this temple, people can live safely."

The knight immediately took out many runes and inventory.

"Well, since this temple is so important, let's take good precautions."

But when he stepped forward, the runes in his hand fell to the ground one after another.

Because the altar is empty.

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