Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 245 Death of Caesar (4k5)

The emperors were slightly dissatisfied with the other party's answer, but they could not continue to ask.

Their alliance was not solid.

Before their own territory was really in trouble, they did not intend to go deeper.

So as not to destroy their alliance before the end of the slave uprising.

After all, their territory was really fine.

After looking at his companions, the emperor of Pompeii Rome said:

"If there is nothing else, let's stop here today?"

The emperors nodded slightly in agreement.

This originally happy meeting ended in indifference and suspicion.

Everything after that went smoothly as expected by Moon.

The Romans really watched his excavation.

They did not even send any troops to harass them, just waiting for him to excavate the ruins to explore the way for them.

It was as if all of them really thought that the memorial temple was already within their reach.

In response, Moon just shook his head with a smile.

Although three eras have passed, although the current Rome is no longer the same group of people as before.

But their thoughts are still exactly the same.

I don't know if this is a different kind of immortality.

Moon still remembers that they planned the assassination with so many loopholes so confidently and stupidly.

Because he is a mortal, they only need to have a dagger in the Senate to kill him without any arrangement?

Theoretically, it is indeed feasible.

But in the extraordinary world, it is obvious that such a stupid plan and motive would never succeed if the other party did not cooperate.

Although they succeeded that year, it was because Moon acquiesced to it.

But now, Moon does not intend to perform according to their wishes.

Three eras have passed, and it is time for another group of people to bow out.

Next to Moon's tent, Miss Leida hid in the tent and looked at the sky outside with tears and snot.

It has been six days since she was captured, and she even met Augustus during this period.

But for some reason, after meeting Augustus, the other party put her here.

She didn't say why, didn't do anything, and even few people looked at her.

This made her panic.

She had no idea what Augustus was going to do.

Not long after, Miss Leida, who heard the noise outside, wiped her tears and stood up, and saw a woman bringing food and water in.

"It's time to eat."

"Yes, thank you, thank you."

After taking the food, Leida asked the question she had always been concerned about:

"Can I know what you are doing by locking me up?"

The woman with a very obvious white mark on her neck shook her head and said:

"I don't know what Lord Augustus thinks."

Then she left.

At the door, two gladiators were still guarding.

This was also the reason why Leida gave up escaping.

She couldn't beat the two gladiators.

Quintus was equally puzzled about Leida. While delivering food to Moon, he also asked Moon:

"Sir, what are you doing with that corpse desecrator? You even locked her up next to you. Isn't that too imprudent?"

Moen sighed and said:

"This is the only way for now."


"Because other methods of disposal are too dangerous."

Quintus tried to understand Moon and said:

"Are you worried about the relationship between the witch and her?"

"Not that."

Quintus couldn't understand. He could only say:

"Sir, according to your instructions, and everyone is working hard, so we can dig it the day after tomorrow at the latest. But according to the current progress, if it doesn't rain tonight, I think we can dig it by noon tomorrow."

Moen then looked at the sky seriously and said:

"Are you sure?"

"Sir, I'm sure, I've been keeping an eye on the progress."

Moen then nodded and said:

"Then we should start tomorrow."


Under the top of the mountain where Moen was stationed, there were the slaves' tents.

In order to dig out the ruins as soon as possible, they have been working in shifts day and night.

But in order to take care of their companions who were resting nearby.

In the darkest two hours of the night, even the ruins excavation site will try to stop work, just do some small jobs without much movement.

But now, when the ruins excavation site is quiet, many slaves' tents are gathering a lot of people.

They are slaves who escaped from outside, and there are slaves who are already in Agas.

They are numerous, but they did not gather in large numbers, but gathered in twos and threes.

They tacitly avoided slaves who were not their companions. This was normal, as slaves were a group that was very easy to stick together.

So, few people thought there was a problem.

In order to survive better under the slave owners, the slaves learned a lot.

This included how to quickly distinguish who would be their companions and how to avoid slaves who were not their companions.

Whether it was to avoid their people or their eyes and ears!

In order to survive, it was more likely to be whipped less or get a piece of stinky bread.

Slaves might report their companions' improper behavior to their masters.

For example, slacking off at work, stealing food, insulting the master, etc.

Slaves are a concept and a class, but not a whole.

This is exactly the situation now.

The slaves who avoided the other slaves gathered together and made the final communication tacitly.

"Are the Romans' promises true?"

"Can I really get rewards and pardons?"

These are the questions of many Agas slaves.

And the slaves who escaped from outside also gave their own responses to their questions.

Some easy-to-carry gems and gold, or a personal pardon from a Roman official.

The glow of gold and gems firmly attracted the eyes of the slaves.

The pardon letter from the Roman official made them swallow their saliva uncontrollably.

As Moon discovered at the beginning.

Many people do not resist slavery, but resist being slaves.

This is true for the slaves themselves.

If there is a chance, many slaves will not hesitate to step on the bodies of other slaves to climb up.

Even after they become noble slave owners, they will not stop, but will return everything they have suffered to other slaves in an even worse way.

So much so that Morn, who used to be Constantine, often could not respond to the demons' questions - do you think that the people you protect are really not demons compared to us?

The most terrible thing Morn has seen is not in the abyss, but in the human world.

The cruelty of mortals often exceeds the expectations of demons.

Morn has also seen many demons say that they learned a lot of things from the mortals who called them.

Sadly, these demons did not lie.

It is said that before the abyss and the present world really began to connect, the demons were just a group of intelligent beasts who were keen on killing.

The greatest evil they thought of was killing for the purpose of not filling their stomachs.

As for Rome, Morn has no doubt that many places are definitely more like the hell of the abyss than the abyss.

Morn is even curious why the demons are still in the abandoned land after so many years.

Why hasn't the demon disaster broken out in the old continent?

And those slaves, after seeing these displays, became more and more impatient.

The only thing they thought about at this moment was to let the sun come out quickly, let those slaves dig up the ruins quickly, and let them run towards a truly luxurious life quickly.

After realizing this, the slaves who showed them all this also threw out a greater temptation:

"The nobles of Rome said that they can not only give you rewards and pardons, but also let you take the ruins tomorrow first!"

"Think about it, those are the relics of the Age of Gods, God knows how many good things are hidden in them!"

After these words came out, the slaves became more and more excited.

But they still tried to suppress their excitement and forced themselves to rest in preparation for tomorrow's struggle.

Of course, before falling asleep, they sharpened their weapons like the most devout believers, and kissed them affectionately and placed them under themselves.

The status of free people, countless wealth, and slaves serving them all depended on the weapons they had just polished!

However, when the night became more chaotic and people could not tell whether it was dawn or still a long night, some slaves climbed out of the tents carefully.

They looked towards the top of the mountain, then walked with saliva swallowed.

They wanted to tell all this to the great man who was the only one standing beside them.

But unfortunately, many of them were held down by the people next to them and covered their mouths and noses as soon as they climbed up, and then they were quietly cold in silence.

The only one who was the most successful, but he walked to the foot of the mountain, and was suddenly killed by an unknown slave next to him.

He looked at the corpse at his feet, and then looked at the lights on the mountain, before anyone discovered all this.

They deeply hid their envy and excitement when they looked at the top of the mountain, and quietly dragged the corpse away.

Augustus on the top of the mountain represents unlimited power and wealth.

Really looking forward to tomorrow, if possible, they also want to taste the woman next to Augustus.

It is said that the woman is very beautiful. Although some people say that she is just an ordinary beauty, they do not believe it. The woman who can be placed by Augustus' side must be a goddess-like beauty!

Even if it is true, she is Augustus's woman. They really want to taste such a noble person!

Miss Leida, who felt cold for some reason, carefully wrapped herself in the quilt given to her.

Moon stood quietly in the tent waiting for dawn.


When the time came to noon.

Just as Quintus expected, the slaves who worked day and night finally dug what Moon said - a huge blue stone wall.

It was a completely different color from the surrounding soil, and it could also be seen at a glance that it was not a natural thing.

Although there were no traces of knife cutting and axe chiseling, the delicate patterns on it still explained everything.

The slaves could not understand what those patterns meant.

But they knew that this was hope, the hope of defeating the slave owner.

However, not all people thought so.

There were still many slaves who felt dry mouth and fever all over their bodies.

This is the relic, and their wonderful life will soon be realized!

Their hands unconsciously reached for their carefully hidden weapons, and their eyes could not help but drift to the heads of their companions beside them.

But they still held back their intention to take action.

The nobles of Rome said.

They said that they had to wait until Augustus opened the ruins and confirmed that they could enter.

And in the expectation of the crowd.

Augustus finally walked down the top of the mountain where he could see the whole situation.

He walked towards the blue ruins under the attention of the crowd without haste.

At the same time, the Roman fleet that had been waiting around also set off instantly.

Slaves and Romans were all looking forward to the beauty represented by the ruins with joy.

Quintus, who was staying beside Moon, looked at the slaves around him in a scrutinizing manner.

He received a lot of bad reports.

This made him a little uneasy, although he roughly guessed what Augustus meant.

But because he didn't know the whole picture, he was still very uneasy.

In particular, he didn't know how to determine who was his own.

The Romans' counterattack was not fierce, but the more he came into contact with them, the colder his back became.

This uneasiness reached its peak today.

Because he keenly noticed that the eyes of many slaves had changed.

The number of people might be much larger than he initially estimated.

He could only arrange those who he thought were okay to be around Augustus as much as possible.

And he always accompanied Augustus with the hilt of his sword.

He really didn't dare to let the tragedy that happened in the Roman Senate happen again.

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that the people he arranged around Augustus were all warriors who had followed Spataco in the uprising.

And they had also followed Augustus to kill General Galli.

At least they should be reliable.

At least if something unexpected happened, they should be able to protect Augustus and kill him.

This was the only thing that comforted Quintus.

And Moon walked to the blue stone wall as if he was unaware of everything.

This was the memorial temple left over from the Age of Gods.

This was not his creation, but it was indeed closely related to him.

Because half of the reason why the eldest son who stayed here built the memorial temple was to mourn his death.

He also left behind a treasure that the eldest sons could not ignore - the holy sword as a burial companion.

Quintus did not accompany Morn. He stayed outside the excavation site. He wanted to organize the warriors who were still willing to fight for freedom and Augustus in the worst time to resist the betrayal and malice from their companions.

In the midst of great restlessness, Quintus subconsciously looked at the only great man who could make him feel at ease.

At the forefront of many gladiators, Augustus, wearing a bloody ribbon, was still so conspicuous.

This made him feel a little relieved.

It was also at this time that everyone saw Augustus put his hand on the blue stone wall that had no reaction or even traces left no matter how he knocked.

Then, all of them saw a ripple spreading from the palm of Augustus's hand to the entire stone wall.

Then, in the uproar of everyone, the deep and quiet huge passage suddenly appeared in front of Augustus.

The atmosphere reached its peak at this moment.

The crowd seemed to hold their breath.

Quintus hurriedly turned his head to look at the slaves outside, and the knuckles of his fingers holding the hilt of the sword turned blue.

He knew that it was now.

But what Quintus did not expect was.

The beginning of the matter happened behind him, the one he trusted the most.

At the moment when the deep passage appeared, in the breath of the crowd.

Betrayal happened!

Those gladiators who had followed Spataco stabbed their swords at Augustus.

Everyone saw this extremely terrible scene.

The sword of freedom that should have been swung at the enemy pierced the chest of the person who rescued them.

Then came the second sword of the second person, and the third.

All the gladiators standing next to Augustus stabbed their swords at Augustus.

It was like a replay of the Second Age!

Faced with such a scene, the crowd also fell into a huge uproar and chaos.

Some people wanted to rush towards Augustus, and some people rushed towards their companions in front of them.

Quintus stumbled and fell in great unwillingness and despair.

But even so, he continued to rush towards the figure who had not fallen yet.

In an almost crazy roar, Quintus drew his sword with red eyes and rushed towards the group of traitors with more people.

The traitors who assassinated Augustus drew out and raised their daggers with great excitement.

They won everything!

In the distant Second Era, the elders also raised the daggers stained with the blood of Augustus so high.

They won Rome!

Still having a low fever, 4,500 for now... Sorry

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