Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 243: Memorial Hall (3k)

When the transmission of the message completed the most difficult first step, the rest was much easier.

The news of Augustus's return swept the whole world at a terrifying speed.

Even the human alliance across the world knew this.

This made the Eastern Roman emperor very angry but helpless.

The other party did not do something just to make trouble like the stupid slave thirteen years ago.

Yes, this is Augustus, not an ignorant slave.

I underestimated the other party too much.

I subconsciously thought that the other party just had a troublesome identity.

After a brief thought, the emperor immediately knew what the other party was thinking.

He wanted to see the reaction of us and the rest of the people?

Okay, then come on!

I admit that you are an incredible great man, but so what?

Now is the Fourth Era!

Your era has long ended!

What's more, even when you were at the peak of your career, weren't you killed?

Just an ordinary person!

The Eastern Roman emperor turned around with a gloomy face.

What the dignitaries saw was a monarch with confident eyes and a slightly raised mouth.

This made them feel that they had found their backbone instantly.

"Don't worry, everyone, it's just a clown pretending to be Augustus."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone knew what the emperor meant, and then they all looked at the demigod who was bowing his head more and more.

In any case, he must be a fake.

The foundation of Rome cannot be messed up.

But why doesn't this guy understand this?

Is this still a demigod?

The crowd also agreed with the emperor's wisdom and cursed the humble slave who dared to call himself Augustus.

But they didn't know what went wrong, and they always felt that they didn't dare to call that person a slave.

"Then notify Pompey, those guys in the north, as well as Western Rome and the Second Rome, and tell them that we need to unite to prevent the "Spataco" incident from happening again."

"Then notify our allies around the world and tell them that their allies need their strength and support."

The emperor felt that things should not be difficult.

What if the other party is Augustus?

He is now just a mortal with a title.

He has a lot of powerful people and high-sequence interests at his disposal.

What can a mortal with only a title use to fight him?

After a rough estimate, the emperor, who felt that he was already perfect, said to the nobles:

"Okay, go down and do your work first, that's all for now."

When the crowd dispersed, the emperor looked back and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because the ground here was clean and empty.

Obviously, so many people had thrown their ribbons on the ground before.

A bunch of useless waste.

Shaking his head, the emperor returned to his bedroom, where several eunuchs tried to ask how to deal with the emperor's purple Augustus ribbon.

The emperor waved his hand and said:

"It's just a carefully made fake, burn it, burn it in front of me!"

But when several slaves carefully brought the purple Augustus ribbon of Tyre and offered the fire.

The emperor found that he seemed unable to stretch out his hand.

The torch was raised close to the ribbon several times, but was put down several times.

Augustus's return only proved that this was Augustus' ribbon.

Finally, the torch set the slave on fire.

After walking out of the room, the emperor said to the eunuchs:

"The ribbon has been burned."

The eunuchs looked at the purple color that was safe and sound in the firelight and bowed their heads and said:

"Yes, Your Majesty."


The invitation of the Eastern Roman Emperor was quickly responded to in the Old World.

The other emperors of the Roman Empire instantly put aside their previous prejudices and immediately agreed to come to discuss this major event.

Although the uprising thirteen years ago did not hurt the foundation, it really gave them a headache for a while.

And this time, it was not a simple slave rebellion.

This time, Augustus is back!

Their slaves are not afraid of even the Roman legions. These are no longer ordinary slaves, and they must be hit hard!

But what the emperors did not expect was the reaction outside the Old World.

Their allies responded enthusiastically, but that was just an enthusiastic response.

After learning about this, the veins on the Eastern Roman Emperor's forehead bulged instantly.

Augustus was waiting for their reaction, and they were waiting for Augustus's reaction!

These wolf cubs who were crazy about food and drink on weekdays, but turned deaf and dumb at the critical moment!

The Roman emperors who also knew this frowned slightly and said:

"They actually know that we are the ones who have a safe victory, they just want to see more benefits, so?"

The Eastern Roman Emperor knew what they meant, it was nothing more than raising the stakes.

But he raised his hand and smiled:

"No, that group of trash who only know how to find opportunities to take advantage of others is not worth looking forward to."

"We can do it ourselves!"

In response, there was still an emperor who said uneasily:

"Is it really okay? Although we say that it is not, it is really the living Augustus. God knows if there will be any accidents!"

The one who answered the other party was the Holy Roman Emperor, who sneered:

"Your ancestor, the head of the Senate, one of Augustus' most trusted confidants, but your ancestor stabbed the most fatal blow in the assassination of the Senate."

"Your ancestor sent away the Lord of the World with a single blow and ended all his glory, and you, as his direct descendant, are actually afraid of a mortal who has been defeated by your ancestor?"

This made the Lord of the Western Roman Empire a little embarrassed and said:

"I just make sure that everything is foolproof. This is different from thirteen years ago."

The Eastern Roman Emperor smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I'm ready. The only thing we need now is to press on from all sides!"

"As long as we quickly destroy Agas with the force of thunder, everything will be over, and the changes that have taken place will return to the way they were before."

After a brief silence, the emperors nodded one after another.

The five most elite armies and generals of the Roman Empire arrived at the front line one after another.

They were to defeat the ignorant slaves in one fell swoop according to the emperors' requirements.

But just as the Roman army was preparing to encircle them intensively,

Several cities near Agas all broke out in slave uprisings.

The slaves found a way to give the gladiators weapons, and then the gladiators killed the slave owners and fled the city with a batch of food and selected slaves who could fight.

They rushed to Agas, the free city that all slaves now yearn for.

The largest slave meat grinder has become the free city that represents the rebirth of slaves.

It's really a trick of the world.

And such things are also happening everywhere in the Old World.

The slaves are all supporting the only great man who stands by their side - Augustus in their own way.

As time went by, Quintus found Moon with a serious look:

"Sir, I estimate that the Romans will attack us in four or five days at most."

"Although we have accepted many warriors who came to join us, this is not enough. Our gladiators are only good at fighting, not fighting!"

Moen kept looking at the sand table in front of him and said:

"There have been many slaves and gladiators who came to join us these days, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"How many?"

"Not many, because the Romans blocked the road, but the people who came were basically warriors they had selected themselves. I think, about 30,000 people?"

Moen nodded and said:

"Did they make trouble?"

Quintus He smiled:

"Of course not, sir, everyone is a warrior gathered for a noble cause, but now they want to prove themselves because they did not participate in the Agas uprising."

Moen turned around and smiled:

"That's easy, there will be something that can make them prove themselves soon."

"What sir?"

Moen pointed to the sand table in front of him and said:

"Why do you think I chose Agas?"

Quintus said tentatively:

"Because this is the largest competitive city?"

Moen shook his head and smiled:

"More than that."

Quintus scratched his head and said:

"Sir, you should just say it directly."

Moen then marked a not obvious mountain on the sand table.

"The original name of the city of Agas was not Agas, but Asgard. In the Age of Gods ruled by the eldest sons, this name meant the place where the gods ruled."

"This comes from an eldest son, but as time goes by, I think no one knows this now."

"And people who have forgotten even this have probably forgotten that the Temple of Mourning is in Asgard."

Quintus' eyes widened instantly and said:

"The Temple of Mourning where the legendary holy sword is stored?!"

"Yes, it is the Temple of Mourning, built by the eldest son and where the holy sword is stored."

Moen leaned on the sand table and said this quietly.

This is a card he had prepared long ago, but he had never used it much.

I didn't expect that it would be used now.

"Gather the 30,000 people to guard and excavate the temple. The location is this nameless mountain."

Quintus couldn't help but look at the mountain marked by Moen.

It was indeed an unnamed mountain, and on the Roman military sand table it was only referred to as Lonely Mountain No. 3.

Because it was far away from the city, it was nothing special, and it could barely be considered a mountain.

But now, it represented the slaves' hope of a comeback!

A legacy from the Age of Gods!

But immediately, Quintus frowned and said:

"If we want to dig up the ruins, we can't hide it from the Romans, so they will probably come here right away?"

"Should we dig secretly?"

Moen asked back:

"But in that case, will there be enough time?"

Quintus immediately said disappointedly:

"Not enough, sir."

"Just go directly, take as many people as you can."

Quintus looked up blankly and asked:

"But, sir, how can we prevent them from attacking?"

Moen smiled mysteriously and said:

"They won't attack, they will wait for us to finish digging the ruins!"

Quintus said in disbelief:

"Sir, it might be possible in your time, but the Romans now don't have the so-called chivalry."

Moen said confidently:

"That's why they won't come."

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