Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 234 Rome restores slavery (4k)

On the ocean ferry, Moon was sitting by the bed and looking at his pocket watch seriously.

He had been away from Qiqiu for three days, and he was definitely far away from the goddess.

But the pocket watch did not show any reaction.

According to the usual practice, the pocket watch would usually bring him back to the human union at this time.

But there was no reaction until now.

This made Moon a little uneasy.

He didn't know whether the pocket watch was reminding him that things here were not over, or whether the pocket watch itself was broken after the previous recollection and could not bring him back to the human union.

Either way, it was something that Moon did not want to happen.

But the pocket watch remained silent, even though it clearly helped him.

The only thing that comforted Moon was that the pocket watch would still automatically return to him, or just like before, if it was a little beyond the distance, it would reappear in one of his pockets.

This at least showed that the pocket watch was not really completely broken.

After sighing, Moon carefully put the pocket watch away again.

This time, he still put it on his chest, together with Ansha's hair ring.

But the reason was no longer to use it to block bullets at critical moments.

After putting away his pocket watch, Morn began to look at the two rings in his hand with a headache.

The magic ring is nothing, just wear it all the time.

But he didn't know how to put Selene's hair ring.

Now he can keep it on his hand all the time, but what if he meets another goddess?

He can't wear it on his hand at that time, right?

But when that time comes, where should he put Selene's hair ring?

Ansha's hair ring is already on his chest!

Otherwise, take off the magic ring and put it there as a secret item?

Or wear more clothes and put them inside and outside separately?

Morn thinks this is feasible in theory.

At the same time, Morn also thought of another point, that is, he thought about taking out Ansha's hair ring.

After rubbing the magic ring, he put it on his hand.

In this way, Morn had three rings on his hand.

Morn also tried to sense the changes around him.

There was no change, and he was right.

If you stay away from the goddess and don't put the two rings together, there will be no problem under the protection of the magic ring.

What can I do.

You can usually wear the goddess's hair ring on your hand to prevent the goddess from wondering why you have never worn a ring. When you meet another goddess, take off their hair rings and put them on your chest together with the magic ring!

It is very feasible, but it is a bit scumbag.

After wiping the non-existent cold sweat with a guilty conscience, Moon took out the menu at the door and outlined the meal he wanted.

Then he put it at the door and waited for the waiter to take it away.

This is the way the passenger meals on this airship are provided. You can go to the restaurant or let the airship deliver it directly.

Of course, only passengers above the second class like Moon can have it.

After all, the operator of the ocean-going airship is not a charity.

Soon, the red heart borscht, landa vegetables and white bread that Moon wanted were brought by the waiter.

Looking at the food in front of him, Moon couldn't help but think.

Red heart borscht, Randa dish, um. It seems that there is no Ansa. Forget it, it's just food, nothing.

After shaking his head slightly, Moen started to eat happily.

In contrast, Ansa, who had sent away the two goddesses, became more and more irritable.

She always felt that she seemed to have been losing somewhere these days?

After looking around suspiciously, Ansa could only shake her head and bite her fingertips more suspiciously.


After a ten-day long voyage, the airship that Moen took finally arrived at Capua, the current capital of the Eastern Roman Empire in the Old World.

Of course, because the Eastern Roman Emperor has always insisted that Constantinople, their real capital, has only fallen temporarily.

Soon the generals and soldiers of the Eastern Roman Empire will recapture the capital and avenge their previous shame.

So Capua, which has replaced Constantinople as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire for thousands of years, has not been officially called the capital so far.

Even for this, they set up a consul and administrator for Capua.

Of course, they have always been idle, because the real managers of Capua are the emperor and the Senate.

The existence of the two of them is just to show that Capua is not the capital, and Constantinople is the capital.

Even if everyone has been using it as the capital, it is not called the capital!

And this is so serious that if anyone dares to say so publicly, he will be stripped of his freedom and become a slave.

So every time a foreign airship enters Capua, the crew will tirelessly convey this to every passenger.

After confirming that they knew this again and again, they told the passengers that their airship would rest in Capua for a day before setting off for the New World.

The New World is also the destination of Morn's trip.

There is no airship that goes directly to the Holy City of the Storm Church in Qiqiu, so you can only go to the New World where the Storm Church is located to transfer.

After getting the latest boarding time from the crew, Morn also left the dock.

Prepare to take a serious look at this capital that is not a capital.

At first, it was okay, a very standard prosperous capital.

There was a constant stream of people, vendors everywhere but not chaotic, and Roman soldiers in pairs that could be seen from time to time.

Although it is similar to the way Morn remembers it, for the extraordinary world, it may be very good to remain unchanged.

However, as Moen moved forward, he discovered some places that were not consistent with his memory.

It’s not that the scene is different, Capua was not a city built when Moen was in power, and Moen had never been to Capua before.

Instead, a concept that was not in Morn’s memory appeared—slave!

They all wore collars that symbolized their status as slaves. They were sallow and skinny, looked numb, and smelled bad.

Like animals waiting to be slaughtered, they were kept in iron cages that could only curl up and were piled haphazardly on the roadside.

Each cage has a more or less damaged wooden bowl, which is empty inside and dirty outside. It seems that their food was once piled in there.

Moen didn't know what kind of food it was, but it was probably worse than pig food.

And they appeared directly in front of Moen without any preparation.

It was like when Moen went to the farmer's market when he was a child, he suddenly squeezed through the lively crowd and saw cages of chickens and ducks directly in the slaughter area.

The difference is that chickens and ducks are just livestock. They have no souls, cannot speak, and are just domesticated animals.

And here is a large group of living people.

But the two are so similar.

Even their situation is not as good as that of chickens and ducks raised by farmers.

It's just like a pile of rubbish piled together haphazardly.

If he wasn't worried that they would cause trouble for him, he wouldn't have even prepared an iron cage.

People coming and going didn't pay any attention to them.

They just covered their noses and stayed away from this smelly place.

Because everyone knows very well that these slaves are low-class slaves, and they are also the least valuable group of slaves - those who are sick, or old and weak.

In short, they are all things that cannot be sold at a high price, but are a waste of food.

Get rid of the waste, keep the eyesores.

This is how every one of them is viewed by the owners who peddle them and the passers-by.

Even Moen saw a sign and a money bag next to their iron cage.

It says: Buy one, get two free, each is only 30 copper coins, you can take it away by yourself, just leave the money. The key is on the wall.

This made Moen couldn't help but look at the group of ducks at his feet.

They were carefully kept in a large cage, with enough refined grain and clean water as food, and the price was listed at forty copper coins each. They were slaughtered and bled for free, and hair plucking was extra.

A man is actually worse than a duck? !

Moen has seen and heard of this kind of thing many times in games and books.

However, this was the first time he saw this with his own eyes.

This is even different from those girls. Those girls are precious goods, rare goods worthy of great nobles traveling across the world to buy them.

Each of them will be carefully maintained to leave an excellent appearance.

As for the slaves here, they might all be killed that night because they could not be sold, so as to save not much food at all!

And, why did Rome have slavery?

During the Republic, he abolished Roman slavery!

Moen looked at the vendors on the side.

Pointing to the pile of iron cages very seriously, he asked:

"Sir, are those slaves?"

The duck vendor said calmly:

"Ah, you are also a guest from another continent, right? Well, that is a slave. I heard that there are no slaves in other continents. It is really unimaginable."

"But if you want to return to your own country, I suggest you carefully check with the merchants whether your country allows you to take slaves back."

"Don't worry, they have been buying and selling slaves for many years, and many of them are even ancestral property. Those countries that directly allow it, those countries that can bypass the law, and those countries that don't even have to think about it are extremely clear."

After saying that, the vendor also made serious suggestions:

"Also, sir, if you really want to buy a good slave, I suggest you pick one of those cages first. Then experience what a slave is."

"Don't worry, even though they are like this, they are also qualified slaves. They will not attack their masters and will obey their masters. And they are very cheap. Outsiders like you can just spend some money to experience it."

"After you experience it, if you think it's good, then go buy a really good slave."

"Experience? What if it doesn't work? Or, what about the slave himself?"

Moen was a little surprised.

The vendor still smiled and said calmly:

"You don't know how many times you've asked this. It's really easy for an outsider like you to tell the difference. Well, as for your question? It's too simple. Kill it, throw it away, or sell it again, isn't it up to you? "

"Anyway, it's just a few dozen copper coins."

The other party's answer made Moen couldn't help but look at the passers-by on the left and right.

Each of them heard these remarks, but each of them saw nothing wrong with it.

Slavery was so deeply ingrained that it became a part of their lives.

It can be said that if one of them unfortunately becomes a slave, then he will never curse the ignorant and backward slavery, but hate why he was beaten into a slave.

After taking another look at the iron cages that seemed to contain livestock, Moen asked:

"How long has this system lasted? I remember that slavery had been abolished long ago in the time of Augustus."

The vendor also showed a surprised look for the first time:

"What? When did we stop buying and selling slaves?"

"The Age of Augustus."

"That Augustus?"

Mohn went on to explain:

"The Age of Augustus Julius, Second Age."

"Well, we have had many Augustus Julius the Great. Ah, you mean the first one, right?"

"Yes, the Augustus before the division of Rome."

The merchant said clearly:

"I don't know the specifics, but it seems like this happened after he died."

"What? After Augustus died? Right away?"

The emergence of Rome and the archives of Augustus were all just started by Moen for one thing - to clean up the mess of the Battle of Revelation.

After doing this and barely patching up the broken world, Moen ended the archive.

Moen knew that even if Rome successfully integrated the world, it would not be able to maintain everything under the current situation.

The divine power is gradually recovering, and the major races are increasingly recovering.

Everything is doomed that the world will be divided.

The only thing he could do was to maintain Rome while he, a mortal, was alive.

But once he died, or he was no longer a mortal, Rome would definitely fall apart immediately.

Because of him, the tacit understanding between him and many forces and new gods - the need to mend the broken world has been solved by him himself!

Therefore, the glory of Rome was destined to be short-lived, and Moen arranged a tribute curtain call for himself before the glory reached its peak - the death of Caesar.

Although his core purpose of establishing Rome was to mend the world, Morn really did not expect that everything he left behind would be overturned in an instant after his death.

Was it still too hasty to leave?

But if we are not in a hurry, how can we mend this broken world that was nearly destroyed by the eldest sons in a short time?

The merchant shrugged and said:

"Then I don't know, sir, I'm just a duck seller. Maybe you should ask the scholars, they know this better than me."

The merchant said, pointing to the luxurious buildings next to the iron cages:

"You are lucky. That house is the largest slave chamber here. Well, although the best thing I heard is not their house, but if you just ask about the history related to slaves, they will definitely be enough."

After glancing in the direction of the other person's finger.

Moen took out a vampire silver coin and gave it to the other party as a thank you.

Then, with the other party's smile on his face, Moen asked seriously:

"Sir, can you imagine a life without slaves?"

The businessman scratched his head and said:

"Honestly, sir, I can't imagine not having someone to help me keep an eye on the ducks day and night."

"So, can you imagine being a slave?"

The businessman was stunned and said:

"It doesn't seem possible, sir."

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