Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 225 King versus King, God versus God (4k)

How to kill the unpredictable prophet?

The answer is to use prophecy!

Prophet is a very difficult way. They can spy on everything and start planning several years, even hundreds or thousands of years in advance.

In the face of such a powerful predictive ability, if you want to be the enemy of the prophet, you will not even know whether your preparation is just a part of the other party's prophecy.

So the best way is to use prophecy to let them kill themselves.

It is not nonsense that the prophet will eventually die from the prophecy.

Eighty percent of the dead prophets died because they believed in the prophecy too much, and the remaining 20% ​​died because they did not rely on the prophecy.

So using prophecy is the easiest way to kill the prophet.

There are many things in this world that cannot be touched, and even a being like Morn knows very well that there are many things in this world that he does not know.

So, as long as the prophets touch the things that cannot be touched, it will be a success!

You don't even need to give this thing to him. As long as he knows and predicts it, he will be dead.

Spying on everything is the biggest weapon of the prophet, and also the biggest flaw.

This is what Morn did.

The Feast of Blasphemy is something that must not be known. And he is also a member of the eldest sons. As long as the other party points to him, then Morn has a way to make Sals, who has been tainted by the Feast of Blasphemy and the eldest sons, return to that nightmare again.

The method is very simple, just let the dwarves carve reliefs of the eldest sons being sent to the Valley of Monuments one by one in the ground.

Because as long as Sals predicts the whereabouts of the seal, it will definitely point to him, and as long as it points to him, the relief of the eldest son that he deliberately left there will bring him back to the nightmare of the past.

He is already tainted with these taboos that should not be touched.

He died like this back then, and he is still dying like this now.


It can be said that when Morn returned to the Seven Hills this time, almost all his thoughts were on how to deal with Sals.

Because the prophet is the only one who can break that layer of window paper at any time and anywhere.

Fortunately, his experience is still applicable.

Looking at the Blood Moon Medal, Aurora's expression gradually became solemn.

"So, Sals is dead?"

"I think so."

Moen put the medal in his hand back into his breastplate and carefully put it away.

"So, do you want to continue?"

"King against king, god against god."

After a long silence, Aurora smiled bitterly and said:

"I don't need to take risks."

After that, the tall king carrying Aurora also let out a long breath and walked behind him.

There, the pure white glow formed a huge door, and on the other side of the door was the pure white temple.

Aurora gave up.

She was not a person who liked to take risks. Every action she took was started in a situation where she was extremely safe or would never endanger herself.

Because she had easily obtained everything because of her appearance and family background since she was a child.

In her cognition, there was no reason to fight for something.

The greatest suffering she had experienced in her life might be the coffee made by the Eternal King.

Moen watched the tall king step into the glorious door silently.

Until the door full of light disappeared, the other party did not make any unusual movements.

Yes, the king from the wilderness does not like fighting, and Morn realized this from the beginning of the fight.

As for Aurora, this woman will not take risks. She only loves herself, so she will not put herself in danger.

Therefore, all this is normal.

There is no need to doubt, no need to be on guard.

After nodding slightly, Morn turned to the goddess behind him.

Noticing that her king turned around, the goddess from the dark moon finally had a huge emotional ups and downs.

Just now, she had been coldly ignoring the pure white in front of her.

And now, the pure white disappeared, and the only one left was her king.

What she was extremely afraid of was another king of a new dream.

The goddess raised her hand and put it down. After struggling for a long time, Morn reached out and grabbed her slightly trembling hand.

The armor was cold and had no temperature.

But the extremely solid feeling gave the goddess endless warmth.

It was true, he was back.

Moon silently grabbed the goddess's hand and put it on her helmet.

The goddess, who had just understood each other very well, was a little timid for the first time, wondering if she had guessed his meaning wrong.

This should be that she wanted to take off his helmet with her own hands.

But what if she was wrong?

Because she had lost it for too long, the goddess who had found it again became worried about everything.

The goddess who had dared to rebel against the crazy blood moon was as timid as a kitten for the first time.

However, with Moon's silent encouragement, the goddess still took off Moon's helmet.

It was not the Vlad she remembered, and he was not even a vampire but a human, but it didn't matter, this was him!

The soul is the essence, and the body is just a shell.

"You have changed a lot."

The helmet was carefully held in front of the chest by the goddess with one hand, and her other hand kept groping Moon's face.

She wanted to remember this face as soon as possible, even if she had remembered it at first sight.

Moon grabbed her hand and placed it on his cheek. He slowly leaned forward and looked at the goddess in front of him and said:

"Yes, I have changed a lot, but fortunately, I still want to drink the red heart borscht you made by yourself as before!"

Red heart borscht, this is what the Blood Saint held when she first met the Piercer Zebes.

The goddess from the Dark Moon still remembers that day.

Because she was not liked by anyone and would always be criticized for various trivial matters, she could only hide quietly in the temple, so that she could have a little time for herself.

To celebrate this rare freedom, she cooked a pot of red heart borscht for herself.

This is the only food she can make, because it is the most and simplest food she has seen.

She is obviously the Blood Saint, but she can only have her own freedom by hiding in the temple that everyone avoids.

She obviously has the freedom she has always desired, but the only thing she wants to do is to make herself a bowl of red heart borscht to celebrate.

This made Moen, who had been hiding behind the statue and watching quietly, come out with a wry smile.

Moen's appearance undoubtedly frightened the Saint.

But after a moment, she found out that he was not the saint of those people. Not only did she not call for help, but she tentatively raised her soup pot and asked:

"Do you want to taste it? I cooked it for a long time!"

To be honest, that was the strangest thing and the strangest girl that Moon had ever encountered.

But what else could Moon do?

Reject the kindness of a poor girl who might not have much?

Of course not.

The soup tasted very good, just like the fragrance on her body that made people linger.

She was not a bloodthirsty person, and was even a very rare alien that did not need to suck blood, so her body fragrance was very special.

The goddess who heard Moon's words also cried and laughed with tears in her eyes:

"I will go back and make it for you right away, always, forever, as long as you want, I will make it for you every day!"

The emotions that were finally lost and regained broke out completely, and the goddess who could no longer restrain herself immediately hugged him.

"As long as you don't leave my side, I can give up everything for this, so please, please stay by my side forever!"

"My king! I love you, I can't lose you again!"

Feeling the goddess's surging emotions and catharsis, Moen also hugged her with both hands.

"Don't worry, I came back this time to make up for my mistakes!"

At this tender moment, the giant knife with a slightly pure white color in the golden black quietly stretched out from behind Moen.

Aurora has been able to get everything easily because of her appearance and family background since she was a child.

So she can't stand not being able to get something!

Because she has been getting it, the loss she understands is only to get better things.

She won't take risks, because before today, she never had the need to take risks.

How could someone who can become a god not know what striving and fighting are?

So, in silence, she used her power.

She can't directly charm a goddess and a king, but she can charm space.

This is the end of the Pure White Road. She who can charm even death can naturally charm the space of the same dead things.

She did leave, but she can come back at any time.

This is the fatal blow she carefully prepared.

Not when she left, nor at the moment of leaving, but when the two supreme beings who finally reunited were immersed in their own tenderness!

Even this fatal blow she strived not to kill Morn and the goddess.

But to pierce Morn's body and destroy the last seal.

Seek stability in adventure, and take risks in stability.

Only those who understand how to combine the two can go far enough in the extraordinary world.

But, they are facing Morn.

Morn, who already knows how bitter the consequences of careless anesthesia will be!

The expected sound of flesh and blood piercing did not appear.

Instead, there was a deafening sound of metal clashing.

The sword-shaped spear that had not been used since it was taken back from the goddess finally came into play.

It blocked the opponent's giant knife in Morn's backhand strike.

Before the strong spear was cut off by the huge force, she used a very clever posture to release the force along the spear.

And finally used the hilt to block the giant sword from the opponent's hand.

Although the new giant sword came again, this time there was no need for Morn to stop it.

A snow-white arm pinched the opponent's blade.

The blade was directly crushed in the goddess' extreme anger.

Pure white is not a way to be good at fighting, but Dark Moon is!

Looking at the failed sneak attack, Aurora hugged her king tightly as the king retreated and said with a fierce look in her eyes:

"Then it will be as you said."

"King against king."

"God against god!"

She is not good at fighting, but it does not mean that she will really lose today!

But what Aurora finds incomprehensible is that the opponent's eyes are full of pity.

"Aurora, you have already lost!"

The king who left the opponent with his god finally fell to the ground unable to hold on.

It was not until this moment that Aurora realized that the broken sword-shaped spear had pierced directly into her king's heart from his abdomen.

"Aurora, this should have pierced your head and neck."

After the opponent's giant blade was blocked by him, Morn stabbed the spear in his hand towards Aurora, whose eyes were full of dark moons.

But at the last moment, the tall king raised his body to block the fatal blow aimed at the goddess.

This is the weapon that seriously injured Blood Moon. If it pierces Aurora, the pure white goddess, who is far less able to resist damage than Blood Moon, will certainly not be able to bear it.

Unable to bear the sneak attack, Dark Moon wanted to step forward and end it all.

But Morn pulled her back and shook his head slightly at her.

Indicated that everything was over.

In a brief silence, Dark Moon retreated behind Morn.

On the tall king, Aurora was still trying to heal her king. Without her king, she would completely lose the possibility of confronting Dark Moon.

Dark Moon and Moon King together, but sent away two pairs of powerful combinations of gods and kings.

But how could a weapon that could seriously injure even Blood Moon be cured so easily?

The tall king shook his head and stopped the pure white goddess.

He knew his ending. He had guessed it when Aurora arrived.

She would not give up, but she was definitely not the opponent of the hero who ended two eras.

Her life was too smooth, so smooth that she could not see herself clearly.

So the only thing he wanted to change was to let Aurora live!

After looking at Moen who was holding Dark Moon.

He said the first sentence to the pure white goddess on his body:

"Live, live for me."

There was no intense emotion, just an exhortation.

But this sudden sentence made Aurora stunned.

For a long time, her king was just a silent listener.

Listening silently, and then doing everything silently.

So she chose him as her king, trying to escape the terrible curse.

This was the first sentence he said to herself.

"What nonsense, I will cure you, we will go home together!"

"Adela is still waiting for us to go home!"

Aurora, who seemed to realize something, panicked visibly.

But her king laughed, and then held the spear and thrust it hard in Aurora's shocked eyes.

This time, the departure of the king could not be changed.

Because of him, Aurora knew very well that in this case, the only way to make Aurora leave was his death.

Even this was what Aurora expected.

When she found her king fell, she knew she had completely lost. But she wanted to live.

But how could she live?

The answer was simple, I have lost my king, what else do you want?

Looking at the king who died calmly, Aurora wanted to cry for the two supreme beings on the opposite side, but she found that she couldn't cry.

She couldn't even move, just staring at the king who fell in front of her.

She also thought that she would be relieved at this time, but she didn't, and the only thing she had was the raging anger that she had never thought of.

She wanted to stand up and make the two people in front of her pay with their lives.

But she couldn't stand up, not because of fear, but because her king spoke to her for the first and last time.

'Live, live for me. '

If you really don't love him, how can you choose him as your king?

The king of the wild land, who had been carrying the goddess on his back, fell into the goddess' arms, and the two positions were swapped.

The goddess lost her king.

The goddess also found her king.

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