Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 203 Another fellow villager (3k)

Moen, sitting on the bed, looked out the window quietly.

The sun had already risen, and neither the girl in the dream nor the dark moon in reality was by Moen's side.

Moen took off the medal he had been wearing on his chest.

This was the medal of his good friend, King Turin, Thorin Ironfoot, and it was the only thing that Moen took away from the Seven Hills.

On the front of the medal was a crown and a hammer, and on the back was a scarlet moon.

The hammer naturally represented King Turin, and the crown represented the King of the Moon.

This was once a proof of their friendship.

In contemplation, Moen turned the medal over and quietly stroked the scarlet moon on the back.

Blood Moon was a normal god at the beginning. Although he was not very good, he was not as crazy as he was later.

Moen once tried to find out why He became like this.

In the end, he did not get any useful information.

The only thing he knew was that one of the eight dukes of the blood clan once presented a bronze beast to Him.

According to the clues Morn found, that should be the reason why Blood Moon started to go crazy.

But Morn couldn't find the bronze beast until he successfully sealed Blood Moon.

In the past, Morn had no clue about it, but now.

Morn, who realized that Sals was also involved, suddenly felt that maybe he had found the answer.

Sals was a god in the early Second Era, and was killed by himself in the Valley of Monuments.

He and Blood Moon were people from completely different eras.

But now, Sals is active in the Seven Hills, although it is not ruled out that Sals followed Aurora's instructions.

But considering that Aurora is so many years later than Blood Moon and Sals.

Morn thinks that the cause of this incident is probably something Sals did to prevent accidents.

Prophets are eyes that peek into the future, and it is easy for them to do something about the future that only they know.

In Morn's game history, Morn also personally dealt with the troubles left by the three prophecy masters.

That is why Sals should be the leader among the three. It is only because he and Blood Moon are not in good condition that Aurora, who joined last, is the leader.

Based on this inference and referring to previous experience, the bronze beast is probably left by Sals.

After thinking of this, Moon dipped his tea and started drawing on the table.

Regardless of whether his inference is wrong or not, Sals and Aurora must want to unseal Blood Moon.

The other seals of Blood Moon will be found and destroyed, which must be the credit of Sals.

In addition, in the wrong process, it was Sals who detonated everything in order to track down the last seal.

Then maybe he can do something about it.

With a direction, Moon roughly conceived a method that must be very useful for Sals.

"Sals, why don't we see if you will bump into it this time?"

After saying this, the corners of Moon's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Among the patterns that Moon drew on the table, the most conspicuous ones were the tombstone-like patterns.

In pursuit of the lost Holy Grail.

Morn actually traveled with Sals for a while.

At first, Morn always thought that Sals should be different from the main god he once served.

After all, Morn's memory of Sals was that he had repeatedly opposed the cruel practices of his main god.

But unfortunately, Morn finally found helplessly that Sals was just a little better than his former main god.

Later, Anstis Kodar was also similar. I really don't know if the uniqueness of the prophet was polluted by something.

Otherwise, why are three consecutive sequence zeros so inhuman.

If it is a natural evil god path such as the plague path, it would be fine.

But the key is that in the original design and conception, the prophet is one of the three good gods!

I give you eyes to see the future, and I hope you can use it to guide people towards beauty and hope!

This is what the great original said to Him when he created the first prophet.

How did this guy go astray?

Morn couldn't help but think deeply about it.

After a moment, Moon thought of a more critical time point - the Feast of Blasphemy!

At the end of the banquet, he secretly took away the heart as the godhead. And as the eyes that peek into the future, He deliberately took away the eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that He stopped fulfilling the responsibility given to Him by the original after that.

So, did that guy see something he shouldn't see with those eyes?

Moon didn't know the details.

After all, even Moon felt that it was too far away from him at this moment.

There were not many written records of the things in that era, let alone the relics.

There were so few that as long as you had a little understanding of that era, you could get a professorship in a famous university.

Perhaps only by finding Him can you know everything.

It's just that Moon really doesn't want to deal with these troublemakers anymore.

Next time, the next time you find the uniqueness of the prophet, you must hide it forever.

Lest another troublemaker come out to disgust yourself.

Shaking his head, Moon let out a long sigh and went out for breakfast.

Of course, before leaving, Moon did not forget to wipe off the pattern on the table.

It is better to be careful in everything.

As soon as he went out, Moon smelled a very special smell in the air.

It was not bad, and it could even be said to have a very elegant and unique fragrance.

Moon clearly remembered that he had never smelled this kind of smell before.

But the moment he smelled it, Moon remembered what it was - red leaf grass.

In that scarlet church, the saint girl who was praying alone in a blood-stained holy garment also had this smell on her body.

But her smell was more special, because she was a very rare blood-drainer among the blood race.

She never sucked blood without blood thirst, and could not suck blood.

So the fragrance on her body was lighter.

After a moment, Moon, who had come out of his memories, looked at the ship in surprise.

Red leaf grass was something that only the great nobles in the blood race were allowed to use. If you wanted to use it, you had to be at least a count's family.

But this ship was just a very ordinary civilian ship.

For the blood race, who valued bloodline and identity more than life, how could a great noble be on such a low-grade ship?

This would bring shame to the blood race.

Did something happen? !

Did the vampires discover me because of what happened last night?

No, if that's the case, I can't possibly not see anyone now?

So is it that the Bloodthirsty Faction has set its sights on this ship? !

After the Dark Moon replaced the Blood Moon, there are still a considerable number of Blood Moon followers among the vampires.

They left the protection of the Dark Moon and hid in various corners of the world, becoming real vampires, relying on constant attacks on remote villages and lone airships to obtain food and power.

And therefore they call themselves the Bloodthirsty Faction.

Because they believe that other races are their food, they have no reason to buy blood or even suck the blood of livestock!

The vampires should rely on their own claws and wings to hunt for food!

Thinking of this, Moon subconsciously put his hand on his revolver.

I hope I'm wrong.

I don't have many mithril bullets on me.

After taking a deep breath, Moon decided to go to the front to see the situation first.

It would be best if he could meet up with the airship security first.

But if it was really an attack by the Bloodthirsty Faction, the great nobles of the Earl of Baodi had appeared, and the ship was probably in danger.

Moen hoped that he was wrong.

But as he got closer to the restaurant, he found that there was not only no one around, but there were even traces of fighting everywhere.

Soon, he heard enthusiastic cheers from inside the restaurant's door.

"Kill him!"

The scent of red leaf grass also reached its peak at this moment.

Moen knew under what circumstances would the scent of red leaf grass be so strong-that is, when it was stained with blood!

Listening to the carnival behind the door, Moen couldn't help but pray to Yuanchu:

Yuanchu, I hope I can save more poor people!

But Moen didn't even finish praying, he just saw the door in front of him being smashed open by someone.

And a bunch of unknown creatures flew out of it.

At this moment, Moen not only smelled the scent of red leaf grass, but he also saw everything in the restaurant.

There were no bloodthirsty people feasting on the poor people as imagined, and even no vampires were seen.

The only thing Moon saw was a group of passengers reveling.

And the chef whose nose was broken by a beating but who kept cheering in the cheers of the crowd.

Looking down again, the source of the scent of red grass was the humanoid creature on the ground that seemed to be still alive.

What the hell is going on? !

Before Moon could continue to react, he saw the security guards on the ship come up and pick up the humanoid creature.

"Sorry, sir, we seem to have affected your good mood. But don't worry, this guy won't appear in front of you again."

"Wait, can I ask what happened?"

"Nothing, this guy not only sneaked onto the ship, but also ran to the kitchen to steal food. After being caught by our chef, he not only refused to plead guilty, but even beat the chef."

Moen couldn't help but look back at the flowers and plants behind him that were smashed because of the fight:

"Did they fight all the way from the kitchen to here?"

"Yes, a lot of things were smashed."

Another security guard punched the other person in the stomach hard, looking at the humanoid creature who wanted to vomit but could only vomit because his stomach was empty.

He laughed and said:

"This guy really deserves it. Our kitchen has been missing things these days, and they are all high-quality meats specially prepared for distinguished guests."

Another security guard picked up the bruised head of the humanoid creature and said:

"He also shouted that he is a blood noble, a noble blessed by the moon. It's really funny, a noble who steals things?"

Moen was shocked when he heard it.

The blood clan has an extremely strict hierarchy, so he is indeed a blood clan and a great noble.

He is even a time traveler.

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