Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 20 I deny your coming, devil!

Slightly further back in time when the One Rebellion confronts the Demon Lord.

The old man gave up everything and committed the felony of blasphemy, and finally summoned the Sequence 2 Demon Lord.

At this moment, all the churches in the entire city of Suras heard the sound of long bells.

For such an anomaly, almost all the residents in the city could not understand what was happening.

The mortals of the empire have been at peace for twenty years.

That’s almost a generation’s time!

Until the sewer manhole cover next to him was suddenly opened by the Sound Hunters, and they shouted:

"It's a warning! The devil is coming. Take shelter. All residents should immediately go to the nearest church and municipal office to take refuge!"

Only then did people understand what happened.

Everyone was fleeing in panic towards the nearest church or municipal department.

The Sound Hunters are also working hard to maintain order.

The two demigods outside the city noticed the movement here, and after realizing that they had been tricked, they immediately turned their faces and rushed towards this side.

But immediately, they stopped.

Because they were a little far away, they finally noticed the obvious fact:

What appeared in this world was not an ordinary demon, nor was it the demon lord they expected. What stepped out of the door now was a Sequence 2 Demon Lord!

This discovery made them hesitate for a moment.

After a moment's hesitation, a demigod ran away.

But he was grabbed by his companion:

"What are you going to do? You are a noble. How can the nobles abandon the millions of civilians in Suras City?"

His companions, who saw that he wanted to escape, were stunned.

The demigod shook his head directly and said:

"That's an angel. It doesn't matter whether we go or not. Don't think that the wall of Suras can hold it up. It can't stop the angel!"

"And haven't you discovered it yet? That terrible abyss demon has sealed this place, and no news can get out now!"

"This means we don't even have reinforcements."

The other party still wants to struggle:

"The others will soon find out that Suras is missing."

"Yes, it is very fast, but with this delay, it will be even less possible for us to wait until the Queen comes."

"You haven't seen the difference between angels and demigods, but I have!"

"Flee, according to the law we have the right to retreat now."

The other party is still reluctant:

"The city wall, the city wall of Suras has stood for thousands of years. It is filled with the blessings of countless saints. It will definitely be able to withstand it!"

Just when the two were still arguing.

Only a roar was heard, and half of Suras' city wall disappeared.

Seeing this shocking scene, the demigod who had just been trying to persuade his companions to follow him back to resist the demon was stunned.

The other demigod ran away without delay.

The demigod, who took a moment to realize that his companion had really escaped, was also at a loss.

He wanted to return to Suras' aid.

But his steps seemed to have taken root and could not move at all.

After trying to pull his leg forward again, he finally gave up.

"I'm such a coward!"

After leaving these words, he also escaped with his companions.

At this point, the three official demigods of the empire have all given up.

And the silent knight who belonged to the Lion family had escaped earlier than them.

The speed of escaping is second only to that of a gentleman.

Sequence Five, known as the limit of human beings, can be killed by mortals without any doubt.

Demigods do not have this possibility. To mortals, they can already be regarded as gods.

But the gap between angels and demigods is wider than that between humans and dogs.

Even angels from different paths can have an overwhelming advantage over demigods from other paths.

It is theoretically possible for a prepared Sequence Four to kill a Sequence Three who has a different approach. Although this possibility is slim, it is still theoretically feasible!

But there is no possibility for Sequence Three to kill Sequence Two. There is no theoretical possibility, unless he has a method that does not belong to Sequence Three.

Such as divine relatives or high-level sealed objects.

But the five of them obviously don't have this means.


In the Suras National Museum when the bells rang, Moen, who was listening to the bells outside, reluctantly withdrew his attention.

All church bells ring twice sharply, followed by one long blast, and then repeat.

This means that what is coming is a Sequence 2 Demon King.

Things went a bit beyond Moen's expectation.

Moen originally thought that given the Lu family's abilities and needs, the most they could do was help them summon a demon lord.

I didn't expect that it would be a demon king in the end.

But since it is the Demon Lord, it means that the participants among the Qigongs this time are definitely not just the Lu family.

Moen believed that no matter how stupid the Lu family were, they would not be so stupid that they would not discover that the other party had prepared a summoning ceremony for the Demon King.

Therefore, this can only be because the other party is hiding something. What the Abyss Cultists prepared in this world must be a two-way summons that only provides beacons and temporary anchors.

And all the millions of residents in Suras City are safe and sound.

If you want to provide a temporary anchor for the devil, haha, the other party must have sacrificed all the demigods belonging to the Abyss Sect.

And want to protect a demigod and such a large number of cultists from entering the empire to do so many things.

A simple deer family is not enough.

The difficulty of covering a group of cultists is completely different from that of covering a demigod.

The Lu family, which had not been suppressed by me 20 years ago, could definitely do it, but it would definitely not work 20 years later.

Moon was not sure who the other family or families were.

Moon could only speculate that the most likely one was the Lion family, followed by the Eagle family.

Considering that the old lion was still alive, this guy was most likely involved!

The old lion was never a quiet guy.

He was extremely ambitious and capable.

If the old lion really did this without caring about anything.

Then I must find one of his illegitimate children and shoot him to death on the toilet while he was using the toilet!

Collaborating with cultists is an unbearable felony!

After a moment of thinking, Moon was the only one left in the hall.

He looked at the empty hall, and then at the snow-white cane displayed in the center of the hall.

Because people did not find any extraordinary power in the cane left by the saint. In addition, this was a legacy of the saint, not a suspicious weapon of a dangerous person.

So the display cabinet that preserved the saint's cane only had the function of alarming.

In other words, this is just a piece of ordinary glass that makes a sound.

‘But do we have to fight the angels at the beginning? This is too ridiculous no matter where it happens! ’

After complaining in his heart, Moon directly picked up the metal safety column in front of the display case and smashed it on the display case.

When the whole hall was shrieking as an alarm.

Moon also got the cane he left here on purpose.

As soon as he got it, the snow-white cane emitted a faint fluorescence.

Cheered for the return of its owner.

Moon also knew that his other guess was correct.

“No matter before or now, my soul is really here! But why?”

People in this world do not value the body, because it is just a shell.

What people really value is the soul, which is the only essence that cannot be changed!

Many of Moon’s preparations here are basically based on this.

If it was just a game, it would be normal, but this is not a game? !

Moon does not quite understand how the company did it.

But now is not the time to think about this.

Morn sighed in his heart and walked towards the door holding his cane.

With just this, Morn was not sure that he could exile an angel.

But it doesn't matter, this is the National Museum, and there are suitable things inside!

When Morn walked to the center of the entrance of the National Museum.

Standing in front of the treasure of the Suras National Museum, Morn looked at the security personnel in front of him with a little surprise.

"They all ran away, why are you still here?"

The security captain, who was obviously a supernatural being, said to Morn seriously:

"I'm just afraid that there are still people like you at this time. Put down the saint's cane, and I can still let you go!"

In response, Morn just asked:

"Child, do you want to save this city?"


Morn raised his cane slightly, and the snow-white and soft light appeared around Morn from then on.

Holiness and sacredness are the only descriptions of Morn at this moment.

The security guard who saw this scene knelt on the ground in astonishment and said:

"You, no, you, are you the Saint Constantine?! You are back?"

He is the security captain of the National Museum and a rare Sequence Six. He knows what it means for the Saint's staff to perform miracles in this person's hands.

"Child, open the display cabinet. I need this holy cloth to fight the abyss."

"Ah, yes, yes!"

The treasure of the Suras National Museum is the Morse Holy Shroud, which once wrapped the corpses of eleven saints.

For the holy shroud, this is almost impossible.

So it became the treasure of the Suras National Museum.

It also became one of the confidence of Morn today.

It was really right to put this here!

Of his own things, Morn only put Constantine's staff here, but Morn also put the rest of the treasures that did not belong to him.

After all, the saint's staff can only guarantee miraculous effects when dealing with demons.

If he encountered other troubles, Morn would not be able to rely on the saint's staff for refuge.

After wrapping the holy cloth around himself, Morn, holding a snow-white staff, set out towards the blasphemer of the abyss.

"Sir, can you win?"

Before Morn left, the security captain asked this timidly.

The choice of staying to perform his duties almost exhausted his courage.

In response, Morn turned back and smiled:

"I am Constantine!"

"I promise you that I will definitely banish the demon back to the abyss, child."

In fact, this was the first time Morn tried to banish the demon in reality.

Although these two holy relics made Morn feel that they should be enough.

But after all, it was the first attempt, and Morn was not completely sure.

However, Morn knew that he still had the ultimate means of turning the tables anyway - shouting the name of the goddess!

Of course, he could only shout one goddess.

He also had to study which one to shout.

Otherwise, other things would easily happen.

As Morn continued to move forward.

Moen's mind slowly gathered and he was left with only solemnity.

People were terrified, fleeing, and praying.

The defenders had completely given up.

The city walls had been breached.

People were in despair.

If he had no way, then Moon would run away without any hesitation.

But since he had a way, then Moon would not hesitate to try to do it!

And since he had to do it, he had to do it well!

Feeling the pollution of the abyss, Moon's cane was increasingly filled with soft white fluorescence.

The vicious flames also extinguished and stopped in front of the glory of the saints.

The Suras National Museum is very close to the southern wall where the demons appeared.

So Moon came very quickly, and the pale green vicious fire had no way to spread.

But this was not enough.

Looking at the demon lord in the distance, who was as majestic as a mountain even when crawling on the ground.

After recognizing who it was, Moon raised his long cane and expressed his will:

"You are not allowed to pass through here!"

The long cane fell to the ground with a bang, and the blasphemy stopped here.

At the same time, in the collapsed house behind Moon, a traverser pushed open the collapsed wall with difficulty and sent away the two children he had carefully protected.

Then he saw the saint standing in front of the broken wall and turning himself into a brand new wall.

"Oh my God?!"

Looking at the holy figure, he could only say this sentence.

But after a moment, he was also excited.

The devil invaded the world, and the saint of the church came to fight in person?

I am the only witness?

If I could send this scene back.

I'm rich!

But how can I record it? Isn't oral narration too poor?

It was also at this time that Morn, who noticed the movement behind him, looked back.

After finding that the other party was fine, Morn didn't pay too much attention to it.

Morn was thinking about another thing at this moment:

Should I shout "You shall not pass!", but the other party didn't understand it!

Morn, who saw clearly who his opponent was, was completely relieved, and he also regretted not taking the opportunity to reproduce another classic scene-Gandalf vs. Balrog!

It's impossible to lose this time, because Morn knows who the other party is and knows the other party's real name!

Even the opponent's legs were broken by Morn.

The best way to deal with demons is to find the opponent's real name. Demons are naturally chaotic creatures.

The world does not allow demons to blaspheme.

As long as you know the opponent's real name, you can banish the opponent back to the abyss in the name of the Creator or any great god who is willing to help!

But there is one thing to note.

Reciting the demon's real name also means facing the demon directly!

Those who have no divine favor, no strength, and no means should not think of this method.

Even those who know the demon's real name must properly seal the other's real name to prevent the demon's real name from leaking to the mortal world and causing another kind of abyss pollution.

So under normal circumstances, mortals and even extraordinary people cannot rely on this to banish the opponent.

First, they don't know, and second, even if they know, they can't resist the pollution brought by calling the demon's real name directly.

But Morn doesn't have to worry about this.

Morn is wearing the Morse Holy Shroud that has wrapped the holy shrouds of eleven saints.

In his hand is the walking stick of the demon hunter Constantine.

Morn is not afraid of the pollution of the devil!

Looking at Morn standing in front of the ruined city wall.

The Demon Lord finally recognized who the person who dared to resist him was.

Fear, panic and countless anger broke out at this moment:


In endless anger, the Demon Lord crawled towards Morn like crazy.

That momentum shook the earth!

Morn was not afraid of this at all.

It's just a puppy doomed to fail!

"You are the ruler of the seventh level of hell. Your existence is not blessed by the world. Efforts and striving will poison your body and mind, because you are the manifestation of depravity!"

The Demon Lord, who was attacking madly, suddenly stopped, and the invisible force was dragging his body behind him.

The door between the abyss and the world has been reopened, but this time it is a one-way ticket!

Noticing that he might be exiled soon, the Demon Lord waved his hand and threw another spear made of poisonous flames at Morn.

It will pierce this guy's heart with the most vicious flame!

For the spear that attacked, Morn just raised the long staff in his hand suddenly.

As the snow-white glow rose, the spear made of poisonous fire also collapsed.

"Your wings are dim, you were born from the blasphemous flame, you don't belong here, you can only wander in the lightless abyss forever!"

Two chains flew out of the door and locked the wings of the Demon Lord.

And pulled his body, which had just stopped, directly towards the door.


The Demon Lord refused to exile, and he roared and swung out a flaming whip. He wanted to smash this damn saint!

In response, Morn's eyes became brighter.

He raised his staff again, and when the snow-white glow and the long whip came into contact, the long whip was suddenly bounced back.

The Demon Lord also stumbled and fell, which made it closer to the door.

But this was not enough.

His hands were firmly embedded in the ground, and the flames around him burst out completely.

At this moment, it was almost the same as the earth.

In response, Morn continued to raise his staff and said loudly:

"You are not great, you are not a pioneer, and you are not a kind person. You are small, lazy, and vicious."

The order of the praises he recited was slightly different from the old man's.

This is also a trick of the demons and the Abyss believers. This may lead to the failure of exile at a critical moment.

But this cannot fool Morn, who broke his legs with his own hands.

The demon lord knew his end, and he was horrified.

"No, no, no!"

"You are the demon Sarumu Samos Fenrirpol Kanpos Temopolkali Fenlimo Tulu!"

Its full name was recited word for word by Morn.

It knew that it was about to lose.

"Let me go, let me go! I am willing to submit to you! Let me go!"

It couldn't accept that it had spent so much to only appear in the world for such a short time.

It hasn't done anything yet!

Morn will not be shaken by its words.

"In the name of the Great Father, the One of All Things, I declare your blasphemy and deny your arrival!"

Morn chose the original name, and Morn didn't dare to use the names of other gods.

It's too easy to get into trouble.

More and more chains shot out from the door, completely wrapping around the Demon Lord and trying to pull him back into the abyss.

But the Demon Lord still resisted.

It inserted its arm deeper into the ground.

It was trying to fight the world!

It had paid too much for today and promised too much. If it failed, it would really die!

But it didn't work this time, because the door behind it began to twist and then appeared directly from under it.

It relied on the earth, and the door directly peeled off the earth.

This time, it was unable to resist exile.

Its existence was completely denied from the world.

Almost instantly, it fell into the abyss.

Looking at the Demon Lord falling into the dark abyss.

Moen, who also noticed that his pocket watch was flickering slightly, was stunned for a moment, and then took the initiative to turn his back.

This made the Demon Lord who fell into the abyss laugh ecstatically.

It felt that it had grasped the only chance of survival and the plan of revenge!

It swung the long whip at Moen again.

As long as Constantine can be brought back to the abyss.

Nothing will happen to it.

Because all the demons in the abyss want to kill this guy!

Moon's mouth was slightly raised for this, the replication was successful!

Five thousand words, according to the reasonable practice of the new book period of Qidian, it should be published in two chapters, but I really can't bear to separate this chapter.

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