Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 178 Let's take the king home! (4k)

This is the dawn of the fifth day.

In Meereen, the nobles from all over the world are all looking forward to the various luxurious cars they brought with them.

Among them, there are even cars pulled by dragon horses. This is one of the top mounts in this world.

In the recorded history, there was even a case of someone exchanging a city for a dragon horse.

Of course, there are other various fantasy mounts that are very suitable for the extraordinary world.

Such as giant lizards, khor beasts, and even sub-dragon species.

In the past, no matter how luxurious their cars were, it was useless because the people around them already knew about it and had no intention of showing off.

And now, they have a brand new stage to go up and compete.

So, they all try their best to let the servants drive slowly on the road so that more people can see their financial resources and status.

Of course, once they find that their cars are completely crushed by other nobles, they will quietly change the road.

In order to take care of them, the street design of Meereen has been revised many times.

This day is also the day that many people in Meereen City look forward to the most.

Because on this day, many nobles will throw coins directly on the street to show off their wealth.

Generally, they are gold coins, but they will not throw for too long. It depends on luck. If you grab a few coins, you will make a lot of money.

In a few cases, it will be silver coins, but if it is silver coins, the other party will keep throwing until they arrive at the venue.

So the locations of those main routes are extremely popular.

So much so that over the years, the housing prices nearby have risen by many times.

Whenever this day comes, people around Meereen will try to come and join in the fun and see if they can make a fortune.

Today is the same.

Almost last night, many people on several main routes have set up simple tents.

Prepare to stay overnight to fight for wealth.

And the auction, which is the source of all this, is naturally no longer held in the headquarters of the Iron Chamber of Commerce.

They put it in the specially built Meereen Grand Hall.

It is a super-large open-air building built in the style of the ancient Colosseum.

In fact, when there is no auction, this venue will indeed hold fights between beasts and even extraordinary people.

According to the original design capacity, this place can accommodate 200,000 people.

At the same time, they also designed a total of 600 special seats.

These are for the real guests.

As for the remaining capacity of more than 100,000 people, just arrange the seats casually.

Anyway, the wealth these people can bring is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the 600 real guests.

If it weren't for the purpose of setting off the atmosphere, I think the designer would not have reserved ordinary seats.

After all, in this world, the service industry generally gives priority to the upper class.

As for the poor and civilians, few people really consider the mood and feelings of the lower class.

With the great power gathered in one person, there is no need to worry about the untouchables planning to rebel.

Who said that at this time, even if the untouchables really rebelled, it would be impossible for them to take the lives of the nobles?

But it was just another joke that had appeared countless times.

The president of the Iron Chamber of Commerce, who had really lived a peaceful life for several days, was standing at the door of the conference hall with a relaxed face to welcome the distinguished guests.

Because it is a rare harvest year in more than ten years, the quality of the guests this year is surprisingly high.

In the past, basically one or two empires sent people to take a look, and then there were twenty or thirty grand dukes of wealthy principalities.

The rest were the great nobles of different countries.

Now, a total of seven powerful empires participated, and even three emperors came in person. The situation that there were usually only twenty or thirty wealthy principalities participating before has become more than seventy.

Such a situation, let alone him, even in the records of the Iron Chamber of Commerce, is a once-in-a-millennium event.

After all, it is just as Moen thought at the beginning.

This is just a special luxury item after all.

It is not a real treasure.

Therefore, the person in charge of this matter is no longer him, but two saints.

As for the angels, the angels serving the two majesties will not come here for nothing.

Even facing the emperors of the three empires, two well-known saints are enough.

Empires like Baratheon and Loiman are actually a minority.

In essence, they are quasi-god kingdoms created by three glorious angels in order to compete for the throne of God.

Most empires generally only possess high-sequence seals and have large territories and strong strength.

As for the high-sequence angels, in most cases their founders will be at this level, but their descendants in later generations may not be.

Under normal circumstances, high-sequences will be attached to a certain true god.

That is, the major god systems check and balance each other, otherwise, it is impossible for high-sequences to appear in the wild.

This is determined by the nature of the path of God. There are a number of positions. If I take it, others will not be able to get it.

In this way, those who have the opportunity will definitely eat more and take more.

Looking at the many distinguished guests coming towards him.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce felt that his face was about to be split by his smile.

The man's water gold card had already made him a lot of money.

And the successive appearance of these distinguished guests also meant that another huge sum of money had arrived.

Even if he still had to hand over a lot of heavenly gold.

But there was enough left to make his mouth full of oil.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course, how could I not be happy, ah! Sage Halli, I'm sorry, I got a little carried away."

The chamber president, who recognized the owner of the voice, hurriedly stepped aside and lowered his head slightly.

The person called Hari Sage is a middle-aged woman. She is not good-looking and can only be regarded as average. Moreover, she does not pay attention to her age, so she looks like a middle-aged woman in appearance.

But this is just the appearance. In essence, she is a Sequence Three church saint.

Not only is it a high-sequence person, but it is also truly blessed by God and the King.

Not counting the high-level sealed artifacts she definitely possesses, even on her own, no normal Sequence Three would be her opponent.

"You said that woman Lilith has found something and ran away?"

"Yes, Saint Harry, that hateful woman not only found the holy relic, she even brutally killed several poor gravekeepers in the church of the deceased."

"My lord, I have never seen such a terrifying woman."

Regarding his words, Saint Harry just looked at him expressionlessly.

It wasn't until the Chamber of Commerce President who lowered his head was about to shed a cold sweat that she said calmly:

"I hope so."

"Indeed, Holy Sage Harry."

"Remember to increase the payment share of your chamber of commerce by another 20% this year. After all, you should have a bumper harvest these days, right?"

The president of the Chamber of Commerce became more and more ashamed, but he also understood the importance and said:

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything. Also, for the payment of heavenly gold, which line should I take?"

"Just keep it as usual."

Why? ! What does this mean? Shouldn't you give me some understanding of this, and then I should pay you some tribute?

As usual

This woman is difficult to deal with.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce suddenly missed the woman Lilith.

It's just business as usual, this guy is impersonal.

Although Lilith is hateful, she can at least exchange interests and needs.

"I understand, Hari Sage."

"Also, the auction is about to start, but there is no guarantee that there will be late customers, so just stay here and wait. There are me and him inside."

Is this knocking? !

But that's it? !

The president of the Chamber of Commerce was a little confused about this woman.

He doesn't like working with such a dead-headed person, which not only makes no money for everyone, but also makes simple things difficult.

But how did such a person get to Sequence Three?

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, who didn't understand, could only bow his head respectfully and said:

"As you wish, Holy Sage Hari!"

After receiving the answer, Saint Harry nodded and walked into the venue.

Inside, another saint saw her coming back and stepped forward and said:

"Are you sure there's something wrong with him?"

"Of course, otherwise there would be no need for that woman Lilith to kill the tombkeeper after finding something."

The other party nodded and said:

"Yes, she knows very well that we will not have trouble with her over this."

Immediately, he looked outside curiously and said:

"But in this case, why did you leave him outside? If you are dissatisfied with him, wouldn't you just respond directly to the higher authorities and remove him?"

"That's the real punishment."

The woman named Harley sighed and said:

"He is the best person who has done good work here in these years. Replacing him will only create an even more disgusting piece of trash."

"If that's the case, why are you leaving him outside? Is there any deeper meaning?"

Saint Harry shook his head and said:

"No, I just simply don't want to see him."

"How's the situation here, Des?"

Saint Des shrugged and said:

"There is nothing different. These are old regulations that have been in place for many years. Just let them follow the original rules."

Regarding his companions who didn't care much, Saint Harry shook his head and said:

"You have to be careful. This is the largest auction in the Orsay Peninsula in a thousand years. In addition, something like this happened again at the headquarters."

"We can't have any more problems here."

Saint Des hurriedly raised his hands in surrender:

"Okay, okay, I understand. I will be extremely considerate. I will be as considerate as possible in my life to this venue that I don't know how bold I am to dare to cause trouble."

The strangeness of his companions did not sway Saint Harry in the slightest.

On the contrary, the more this happened, the more her inspiration felt wrong.

Inspiration kept telling her that something was going to happen.

However, she still can't find any possible reason.

This is the largest auction in the Orsay Peninsula, and it is a sacred transaction blessed by the Church of Steel Heart. Even if we ignore the two of them, there are many high-ranking people here.

They, themselves, the church and even the entire Ossay Peninsula will deny all objections.

So, how could something happen?

How could something happen? !

She wanted to use this to comfort herself that nothing would happen to her, but what made her extremely helpless was that the more she thought about it.

The more I feel panicked.


"What's wrong? My noble lady! I am staring at the venue with great interest!"

"Do you think that one will come?"

"Which one?"

"That's the one who's been in Meereen!"

When Saint Des heard this, he couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows and said:

"Old friend, I know you are a serious and responsible person, but don't you think you really think too much today?"

"The core of this transaction comes from the law of the Eternal King. She is indeed in Meereen, but she has maintained a tacit understanding with our church for a thousand years."

"How could she come?"

"This is the king's will!"

The voice of Saint Des was full of helplessness.

Saint Harley also wondered if she was too sensitive, but she no longer felt that something was going to happen.

She felt that she wanted to escape.

But she didn't understand where such fear came from.


In the old capital at the foot of the holy tree.

Roselorian Shadow has been quietly looking at Meereen in the distance.

Behind her are the other eleven Golden Flower Lords.

"My lord, why did you call us here?"

The leading Golden Flower Lord couldn't help asking this question.

First, he ordered the high elves to change their black armor back to the bright gold of the past.

Then he asked them to come here early this morning.

These anomalies made many elves vaguely have a bold guess.

They were the same, but whether it was the Holy Tree or the Shadow Sun, the two Supremes remained silent about their inquiries.

So even if they only waited for a time that was completely insignificant to the elves, they could not hold back their temper.

But Roselorien still did not answer.

She still looked quietly in the direction of Meereen.

This made the Golden Flower Lords feel helpless but had no way out.

For the first time, they knew that the elves would also feel that the days were long.

Fortunately, not long after they asked this question, the Shadow Sun finally responded:

"It's almost done."

"What do you mean it's almost done?!"

The Shadow Sun turned slightly and looked at them and smiled:

"It's time to set off."

The Golden Flower Lords became more and more confused:

"Where to go?"


After giving the destination, the Shadow Sun, who had been supporting the elves alone since the king left, could no longer suppress his joy and stood on the cliff.

"I am Lothlorien Shadow."

"I ask you to listen to my voice!"

The goddess' voice resounded throughout the valley from the cliff.

Every elf stopped what they were doing at this moment, walked out of the door, looked out and listened to the goddess' voice:

"People of Erenion Gil-galad, I command in the name of the King's Right Hand!"

The elves held their breath more and more.

Not in the name of the goddess, but in the distant title of the King's Right Hand? !

"Fleet, assemble, target, Meereen!"

At the very end, Shadow Sun, who finally didn't have to support the entire tribe alone, said with a smile:

"Let's take the king home."

Soon, the eyes of the whole world gathered at the edge of the Sacred Tree Forest.

Because the elves, who had been silent since the king left, walked out of the forest for the first time.

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