Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 167 Weird Diary (4k)

Moen's knowledge of the war was limited to what was said in the books.

But even so, the people who compiled the textbooks deliberately wrote a sentence in the history books that needed to be pragmatic:

This war that affected the entire civilization broke out in a way that is still incomprehensible.

This is exactly the direction that Moen wanted to verify.

After checking the management AI at the entrance of the public library, Moen planned the general direction.

According to the pocket watch, he should have an afternoon and evening.

I hope it will be enough.

As Moen was thinking, a small mountain of books slowly piled up in a corner of the library.

This made people who came and went quite curious.

However, everyone was very sensible and polite. After pausing for a moment and watching, they left.

Only Moen, who was hidden by the mountain, frowned more and more there.

First of all, the First World War of the Human Union originated in the year 2155 of the old calendar.

The historical changes on the Human Union side and on the side of Moen's hometown are almost the same.

But the biggest difference is that in the 20th century of the Human Union, they did not have a world war. When global trade gradually developed, geopolitics was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The leaders at that time chose to restrain themselves, so that they avoided the First and Second World Wars that took place in Moen's hometown.

Until the development of nuclear energy and the emergence of weapons of mass destruction, the signs of war were further curbed.

According to the information found by Moen, in the 20th century to the 21st century and even the first half of the 22nd century of the Human Union, many people felt that a world war was impossible.

Because everyone knows that with the current technology, once a world war is launched, it will only be a nuclear war.

This is not only the cognition of ordinary people, but also the judgment of many senior officials at that time.

So when the first nuclear warhead was launched, many countries thought it was a false alarm or even a misfire.

Even for this reason, they maintained an almost perverted restraint. Until the nuclear warhead completely landed, they were still asking the other party to detonate the intercontinental missile that failed to intercept to avoid a complete war.

But the result was that the nuclear bomb was successfully detonated in the center of a super-large city with a population of up to 30 million.

At this point, the nuclear war was completely started.

The war lasted for 50 years, until the year 2206 of the old calendar, when the remaining people began to rebuild civilization under the leadership of ten large organizations that could barely be regarded as countries.

The leaders of these ten large forces became the head organization of the Human Union later - the Council of Ten.

And this year was the beginning of the new calendar.

It took about 60 years to rebuild, and people barely cleared about 50% of the surface as habitable areas. Until now, in the year 166 of the new calendar, the habitable area has only reached 71%.

The remaining 30% is a heavily contaminated area that even the Human Union, which has made another leap in technology, does not know how to deal with.

The lethal nuclear radiation that can last for at least tens of thousands of years, the genetic virus that was extremely powerful before the war and has now evolved into something unknown, in front of these things, those self-defense systems that are still running and do not distinguish between friend and foe are considered pediatrics.

And I heard that the roving AI that was declared to be completely terminated by the Human Union is still hidden there.

These were originally irrelevant to what Morn wanted to investigate.

But Morn saw a record in the diary of a cleaner that really interested him:

On March 12, 1989, I was hired by the Eastern Corps and went to Greenland, one of the three most polluted regions.

To be honest, I didn't want to go there. I heard that the stones on the ground might still have highly active genetic viruses.

Speaking of genetic viruses, I remember that when I was a child, I saw a scavenger wearing a level 3 chemical protective suit die there just because he accidentally cut his gloves in a lightly polluted area.

God, I have never seen anyone die like that.

Or, it was just a pool of water. I really don't know what those people before the war were doing by studying these crazy viruses?

After so many years, they are still not inactivated!

Not to mention all kinds of radiation and mutant animals.

But the price they offered was too tempting, a permanent green card in the capital!

For my family, I should give it a try.

April 7, 1989, everything went smoothly. I have been a cleaner for many years, but it has never been so smooth.

I think this is all due to the huge investment made by the Eastern Corps.

God, there are more than 300,000 people, not counting us cleaners.

It seems that the people above really want to completely clean up this polluted area.

I have to say sorry, I thought they were just pretending for votes.

If that's the case, I am willing to take it seriously.

After all, it seems that everyone has not forgotten the words for the people's union!

Up to this point, it is still a very normal diary and complaint.

But Moen flipped through it, and Moen didn't care at first, but he immediately turned to some details that made him very concerned:

May 17, 1989, because I did a good job, I was assigned to the tent near the group of officers. It's good here, because the filtration system here is the most advanced on the front line.

However, when I went to the toilet, I heard something that made me very strange.

It seemed to be an officer, but the voice was very strange, not like someone from our camp.

But I know the other person who was talking to him. He is the person in charge of our camp, and his military rank is Lieutenant Colonel!

They said that the compass was invalid and the ritual was useless.

I can understand the compass, but what is the ritual?

Could it be those supernatural things in the comic books?

My God, the officers of the Human Union actually believe in this? ——

At the beginning, Moen was concerned the moment he saw this.

The Human Union is a highly developed technological society.

It is at least two hundred years ahead of Moen's hometown, and they also fought a nuclear war. If you count the technological leap forward forced by the war.

It may be more than three hundred years.

But in such a Human Union society, Moen actually saw obvious mystical elements.

Of course, this may be a small number of superstitions. After all, the wasteland era turned many people into barbarians. And these barbarians also left such superstitions to their descendants.

However, the speaker was a lieutenant colonel, a lieutenant colonel officer in charge of a front-line camp.

So this is probably not his personal approach, but the approach of the entire system.

As Morn continued to read, he also found more details that surprised him.


July 8, 1989, we went deep into an unprecedented place.

It was also at this time that I saw something in the camp that surprised me very much - munitions.

The quantity and quality of munitions were very abnormal.

In order to deal with possible mutant monsters and the self-defense system that was still in operation.

It is normal for the cleanup team to bring weapons and even the army. What's more, this is the most polluted Greenland region.

But, I swear, the guys they brought are too exaggerated. It doesn't look like they are here for cleaning. It looks like they are here to fight? !

Thinking about it carefully, are the more than 300,000 people they brought with them really the army's own cleanup team?

After all, if this is the case, is it necessary to hire us? ——

Moen unconsciously straightened his sitting posture.

Morn's inspiration told him that this diary might be a huge breakthrough! ——

August 9, 1989, our cleanup work encountered a huge obstacle. The complex pollution in front was too strong.

Our best cleaning robot was directly scrapped after working for less than ten minutes!

Oh my god, I dare say that even if I wear the heaviest and best chemical protection suit, I will die if I dare to get close to that place for ten kilometers!

I think it's over. The only solution to this super contaminated area is to rely on time and credit points.

But the place I handled in this way before is far worse than this place. It took almost eleven years. This place, maybe a hundred years?

Also, the days of eating Qingranning and Kangranning are really not easy. Fortunately, it should be over.

On September 3, 1989, we were all ready to evacuate, but what did those guys bring?

Shield machine! Or the super giant made by Heather Group!

Oh my god, are they trying to go underground?

Well, I have seen similar things. As long as you go deep underground, you can make a high-speed channel that can go straight through the contaminated area.

But that was the way to connect the two areas in the past.

What is this for here? There are no cities around Greenland!

Are they trying to get something in the core area?

In this case, why don't they send planes to break through from high altitude?

On September 26, 1989, we were restricted from traveling. Although the supplies were doubled, everyone felt that the situation was not good.

Because we were not allowed to leave our own rooms.

On September 29, 1989, I got some connections through my previous relationships. I wanted to go to the tunnel to take a look. Or should I go through the tunnel to take a look?

I must go and take a look, God, I still remember what happened last night.

Explosion, a very terrible explosion, right over there in the contaminated area!

The light even illuminated the entire sky.

And I don’t know if it’s my illusion, I always feel that I heard a lot of people wailing?

I couldn’t sleep all night, it was so scary.

If I don’t figure out what happened, I will definitely remember this for the rest of my life.

Maybe I scared myself, it may just be that they triggered the defense AI over there.

But if that’s the case, why did I hear wailing at such a long distance?

On September 30, 1989, I was caught and my way didn’t work.

Damn! There have been explosions over there every day these days, day and night!

On October 6, 1989, things took a turn for the better. We were asked to evacuate the wounded.

Ah, they really fought something over there.

October 8, 1989, I haven't written a diary for two days. This is not like me, but there is nothing I can do. It's too horrible.

Dead people, so many dead people, and they were all fully armed professional soldiers.

And I have never seen such a way of death. Why do dead people have so many hands, feet and even heads?

Those soldiers said it was a genetic virus.

I also think they are right. After all, many deformed children poisoned by genetic weapons look like this.

But, but, I swear I didn't see it wrong.

That gun, the gun embedded in the child's body, it, it has a hand on the gun? !

Still moving? !

I even remember the touch of that hand when it held me.

I can't take it anymore. I'm going to vomit.


Moen was also very solemn when he saw this.

According to the pictures and various explanations on the Internet, genetic weapons can indeed cause the same state as flesh and blood pollution.

However, no matter how abnormal genetic weapons are, they obviously cannot make metal grow flesh and blood!

As for this situation, Moen has memories.

The flesh and blood pollution caused by the life path, plague path and other things can make metal grow flesh and blood.

There is no need for special channels to create pollution. Just a mortal looking directly at a high-level existence can cause similar things.

For example, Ansha, if Ansha did not give Moen and others immunity, he might turn into light after looking at Ansha.

Then this happened in the 89th year of the new calendar, and it seems that this thing should have appeared earlier.

However, the most recent travelers appeared five years ago.

This means that if this diary is reliable, then the two worlds have come into contact at least 77 years ago.

And the top leaders of the Human Union must be aware of this matter.

Even that war is likely to be related to all this?

After all

Moen picked up a few books again. These are the works of several masters.

They all clearly mentioned one point in the book, that is, the war may be unavoidable according to the development trend, but it should never break out at that time.

One of the mathematical geniuses even said categorically that according to the grand unified model he created, the war is absolutely unavoidable, but it should happen between 80 and 120 years after that time point.

It is against science to advance so many years.

At the same time, a financial expert also clearly said that according to his research on the literature at that time, there was not only no financial crisis at that time, but there were no factors that might cause economic downturn.

Because room-temperature superconductivity happened to be discovered at that time, all related fields were making great leaps forward, and it was foreseeable that civilization would be promoted. There was no reason to let the good days go and destroy the world.

Going to war is against human nature.

So in this way, something that violated both science and human nature happened.

Scientists and historians can't explain this well.

And now, Moon has an answer that only needs key evidence.

After looking at the diary in his hand, Moon turned to the next page.

But the content behind it made Moon frown deeply.

It was blacked out.

Not just the last page, but all the content behind it was blacked out.

After Moon carefully flipped through it several times, he finally confirmed this.

There was nothing extra for him.

Unwilling to give up, Moon went to find the supervisory AI again.

But the other party's answer was:

"I'm sorry, sir, this is what the original version looks like."

"Can I see the original version?"

"I'm sorry, according to Article 23 of the Cultural Relics Protection Law, I can't do this, sir."

"Then can I buy this copy?"

"According to your contribution to the Human Union Society, you can take it away directly."

There will be more in a while

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