Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 162 Wang said: You are removed from the list (3k)

The sudden scene made everyone stunned.

After a moment, the other three people fell to the ground in fear again.

This time, the goddess really stood up.

In response, Moen just stepped on the head of the president of the Northern Business Federation with his feet, and smiled at the three families next to him:

"This does not include you, please stand up."

But how dare they do it at this time?

The goddess and the king are standing!

"Your Majesty, we dare not!"

The president of the Southern Business said this in a sweat.

Even if it is an archangel or an emperor of a powerful empire, they will not be so afraid and cautious.

Even if they are provoked, they dare to really fight.

Merchants have far more weapons than people think.

But now they are in front of the king and the god!

Even the newly promoted new god and the newly crowned new king are the same.

There is no need for the other party to really come down in person.

As long as one of the two majesties opens his mouth directly.

There will be countless people to help dismember the so-called business union.

But before Moen could speak, Ansha's voice sounded first:

"Don't let him say it a second time."

The other three families stood up almost instantly as if they jumped up.

Moen chuckled and increased the strength of his footsteps.

"You are very brave!"

The president of Beishang, who was stepped on by Moen, was frantically thinking about where he had angered the king.

Everything was going very smoothly before!

So he could only suppress his fear and asked:

"Your Majesty, the great Sword and Shield King, the merciful Sword and Shield King, please have mercy and tell me, tell me why I angered you!"

"So that I can get a chance to correct myself, so that I can continue to serve you and the goddess!"

He was responded with a kick:

"You don't know? You don't know?"

The president of Beishang is a transcendent, even a demigod, but he didn't dare to use any method to avoid this attack.

He even took the initiative to remove his defense to avoid his thick skin and divinity, hurting the king who was said to have not yet begun to enter immortality.

So with one kick, not only was his head broken and bleeding, but he also fell to the ground.

But he still quickly corrected his posture and knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, I really don't know how I offended your majesty. Please have mercy and tell me what I did wrong!"

"Otherwise, how can I correct my mistakes to extinguish your thunderous wrath!"

"I'm fine, but you can't get angry and hurt yourself! Your Majesty!"

Moen didn't answer his question directly. He just looked down at his shoes and said:

"My shoes are all dirty."

Those were a pair of high-footed riding boots that the southern nobles liked to use very much.

Because he was Trajan of Westeros, Morn wore riding boots on purpose.

And now, the riding boots that Ansha personally waxed and cared for have been stained with a few drops of blood that slowly turned into emerald green.

The blood of a demigod is itself a very high-level extraordinary material, so it is not poisonous, it is just a very normal manifestation of divinity.

The president of the Northern Business Association hurriedly climbed up and licked Moon's boots.

He didn't dare to do it, so he could only express his fear and apology in this self-degrading way.

But in response, Moon just kicked back:

"How can you let your dirty saliva touch my boots? This is a treasure that Ansha took care of for me personally. Are you blaspheming God?"

The light around has completely disappeared.

The only thing that can be seen here is Moon and the goddess standing above.

The president of the Northern Business Association burst into tears directly. He didn't dare to care about his nose that was kicked crooked by Moon, and he kowtowed on the ground frantically:

"Your Majesty, your merciful majesty, I just want to express my apology, I have no intention of blaspheming you and the goddess at all!"

He knew that God valued the king very much.

But he really didn't expect that the king's boots were taken care of by the goddess herself!

If he had known earlier, how could he dare to lick it!

"Please, please, please have mercy!"

Moen said coldly:

"You dirty and stupid pig, you don't even know what crime you have committed until now."

"What, have you been safe for so long that you have forgotten it?"

But the other party still didn't understand, he just kowtowed with blood and tears on his face:

"Your Majesty, have mercy, please!"

Moen then shook his head coldly and said:

"King of the Copper Furnace, do you remember it?"

As soon as these words came out, the other three families were all suddenly aware, and the president of the Northern Business Association felt depressed.

"It's okay to rob the royal tomb, and you're almost forgetting about it. It's obvious that someone reminded you once before."

"You even turned the tables and bit the people of King of the Copper Furnace, right?"

King of Turin is his friend, and Morn will not end the matter of the dwarves.

The merits of fighting for the living should not be erased so easily.

The sweat on the president of Beishang has completely soaked his clothes.

Ever since the matter of robbing the royal tomb was exposed, they have tried every means to manage the relationship between all parties.

After all, although it is not their own king, this kind of thing is very taboo, and other kings or gods are likely to express dissatisfaction and take action.

At first, they thought that the joining of Goddess Aurora would completely get rid of this fatal problem, and further put the blame on the dwarves.

But who could have thought that the dwarves would win? !

But even so, Goddess Aurora did not give up on them, and even took the initiative to help them ease the attitude of the other supremes.

So he subconsciously forgot about it.

Now that he heard the Sword and Shield King mention it, he reacted.

"Your Majesty, that, that is indeed a huge sin, but that was countless years ago."

"That was the stupidity of those lunatics back then!"

The president of the Northern Business tried to defend himself, saying that what they did was theoretically an unforgivable sin.

"I know that was the stupidity of the people back then, but do you dare to say that you don't know? And why do you want to blame others?"

"In order to cover up your crimes, you want to kill all the dwarves in the Seven Hills, right!"

Another kick.

This time, the face of the president of the Northern Business was kicked to pieces by the hard riding boots.

"Bi ha, wu, wo, I was wrong, I was wrong!" (Your Majesty, I, I, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong.)

His voice was blurred.

Anyone could hear the fear and panic hidden in his voice at this moment.

Looking at his pitiful appearance, Moen didn't feel anything.

If he wasn't there at the time, all the dwarves in the Seven Hills would be gone.

"If you don't know about this, then I won't pursue your sins, after all, everyone in that period is dead."

"There is no reason to implicate you after so many years."

"But you know, and you have no intention of atonement at all, you also want to wipe out the Seven Hills to bury your sins."

"Blasphemy against the king is blasphemy against God, this is an unforgivable sin clearly stipulated in this world and the "Noble Law."

The other three families stood aside at this moment, watching their noses and noses.

But each of them knew that the other party might have laughed to death.

The people of Beishang finally got unlucky because of this matter!

They really thought that after Goddess Aurora made the connection, no king or god would pursue the blasphemy.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty the Sword and Shield King was willing to stand up for the deceased king.

That's right, this is the Sword and Shield King!

After saying these words, Moon did not look at the president of the Northern Merchants again.

He looked directly at the remaining three companies, and the light in the entire hall was restored at this moment.

Seeing the king's gaze sweeping over, the three companies knelt down in fear again:

"Your Majesty, we are honest businessmen!"

The people of the Western Merchants were completely scared.

He was really afraid of being suspected.

After all, they used to have the best relationship between the Western Merchants and the Northern Merchants.

"I just want to tell you one thing."

The three people asked tentatively:

"What do you want to say?"

Moon said lightly:

"The Northern Commercial Union has been expelled!"

This sentence made the president of the Northern Merchants stunned, and the other three people were almost the same.

None of them expected that the king's judgment on this would be to directly expel the entire Northern Commercial Union.

Bei Shang is still here, but once this sentence is out, it is as good as dead.

The three of them suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth.

Is this asking them to take action? !

For this, Benalana stood up again, and she raised her hand tremblingly and said:

"Your Majesty, we, our Eastern Business Union has always been just an ordinary business organization, we will not..."

"Don't worry, I'm just telling you this."

Before Benalana could continue, Moen interrupted her.

"Also, remember to stay in the palace later, I still want to discuss the pet with you!"

Looking at the Sword and Shield King who was laughing in front of him.

For the first time, the young girl knew what kind of existence the king was.

A business empire that was almost the same size as her own was completely destroyed in just a few words.

After swallowing hard, the girl bowed slightly and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty the Sword and Shield King!"

"Go down."

The knights of the royal family went in and took the three people away, and also dragged away the president of Bei Shang who was as disappointed as death.

And after they left.

Everything that just happened spread quickly throughout the world.

In every corner of the world, there are countless spiritual messengers, communications, and prayers conveying a message back and forth.

The Northern Business Union has been removed from the list!

Although they are still here now, they will be gone soon.

Their branches in various places were kicked open by local authorities at almost the same time.

Then he smiled at the people inside:

"The king said, you are removed from the list!"

Returning to the throne, Morn did not immediately summon the next batch of messengers.

Because the goddess stopped it all.

The messengers outside were once again waiting, but they were also happy to wait.

Because they were waiting for good news from their own family.

Northern Business is a piece of fat meat.

And on the throne.

Ansha, who had taken a pair of brand new riding boots, was kneeling in front of Morn to take off his dirty shoes for him.

When Morn changed into new riding boots.

The Northern Business Union was really removed from the list.

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