Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 130 Why didn’t you say so earlier? (3k)

Looking at the young man in the windbreaker in front of him.

The old duke subconsciously looked around and found that it was really him. He was sure that the other party was talking about him.

This was the first time that he was discovered so directly.

Even before, even if the demigods of the southern border were gathered together, he was still free to come and go in the banquet hall.

It is estimated that even Prince Adela did not notice his existence.

But this young man, he actually saw him directly?

And what does he mean?

At this point, the old duke has not yet reacted that the young man in front of him is Trajan.

Because the two are too different.

He just thinks he has met a strange guy.

Carefully and cautiously asked:

"Young man, can you see me?"

Moen spread his hands and said strangely:

"What else? And aren't you calling me out?"

After hearing this, the old duke slowly widened his eyes.

Is it really Trajan? !

No, if it is Trajan, why doesn't he know me?

Thinking of this, the old duke is relieved again. It seems to be a coincidence.

But he happened to find me, and he also happened to be called Trajan? ? ?

With a little uneasiness, the old duke pointed at himself and said incredulously:

"You said you are Trajan, so do you know who I am?"

Do you know who I am?

How to answer this question, Moen really felt that he looked familiar.

I just couldn't remember where I had seen him.

And the other party knew so accurately that he was nearby.

But now, this guy's reaction is not right?

After thinking for a long time, Moen still told the truth:

"I'm sorry, I really don't know who you are."

The old duke laughed angrily. It's okay that the little girl didn't know who I was, but you said you were Trajan and you didn't know it either?

Although I am not Trajan's direct ancestor, I shouldn't be so shameless, right?

As a traditional aristocrat, the little girl who returned to her ancestry didn't know that although it was shocking, it was not too outrageous.

It was even quite reasonable.

But if a Southern Lord who has ruled the Southern Territory for many years doesn't know what he looks like, that's really a joke!

After all, his portrait has been hanging in his study and other places in the castle!

"It's really funny. I'll give you one last chance. Tell me that you are not Trajan, and then tell me why you can see me. Otherwise, you will never see the sun tomorrow."

Moen shook his head and said:

"I am indeed Trajan. As to why I can see you, just think that my spiritual vision is high enough."

After thinking for a moment, Moen still turned the magic ring slightly.

As the magic ring kept turning, the old duke's face changed subtly.

From calm to seeing a ghost.

"You, you, you!"

After saying three words in a row, the old duke still couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Moen opposite him said calmly:

"As you can see, I am Trajan Westeros, so who are you?"

Moen felt more and more familiar with him, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen him.

In fact, this is normal. After all, although there are textual research parties who can find any details, there are also massacre parties who can't see the evidence even if it is obvious.

Although Morn is not a massacre party who knows nothing and only knows that he wants to kill people.

But Morn has never paid close attention to a portrait that is completely a background.

The old duke opposite him suppressed his anger and said with his eyes twitching:

"I am Contas Westeros. Although I don't think I have any great achievements that can be remembered by everyone, it's too much that even you don't know me? Trajan Westeros!"

The last old duke of Westeros bit hard.

And Morn was a little embarrassed.

Because he still had only a little impression of the name Contas.

There was no way. In Morn's cognition, the first Duke of Westeros has always been just a nickname for the first Grand Duke.

As for the name and appearance, he never paid attention to them.

At most, he saw them occasionally. But this is not enough to make a player who is busy with strategy pay attention.

Because it was just a random background.

"I'm sorry, sir, can you explain it more clearly?"

"Are you a distant relative of the Westeros family? But I really don't have any impression of you."

Hearing this, Contas was so angry that his nose was crooked.

You don't know me, and you don't know my name. Do you really have the nerve to say that you are from the Westeros family? !

Wait, he must have appeared because the girl told him about me.

Why did he say this? !

After a moment, the old duke's face changed drastically.

He was going to let me die as an unknown wild dog!

"Okay, okay, Trajan, it seems I have to teach you a lesson!"

Whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know.

Now the plan has to change.

Originally, his plan was to hide behind the scenes and wait for whoever won in the end.

And now, this person must die!

The old duke's figure began to become very illusory, and the surrounding scenery also changed.

They faded quickly as if their colors were stripped off by something.

Watching this scene, Morn pulled out his revolver but did not aim at the old duke.

"Sir, I think we can have a good talk. I really don't remember who you are, but there is no need to make such a big move, right?"

The old duke raised his mouth. Relying on the power of the emperor, he had completely separated this place from the real world. At this moment, the demigods he brought with him would definitely be helpless in a short time.

As for the last Trajan. The old duke believed that he must have some cards in his hand, but these cards were destined to be useless.

"You seem to be just a low sequence. I don't know what you did, but now you regret not only faking your death but also stripping off your extraordinary characteristics!"

Many people know that Trajan's extraordinary characteristics were made into sound-seeking hunters by the queen, and they are no exception.

In this case, should I hold him hostage?

No, it's still not possible. It's not certain that the demigods he brought with him can't solve all this.

I have to kill him directly, and then hold his soulless body hostage to escape!

Because of a small and helpless accident.

Contas Westeros made a decision that he was destined to regret for the rest of his life.

"Die, Trajan!"

Watching the other party turn into an illusory spirit and walk towards him quickly.

Knowing that there was no way to negotiate, Morn raised his gun and shot directly.

But after firing a few shots, Morn stopped.

The bullets were useless, even the exorcism bullets that were specially replaced.

"Evil spirit?"

The old duke said with a smile on his face:

"You are right, Trajan! Surprise? Surprise!"

Evil spirits, a strange existence that most methods cannot deal with.

Difficult and extremely rare.

Only appear in very special circumstances.

And the people killed by them are only dead in spirit, and their bodies will still be alive.

So in many cases, no one knows that this person has died at the hands of the evil spirit.

But this one here is not the same as the evil spirit in his memory.

It is more special and strange.

After all, the evil spirit does not have the ability to separate from reality in Morn's memory.

At the same time, the evil spirit cannot stay away from the place where he died. In Khazad-dûm, he had never heard of any Westeros family members dying here.

So, this was obviously too much out of the ordinary.

But it didn't matter, as long as it was a spirit.

Morn put down his gun and let the other party walk towards him quickly.

Such a change made the other party feel uneasy for a moment, but it had come to this point, so there was naturally no possibility of retreating.

So the old duke stretched out his hand directly to Morn's heart:

"Trajan, remember this name, I am Contas Westeros!"

As the last character was spoken, his hand also grabbed Morn's chest directly.

A moment later, a life-long piercing scream resounded through the sky. If this place had not been stripped of reality long ago, I am afraid that countless residents around would have been awakened.

"Ah——! Ah——! Ah——! My hand, my hand!"

It was not Morn who screamed, but the old duke who was just complacent, because his hand melted and disappeared directly from the wrist.

While the old duke was wailing over his broken hand, Moon took off his windbreaker and covered him with it.

The old duke screamed even louder.

He wanted to throw away this strange windbreaker, but the more he touched it, the more he was hurt.

He could only crawl down.

In the end, he was pressed down by a light windbreaker and couldn't get up.

In great torture, he finally shouted to Moon:

"I surrender, I surrender, take it away, take it away!"

The original holy book written by the saint with holy water.

It would be a complete joke to expect this thing to kill people.

It can't even kill an ant.

But if this thing is used to deal with evil spirits, which blaspheme the correct death.

It's simply a magical weapon!

Moon didn't expect that the back hand he had sewn into his clothes at that time would be used in this form now.

But it works.

However, who is this evil spirit?

With this doubt, Moon walked to his side, slightly lifted his windbreaker to give him a chance to breathe.

"Tell me, who are you?"

The old duke looked at Moon with hatred when he heard this, but when he saw the deep confusion in the other's eyes.

He slowly turned into a look of seeing a ghost:

"Although you are not my direct descendant, you are obviously the master of the South Territory and the contemporary head of Westeros. Why don't you know that I am the first Duke of this family?"

Hearing this, Moon finally remembered everything about this name and this appearance.

Then Moon asked in confusion:

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Hearing this, the old duke almost died of anger.

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