Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 13 For such a big event, of course we need to call for help!

Suras City, it is indeed here.

The imperial capital is obviously the top priority of the empire. With the cooperation of the Lu family, these cultists avoided the official sight and successfully arranged an exquisite "bait".

In order to make this bait be discovered reasonably and inevitably, they didn't even know where to hook up a group of time travelers as bait.

Moen roughly estimated the situation and found that if he didn't find this accident.

The plan of the Lu family and the Abyss Sect would be very smooth.

In the imperial capital, which has probably not had any problems in the past 20 years, cultists appeared and planned to summon demons.

Just thinking about it, Moen could guess that the attention of all parties would be focused on the imperial capital.

Even the surrounding defense forces would be drawn a lot to protect the imperial capital.

And the city of Suras is a very suitable target.

The city of Suras is the gateway to the Baratheon imperial capital.

Before the first Baratheon the Great built the capital, Suras had always been a military stronghold. After the first Great Emperor built the capital, Suras was also expanded into the gate of the imperial capital.

In addition, Suras was also a gift from the first Great Emperor to the first Duke of Westeros.

In order to thank the Westeros family for their loyalty to Baratheon during the founding of the country.

Therefore, the Westeros family was called the sword and shield of Baratheon.

When the queen succeeded to the throne, in order to show loyalty and fun, the last Duke of Westeros sent it back to Baratheon.

At that time, this caused an unimaginable uproar.

Who would have thought that the Duke of Westeros would return Suras, a strategically important city, to the already endangered Baratheon?

Recalling people's reactions at the time, Morn felt a sense of satisfaction.

This is really interesting!

In short, according to past practice, if a threat appears outside Suras, the defense force of the imperial capital will naturally rush to Suras.

Vice versa!

Now, they are taking advantage of this practice to make a fuss.

With the support of the Lu family, their chances of success are extremely high.

But that was before.

After watching the cultists leave, Morn knocked on the wall and walked out.

With his hat lowered, Morn walked out in the opposite direction of them.

Morn had no intention of confronting this group of cultists head-on.

This was neither in line with Morn's code of conduct nor in line with reality.

It was a stupid operation no matter how you looked at it.

What Morn had to do was simple - call people!

There was no reason for so many people in the empire to eat dry food!


After watching Elmeran leave, Potter finally had the opportunity to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Although this lady looked easy to deal with.

But who let her be the superior?

You always have to be careful when dealing with her.

Otherwise, someone might make a fuss about what he said casually in the future, and then this small character like me would be in trouble.

But the interrogation had to continue.

If you want to act, you have to do it in full!

What surprised Potter was that he had only carefully interrogated less than ten people.

Potter found that his arm knocked on the table uncontrollably a few times.

After a moment of shock, Potter immediately realized that the adult wanted to see him? !

Without time to think about it, Potter asked someone to take over again.

After sorting out his slightly excited mood, Potter walked out of the door of the Overwatch Council.

Potter did not come out blindly.

After knocking on the table a few times, Potter knew that it was the secret code used within their Overwatch Council.

The first two short and fast knocks indicated the appearance, and the last three knocks with the position turned indicated the specific direction.

This discovery made Potter, who had never doubted Moon's identity, more certain that Moon was a big figure in the dark side of the empire.

Otherwise, how could he be so proficient in the secret code of the Overwatch Council?

But Potter would never have thought that the secret language system of the Overwatch Council was the same as that of Moon.

I had invented it myself, so how could I not be familiar with it?

As expected, following the instructions of the secret language, Potter soon saw a gentleman wearing an outdated hat on the street.

When he got closer, he saw that it was the gentleman from last night.

"Sir, you asked me to ask about that lady, right? Don't worry, the lady has returned home safely. I have handled it very well and there is absolutely no possibility for you to worry about it!"

Potter said this very happily.

The first task was completed very well!

As long as you keep working hard, wouldn't you have a chance to be promoted?

But Potter was a little curious about why this gentleman was either wearing strange clothes or outdated clothes?

Potter could see that the materials used in Moon's outfit were very exquisite and delicate. It was probably made by top tailors with the best fabrics.

That is, why is the taste so old?

A closer look showed that it was clearly the fashion during the time of the Duke of the Southern Border!

This matter is outdated to say the best, but it is pointed to the worst.

"Is the girl safe? That's good. Remember to take good care of her safety in the future."

Elmeran's safety certainly cannot be completely relied on by Potter, the yellow-headed eagle, but not being able to rely on him is one thing, and whether to give instructions is another.

"Don't worry, sir, I know!"

Potter hurriedly suppressed his extra thoughts. He seriously considered the present.

This is indeed a long-term task. Although it is troublesome, the more it is, the more this big man is willing to promote himself!

But what surprised Porter was that after getting a positive answer, this big man actually gave him a surprise:

"Very good, then I should also fulfill my promise."

"Big, big man?"

No, you are going to show a little bit now?

Are all big men so generous?

Porter subconsciously thought of his boss.

It can't be said that he will embezzle your performance, but he is definitely mean and stingy.

In comparison, Porter understood more and more what it meant to be a difficult little devil.

No wonder big men are big men, these small things can show the decisive difference!

But Porter didn't expect too much, he was just surprised.

He didn't think that Moon would give a good reward.

After all, he himself felt that he didn't have any actual merit.

But what shocked Potter was that this big shot said to him lightly:

"The group of Abyss believers in the imperial capital are just a group of baits. Everything you found last night is basically what they want you to see."

"Their real purpose is to focus everyone's attention on the imperial capital, so as to increase their convenience in Suras City."

"They plan to summon demons in Suras City, and the ritual is probably ready."

"At present, only you know about this matter. Report this matter. In any case, you will not be missing a silver owl."

This is definitely an unimaginable great achievement. If Potter really has no background and no good qualifications.

Otherwise, just this one reason, Moen is sure that he can directly become a golden eagle.

But since Potter has no background and no resume, he can only be a silver owl temporarily.

But it doesn't matter. If Potter is promoted too quickly, it is not a good thing for him.

After all, the higher the level of Potter, the more attention he will receive.

He finally found such a little brother, and he can't use him at will for such a reason.

As for whether it was a pity to give the credit to Potter.

Stop kidding, Moon doesn't need it.

In this country, and even in this world, Moon is the one who least needs the so-called credit.

Because no matter how high people like Potter climb, there will always be someone stepping on their heads, but there is really no one above Moon's head!

Of course, Moon didn't dare to really show up.

After all, he was too unkind back then.

Potter on the other side was stunned.

Summoning demons? Abyss cultists? Suras City?

Moon's casual statement made Potter wonder if there was something wrong with his brain, so that he heard something wrong.

Otherwise, why would he say such a big thing so easily?

"Sir? Did you say anything wrong?"

Moen looked at Potter strangely and said:

"Why do you ask that? Do you think I shouldn't fulfill my promise to you?"

"No, no, absolutely not, sir, it's just that I'm really surprised. This, such a big thing, it doesn't seem like you should tell me!"

For such a big thing, shouldn't you directly give us an order to set off immediately?

How did I have to report it?

"Now I've told you, okay, according to my understanding of the Abyss Sect, they definitely plan to start their ceremony at 6:06:06 in the afternoon."

"It's now 10:20 in the morning, so much time should be enough for you to do this, right?"

The first demon Finn to appear in the world was summoned at 6:06:06 in the afternoon.

Since then, the number 666 has a special meaning to the Abyss Sect and demons.

The time they summon demons will basically try to get close to this.

Now only Potter and I know.

They will definitely not start early.

There is still plenty of time.

Of course, Moon did not say that the Lu family and even the entire Seventh Lord might be involved in this matter.

This is not something that Potter should know.

Potter, who is blessed by the Empire, can be a thorn in the eyes of the Abyss Cultists, but he must not be a thorn in the eyes of the Seventh Lord.

How easy it is to stab one's own people, Moon, who often stabs his own people, knows it too well.

However, judging from the fact that the Lu family dared to contact the Abyss Cultists and achieved everything now, the recovery speed of the Seventh Lord's power has exceeded Moon's expectations.

'The number of times the family was confiscated was too few. They can actually catch their breath! '

Moen wanted to keep the Seventh Lord as a mascot back then. After all, the saying that the pillar of the empire is not groundless.

Seventh Lord will be almost the same without Westeros.

After estimating the time, Potter immediately said:

"Sir, don't worry, I will definitely do this! That is, sir, are you really sure?"

"Ah, I don't doubt your meaning, I, I, just, this matter is really important, sir!"

Looking at Potter, Moon knew that he was not really worried about making a mistake, he was too sincere and did not dare to take the risk of an accident.

In response, Moon chuckled and stepped forward and said:

"Of course I am sure, then, if you want to become a golden eagle, you really have to change your timid nature."

Potter, whose thoughts were seen through, looked embarrassed, and Moon patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Well, remember this."

"All mortals must die, and all mortals must serve." (Ancient Elven language)

"My Lord, what is this sentence?"

Potter didn't understand the ancient elven language, but as the language of the dominant race of the Gods.

The ancient elven language does contain strange power.

"This is a spell, it can protect your soul and life. If you feel scared, just recite it."

Potter's eyes lit up immediately.

"My Lord, I understand, don't worry, I will definitely get this done!"

"What are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Potter laughed dryly, looked around to make sure no one was watching the two of them, and then he said embarrassedly:

"I plan to make a false certificate and send it up, my Lord."

Make a false evidence?

Is this how your yellow-headed eagle came from?

Seeing Moon's strange look, Porter waved his hand hurriedly and said:

"Sir, don't worry, I haven't done this before, but this time it's an emergency, isn't it?"

"Sir, there is really no other way to attract attention faster!"

Considering the other party's sincerity, it is not like he can do such a risky thing as forging evidence.

Porter said with a bright look in his eyes and asked:

"Sir, do you have any good evidence for me to hand over?"

"Ah, sir, I don't mean anything else, I'm just afraid that if something goes wrong, the situation will really get out of control."

Porter didn't trust his ability very much.

Moen was also a little afraid of accidents. After all, the yellow-headed eagle had room for operation, but it was not a foolproof plan.

So Moon thought about it and took out a pen and a notebook from his arms.

After tearing off a page, he wrote a sentence on it.

After folding it and handing it to Potter, Moon instructed:

"If you find something wrong, you must make a big deal about it, and then show this note to the highest authority you can find."

"Remember, you can only use this method when it is really irreversible!"

There are not many people in the imperial capital that Moon can use and trust, but there are many people who know Lord Westeros's handwriting.

In other words, as long as they are nobles who survived at that time, they must know it.

Because for a long time, the nobles had to check every day to see if they were on the execution list drawn up by Lord Westeros on that day.

"Yes, sir."

With insurance, Potter was relieved.

But what Potter never expected was.

After this lord handed him the folded paper.

He reached out to him again and said:

"Do you have money on you? I want some."

Moen, who was not very reassured, planned to go to Suras in person to take a look, and just asked Potter for some money to take the airship.


For the first time, Potter felt that there might be something wrong with his brain.

A big man standing at the top of the empire asked a small yellow-headed eagle for money?

I'm afraid that if I say this, people will laugh at me.

"What? Do you think I look like someone who would carry money?"

Potter suddenly felt that it was very reasonable. Yes, a big man of this level would never carry money with him!

After Moon took away all the gold pounds on him.

Potter still felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Such a big man must have no money, but why would he ask me for money?

What's wrong? It's so strange!

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