Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 124 Moen, are you Trajan? (3k)

So the answer after adding all these together is - Trajan Westeros is my Morn Cromwell? !

The details that only El could notice combined together and became Morn's only flaw.

This was also the only flaw that Morn could not guard against.

This made El, who was unprepared, fall into a brief shock.

Prince Adela's voice continued:

"So you don't know, dear lady, but your expression seems to be a little wrong."

Hearing this, El instantly came back to her senses. She just wanted to explain casually, but when she looked at Prince Adela's eyes.

El keenly noticed another key point - he was not concerned about my situation, he was examining my expression!

El had seen such eyes, that was Queen Ansha.

After a moment of shock, El thought of more things.

'If your father is still alive, I think he should be able to ascend to the gods soon. '

He didn't say it casually, he really meant it, and he and the queen suspected that Trajan was still alive.

It's just that he doesn't know my background as well as the queen. He really thinks I'm Trajan's daughter.

So he wants to rely on the existence of me, a princess, to determine where my "father" is? !

But why does a noble prince want to find Trajan? He is just a sequence 2 angel. Although it is very amazing to me, it shouldn't be necessary for a prince to be so concerned, right?

After all, they are really far away from Baratheon.

If they are close or have some interests, then Ai'er can understand that Trajan's performance can indeed make a prince so concerned.

However, the two countries are not only not on the same continent, but also have no interest connection.

So why?

Wait, he is a prince, and he treats me, a princess who has lost her father, too equally.

This is not equality out of courtesy, he really lowers himself intentionally.

After staying with the nobles for a while, Ai'er also learned to distinguish the differences in these subtleties.

In addition to his previous words that should be tentative.

Could it be that the goddess behind him thinks Trajan intends to become a god? !

So why did he come here?

To stop Trajan or to express goodwill?

Ai'er is not stupid, or there is no fool who can be selected as a traverser.

They are all elites selected from the Human Union.

Even the third batch with the largest number is the same.

After all, among the tens of billions of people in the Human Union, even if one is selected from ten thousand, it is still a number of hundreds of thousands.

After roughly inferring the other party's intention, Ai'er immediately understood what he should do now.

That is to continue to pretend that Trajan is dead.

Then tell the news to Moen.

Although Ai'er is sure that he can marry Moen, that is not now, and even if the two sides really get together, then these things should not be decided by himself.

Respect the choice of your partner and cooperate with your partner's decision.

Ai'er knows the boundary between love and respect.

Looking at the other party's increasingly changing eyes, Ai'er knows that the other party probably saw something in order to dispel the other party's doubts.

Aier suddenly smiled and said:

"I think I may understand why the iris is our new family emblem in the South."

"Oh, why?"

Prince Adela was indeed attracted by the attention, and Aier looked down at the iris under his feet, and smiled in a reminiscent look:

"My mother loved irises when she was alive."

As soon as this was said, the nobles in the South suddenly realized.

Prince Adela also raised his eyebrows slightly, so she suddenly had that expression because of this?

He thought he had grasped something, but he didn't expect it to be this.

"It turned out to be this reason. Such sincere love is rare, especially among nobles of Lord Trajan's status."

Aier also lifted the black hair on his forehead and smiled:

"Yes, it's very rare, Your Highness Prince Adela, I must sincerely thank you, if it weren't for you, I think I might never discover this."

Her attitude and expression seemed to have changed a little. Is it because I let her know that her mother was not Trajan's plaything but true love?

Because he was really misled by Ai'er, Prince Adela came to a completely wrong judgment.

After a moment, Prince Adela bowed his head and smiled:

"My pleasure, Miss."

His subconscious action also made Ai'er more certain that Adela or the goddess behind Adela might think that Trajan was alive and wanted to ascend to the gods.

Otherwise, he, a prince, would not have to be so humble in front of me.

After being in the South Territory for so long, Ai'er deeply understood that in this world, the difference between respect and inferiority is deeply rooted in everyone's bones!

Although many senior travelers will tirelessly explain this truth to the newbies on the website.

But only after he really experienced this personally, Ai'er fully understood the identity gap between people here, which was really reflected vividly.

In the eyes of no matter how gentle the high-ranking person is, there is no subordinate.

"Your Highness Adela, as the hostess of the South Territory, I think I should entertain you well."

"I wonder if you are willing to let me summon the vassals of the South Territory to meet a distinguished prince in the evening."

These words made Prince Adela look at Aier slightly.

In these two sentences just now, something seems to have changed about her?

But he couldn't say exactly what had changed.

So he was just briefly surprised and then smiled:

"Of course, I am honored to meet the heroes who followed Lord Trajan."

After receiving the other party's reply, Aier walked around Prince Adela and whispered to the accompanying southern nobles:

"Tell the vassals in the south that if they are still loyal to Trajan Westeros, then please leave for Khazad-dûm immediately. I will introduce His Highness Prince Adela to them again and seriously. ”

The noble said hesitantly:

"Your Highness, the southern border is very big, and the adults at the border may not be able to come here at night."

Aier looked at him seriously and said:

"It was my father and Trajan Westeros who chose me to come to the South, so if they really obey me and Trajan Westeros' will, then they will definitely come."

After hearing this, the noble looked at his companions behind him in surprise.

This is not something a young lady would normally say.

After a moment they both started laughing.

Turning towards Aier, he bowed and caressed his chest and said:

"Master, we will all be there, we will all be there!"

This is not for them to meet Prince Adela, but for them to obey Aier's order and come to meet Prince Adela.

Prince Adela stood there in surprise.

Did he just let this young lady completely accept his identity?

So, have you tricked Master Kangtasi?

Prince Adela's mind subconsciously recalled the proud look of the first Grand Duke of Westeros:

‘If it were just this little girl. ’

After shaking his head and smiling, Prince Adela smiled apologetically in his heart:

'It seems that I have to apologize, Lord Contus, but if you and your lord are really prepared, then I think it won't hurt. ’

With a hint of amusement, Prince Adela shrugged and left the hillside full of iris flowers.

That night, in the main city of the southern border, Khazad-dum.

All the southern vassals are present.

Aier did not sit on the main seat. Except for the day she came back, the throne of the Grand Duke of the Southern Territory had always been empty.

She was always sitting next to him.

Now, she walked down from the high platform with two seats.

Instead, he sat at the long table below.

Looking at the table in front of him, Prince Adela said a little surprised:

"This is the unique black ice of the Al Mountains. And it seems to be naturally formed? My mother has always wanted to get a table like this for my father."

“But even my mother couldn’t find a suitable black ice table.”

His mother is a god. Under her will, both her followers and outsiders who want to curry favor with her have tried every means to get a lot of black ice for her.

But it is not as good as the one in front of me. There is nothing bigger and better than it, but there is really nothing that is just a table.

Unexpectedly, he found one in the southern border today.

The noble from the south laughed and said:

"Our old master found this in the Aar Mountains. Almost as soon as we went there, our old master found this black ice table. It is really the original blessing."

This made Prince Adela once again lament the elusiveness of fate.

Elle, who was sitting next to him, was silently counting the time.

She is going back.

Finally, with the last countdown completed.

When she opened her eyes again, the gorgeous hall that was full of rare delicacies immediately turned into her small room that was slightly dim due to the night but extremely warm.

At the same time, what surprised Elle was that Moen was still sitting quietly beside her bed.

"Ai Er, good night, you overslept again!"

Looking at Moen who was smiling gently.

Aier had countless thoughts in an instant.

She had too many questions to ask Moen.

But every one of them left her wondering how to speak.

The Morne Cromwell in front of her must be Trajan, Duke of Westeros.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain what happened to me.

However, Moen did not tell her all this.

She didn't know what concerns Moen had, so she didn't know whether she should speak out or remain silent.

Since they grew up together, Moen asked:

"El, what's wrong? You seem to have something on your mind."

Aier hurriedly lowered his head and said:

"No, I just didn't expect you to be here."

Moen has no doubt about him:

"Is there anything strange about this? Well, it's time for me to leave. After all, it's late at night."

Looking at Moen who turned to leave, Aier suddenly asked, without even thinking about it:

"Is Moenni Trajan?"

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Thanks to Mu Xia Jiu Tian of QQ Reading for the large reward! ! ! ! !

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