Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 118 The Return of History (3k)

There was no shouting, just a very simple sentence.

A very simple sentence that spread throughout the battlefield.

But at this time, when this person said it, the iron gate rang automatically.

Everyone felt an unspeakable powerful force.

Infected by this force, more and more dwarf soldiers struggled to climb up the city.

Compared with the Crusades below, they were naturally short and thick. They were often ridiculed for this. But at this time, they looked down on people even if they were injured.

As if they were the giants!

If before dawn, the dwarves would still be afraid and retreat.

Then at this moment, the dwarves no longer have any cowardice.

This is the weakest time for the dwarves since the war began, but it is also the most tenacious time for the dwarves.

The legion commander frowned deeply.

He knew something was wrong.

Before, he could only fight like this with the ragtag army in his hands, and he also wanted to fulfill the adults' expectations and offer enough deaths.

But at this moment, behind him was the Crusade Army, which had never been defeated.

Of course, he did not think that the dwarves could defeat the Crusade Army and a Sequence One angel at this moment.

But he did not want to kill all the thousands of remnants behind him.

This would be a disgrace to the reputation of the adults.

"If you don't surrender, you will perish. Look around you, they are all remnants of defeated soldiers. It is a great fortune to survive such a war."

"Why let them bleed on the battlefield? Show mercy, let them surrender, let them live!"

In response to the words of the legion commander, Moen said to him calmly:

"They are not remnants of defeated soldiers, they are soldiers who are protecting their homes. Since you said to show mercy, why don't you say this to yourself?"

"Look in front of and behind you, there are corpses everywhere. Everywhere are corpses created for your shameful behavior."

"Wake up, Aurora's running dog."

"Shut up!!!"

When the name of the adult was read out by Moen, the legion commander was completely angry, and so was the Crusade Army.

They took three steps forward in unison, with great momentum, as if invincible.

But Morn ignored their meaning, he just looked up quietly and stared at the huge eyeball.

Obviously, there was doubt in the eyes of the All-Seeing Eye.

Who is this guy? !

Why does he feel familiar?

"You know very well what this war is for. It has no justice or fairness from the beginning."

"Without relying on prophecy, you can fill a vast area with death and despair with just your words. The biggest goal of you and Aurora is this evil promotion ceremony."

"For this, you even shouted slogans and sacrificed your companions to die on this land."

"Aurora's running dog, why can't you see how ugly and pathetic your behavior is?"

"I told you to shut up!!!"

The legion leader didn't know why, when facing this person, all his thoughts were filled with shame and anger.

He should have responded solemnly and openly in the name of justice, instead of being filled with shame and anger and only telling people to shut up.

Everyone, including themselves, knew who was right and who was wrong, but they could not admit it. They had to keep denying and insisting that they were right.

In this way, others would believe themselves.

But for some reason, he was now filled with shame and anger.

Under the All-Seeing Eye, Sals took off his mask.

Although his face was still ugly, it was no longer full of pus and rotten flesh.

Instead, it turned into a mummy.

He still failed to reverse death, but his situation was indeed much better than before.

"Obviously everyone knows that woman is in control of everything, but only you put it all out in the open."

"Stranger, do you know what you are doing?"

"That woman is much more shameless than anyone you can imagine."

After a chuckle, he looked at the mask he had taken off, and after a brief hesitation, he put it back on.

This face was indeed too unpresentable.

Below him, the legion commander was completely furious:

"Shut up, shut up, I told you to shut up! How can the nobility of the adults be understood by people like you?"

"It's just a noble slogan."

"You deserve to die! Go to hell and repent!"


The Crusade began to move forward slowly, and then suddenly accelerated.

Looking at the surging Crusade, the dwarf elder stood with his soldiers holding the hammer tightly.

The final moment has come!

Looking at the surging Crusade, Morn said to them with pity:

"If you don't believe it, you might as well see if Aurora will come for you."

After hearing this, the legion commander's shame and anger calmed down instantly.

He laughed angrily and his anger subsided.

"How can I let the adults come to deal with you guys? Clowns who can't see the gap."


As soon as Morn's voice fell.

The powerful Crusade suddenly stopped.

Because countless white shadows appeared under the walls of the capital.

They are short and stocky, but each of them carries a giant hammer that is taller than themselves.

What is this? !

The dwarves and the Crusades were all at a loss as to what to do with this sudden change.

But when the white shadow became reality, the Crusades all retreated in great astonishment.


The Kingsguard, who existed as the personal guards of the Dwarf King!

Its specifications were equivalent to their Pure White Knights.

They were all powerful legions that would only guard the gods and kings.

"This is impossible!"

The legion commander was stunned, but what surprised them even more and made all the dwarves hold their breath was:

When all the Kingsguard appeared, they silently made way in silence.

Then a dwarf riding a huge boar slowly walked to the front of the battle.

He wore a crown and held a huge axe.

The Dwarf King Thorin Ironfoot!

The last Dwarf King, the great King Durin, rode his strong and mighty boar and slowly walked towards the Crusades. He was short but strong, with a beard like steel wire, and his eyes revealed determination and courage.

King Turin was wearing heavy armor inlaid with precious gems and rare metals, which sparkled brightly under the sunlight.

He wore a crown shaped like seven hills, which symbolized his identity as the Lord of the Seven Hills. He held the huge battle axe in his hand, which came from his brother, the Wrath of the Earth, and it could easily cut off all enemies.

The boar he rode was huge, covered with a layer of hard bristles, like a hedgehog. And it was also covered with a solid armor full of blessings, just like the king it carried.

Under his strong sense of oppression, even the Crusades subconsciously retreated and kept lowering their heads.

In front of King Turin, even the huge and terrifying all-seeing eye dissipated on its own to show respect.

This is a king! ! !

A king as noble as a god! ! !

Thorin Ironfoot finally stopped in front of the two armies, and his sight swept forward casually.

Everyone he saw bowed their heads in panic.

The king must be respected, and the gods must be respected.

This is an iron rule!

With a cold snort, the Crusades, which had just been so arrogant, retreated in fear.

The legion commander even knelt down and said in a trembling voice, suppressing his fear:

"Great King Turin, you should not lower yourself like this, please leave here!"

Thorin Ironfoot ignored his meaning.

He just turned his head slightly while leading the wild boar, and then looked at the top of the city.

After a while, the king put down the giant axe and raised his fist towards the top of the city:


This was the regret that the two kings failed to complete in the Valley of Death.

It was also a regret that was not completed many epochs ago.

Morn also smiled and stretched out his fist to bump his fist with his best friend in the air:


After completing the fist bump,

King Durin raised his axe and shouted:

"Descendants of Durin!"

The Kingsguard raised their hammers and shouted:

"Durin! Durin! Durin!"

As the voices of the Kingsguard rang out. The dwarves in the capital were also extremely excited and shouted the name of Durin.

All dwarves came from the long-lost Durin Mountains.

So dwarves are also descendants of Durin.

The last dwarf king is naturally the King of Durin!

In response to his people, King Durin laughed loudly and drove the huge boar forward:

"Follow me to charge!!!"

The Kingsguard immediately followed the king to charge forward.

The dwarf elders on the fortress even covered their throats and shouted with red eyes even if their wounds burst and blood spurted:

"Open the city gates, follow your majesty to charge!!!"

The gates of the capital opened with a bang, and the dwarf soldiers rushed out one after another.

Even every dwarf in the city who could still pick up a hammer rushed out.

King Durin was just ahead. The Dwarf King is back for his people!

In this situation, no dwarf can hold back.

Under the attack of King Turin and the Royal Guards. Although the Crusades did not flee, they were shattered at the first touch.

The thousands of remnants were rushed to pieces at the first moment, leaving only a few.

Looking at the falling Crusades and the increasingly crazy dwarves.

The legion commander finally remembered what Morn said before:

'If you don't believe it, you might as well see if Aurora will come for you. '

After Morn said this, he was still laughing at the other party's ignorance.

But now.

With a glimmer of hope, the legion commander shouted hoarsely towards the distant other side:

"Your Majesty!!!"

As long as His Majesty can come, they can immediately cheer up, and then follow their respective masters to fight a peerless battle like the dwarves.

His shouts reached the pure white temple.

The tall and majestic king also pulled out the huge double swords stuck in the ground and walked forward slowly.

He wanted to respond to the warriors' expectations.

However, a pair of white and soft hands grabbed his arms from behind.

After a brief silence, the king put down his two swords.

At the same time, above the Seven Hills battlefield, the light that represented the dawn was shrouded in dark clouds.

The light only shone on the dwarves.

The answer was already obvious.

Lady Aurora would not come.

The legion commander stood there in a state of loss, and then the dwarf Balin smashed his head with a hammer.

He fell heavily to the ground.

With the death of the legion commander, the Crusades finally couldn't hold on.

The Crusades, which had never been defeated, tasted defeat for the first time.

It was also the first time that they fled.

They were not afraid of death, but when the king appeared on the other side and they could not wait for their own king.

Their confidence completely collapsed.

Looking at the fleeing Crusade Army and the dawn disappearing above their heads.

Moen shook his head and said:

"Aurora doesn't love anyone, she only loves herself."

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