Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 979: Never leave and never go with each other 8

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shen Mochen chuckled, "Sell me the key?"

"I haven't." Li Si thought for a moment, "I'm just afraid that this thing will distract you, so I have endured it for a few days."

"Then you continue to bear it, hang up." Shen Mochen said with a smile on the mouth of Evil Charm, no smile in his eyes.

"That, Mo Chen, your mother looked at me the day before yesterday." Li Sisi said anxiously.

"And then?" Shen Mochen said with a squint.

"She asked me to leave you." Li Sisi said dimly.

Shen Mochen laughed, "So what do you want me to do?"

"You go tell her to stop her from coming to trouble me again, I have no intention to deal with her." Li Sisi asked.

"Don't tell me this kind of thing in the future, I'm sorry, I'm going to hang up, that's it." Shen Mochen hung up the phone directly.

The expression on Chang Kaiwen's face was very weird, saying: "The old lady is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. Good and bad, she is aimed at it, and she doesn't know who is the most suitable person in her mind."

"How is the operation of her company?" Shen Mochen asked.

"After Shengshi Group withdrew its capital, her company would not be able to operate anymore and it was sold on Tuesday." Chang Kaiwenhui reported.

"So she's busy?" Shen Mochen's eyes dimmed, as if thinking of something, "In addition, I suspect that my uncle's death is related to Li Sisi, only she has the motive to kill."

"She didn't say that the person from that organization killed Lin Nanyu because Lin Nanyu knew too much.

She has no help, I checked her bills, and she has no money to hire a killer. Chang Kaiwen asked puzzled.

"Lin Nanyu told me that they didn’t need to kill him, but Lin Nanyu sent someone to strengthen Li Sisi and took a video of her. The strong man was found dead in the western suburbs, and the organization would kill Lin Nanyu, But there is no need to kill someone who does not know anything." Shen Mochen said critically.

"So, only Li Sisi has this motive, but where does she come from?" Chang Kaiwen doubted.

"When things are unreasonable, it proves that she is still lying." Shen Mochen took a deep breath. "Ignore it for the first time, you can help me go through the discharge procedures, it should be started."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, Shen Mochen entered the elevator and went down with Chang Kevin.

The elevator stops on almost every floor.

The sixth floor is obstetrics and gynecology.

Shui Miaomiao was also discharged today. She didn't notify anyone. She went through the formalities, carrying simple luggage, and walked into the elevator.

There were too many people in the elevator. She dragged her head and did not see Shen Mochen.

Shen Mochen looked at Shui Miaomiao deeply.

Shui Miaomiao's subconscious hand protects the front of his stomach.

She is a good mother.

Shen Mochen raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes softened a lot.

Shui Miaomiao seemed to feel something strange behind him, and suddenly turned back to meet his eyes.

Shen Mochen had no time to take back her smile, her expression was particularly embarrassed, her eyes dropped, and she concealed her expression.

Shui Miaomiao raised his eyebrows and turned his head suspiciously.

If she had read right, he was laughing.

What is he laughing at?

The elevator reached the first floor.

Shui Miaomiao went out and deliberately slowed down.

Shen Mochen passed by her, leaving her in a big step as if she didn't know her.

In the sun, Chang Kaiwen opened the rear door of the Bentley car.

Shen Mochen greeted Jin Hui and sat in.

Chang Kevin closed the door.

She watched them leave free and easy.

Early the next morning, she knew what he was laughing yesterday!

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