Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 929: Like or have fallen in love with 3

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless!

"My father's death was Shen Jiachang's hand?" Shen Mochen asked.

"I'm afraid it's more terrifying than you think. As far as I know, Shen Jiachang is just a horse, so, Chen Chen." Lin Nanyu's eyes softened a lot, "Only I can help you, what you have done before, I You don’t have to worry about it, come by my side."

Shen Mochen looked at Lin Nanyu deeply, and Rui Rui narrowed his eyes, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Lin Nanyu raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Actually, you have no choice, Shui Miaomiao, you can take care of it, what about your grandfather? Also, if you stop the cooperation between Shen and Shui now, it means breaking their organization. The source of the goods, ordinary decoration companies are unlikely to go abroad, even if they go abroad, they will only buy tiles locally, you are now their eyes must be stabbed in the flesh, so they will ask Li Sisi to let you fall in love with her within a month , Married her, the purpose at the beginning should be as you said, you married Li Sisi, they killed you, Li Sisi is in full control of the Shen family, but the accident now appears is your son, they just want to let Li Sisi controls you.

However, once people over there know that Li Sisi cannot control you. What do you think they will do there?

They will certainly try their best to control you, and the methods include starting with Shui Miaomiao and your son.

Therefore, if you want to keep your loved ones now, you can only be with me, and I will bear everything for you, you think, Chen Chen. "

"I have to think about it, you can go." Shen Mochen said coldly.

"Chen Chen." Lin Nanyu took two steps towards Shen Mochen, standing in front of him, and there was only a distance of 20 cm between the two. "If you don't like being used by me, I can let you use it. I know that you don't feel uncomfortable with me."

"I really have no feelings for you." Shen Mochen said politely.

"That can't help you. Think about it yourself." Lin Nanyu said with a bird of prey, turned around, and went to the door.

Seeing Li Sisi standing at the door, Lin Nanyu looked at her in disgust and walked towards the elevator.

The security guard came out of the elevator, passed Lin Nanyu, entered Shen Mochen's office, and asked, "Mr. Shen, what did you tell me?"

Shen Mochen sat back, pointed at the table, and looked at the air deeply. Shen Jing waved his hand in his thoughts and said coldly, "Go out first."

Li Sisi looked at Shen Mochen sitting at the desk, his fists clenched tightly.

Lin Nanyu obviously wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

His love for Shen Mochen is too paranoid, it is impossible for Shen Mochen to marry her, maybe she will become an abandoned child and replace her.

The more she thinks, the more she fears, the more she thinks it is possible.

Lin Nanyu knew more than she did.

Then don’t blame her.

Li Sisi did not enter Shen Mochen's office, walked from the corridor to the top floor, and called Lin Nanyu.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Lin Nanyu just returned to the office of the Finance Department.

"The person behind me asked me to go out to meet at night. I wanted to tell Shen Mochen, but I think it's more appropriate to tell you." Li Sisi said in a low voice.

Lin Nanyu sneered, just like seeing through, ironically: "How do you think it's more appropriate to tell me? Don't you want to jump over me and grab Shen Mochen?"

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