Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 924: Strategies 5

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Before she fell into a coma, she saw the camera in front of the bed.

Only Lin Nanyu can do this.

She knew that Shen Mochen said she still loved her, and Lin Nanyu would definitely not let her go.

Only, did not expect him to be so mean, shameless, not influential.

This dirty method has also been done.

It is a pity that she is not enough to guard him.

The man put her on the bed, adjusted the position, hit a psychedelic needle into Li Sisi's body, took off her clothes, and began to do whatever she wanted with her slim body.


Shui Miaomiao got up early in the morning and went to Lin Nanyu's house, hiding behind the wall.

The old lady came back for a walk at 7:40 and went out again after seeing fancy clothes, still in the direction of the garden.

At eight o'clock, Lin Nanyu came out of the room.

He wore a dark blue suit, mature appearance, steady, deep, introverted, it gives a good impression, no one can see that he is exactly that kind of person.

After seeing him go, Shui Miaomiao swaggered into Lin Nanyu's house.

She had thought about it. If she met the loyal sister-in-law of his family, she said that she had come to find the old lady.

Fortunately, Zhongsao is busy in the kitchen, and Uncle Zhong is busy in the garden.

No one noticed her.

She walked smoothly to Lin Nanyu's door, but Lin Nanyu's room was locked.

It’s good to be locked.

If there wasn't something in it, why was he locked?

Shui Miaomiao entered the room next to Lin Nanyu, walked to the window, and the probe went out.

God helps her too.

The window of Lin Nanyu's room was looking.

Shui Miaomiao studied for a while, and she had to tune it to the air-conditioning rack next to Lin Nanyu's window before she could turn it over smoothly.

Just do it.

Lin Nanyu's air-conditioning rack next to the window was a bit old and creaked.

Shui Miaomiao stretched his eyes and scared one.

It doesn't matter if you fall down, the second floor can't die, the key is exposure, if Lin Nanyu is aware, even if there is something in his room, he will transfer.

Shui Miaomiao hurriedly stepped on the window sill from the air conditioner, opened the green screen in Lin Nanyu's room, and jumped in.

Lin Nanyu's room is tidier than she imagined, and the wine cabinet is the same taste as Shen Mochen's house.

From the layout of his room, I really can't see Lin Nanyu is that kind of person.

Shui Miaomiao came prepared, put on gloves, and began to turn over his room.

Starting from under the bed, to the bedside table, to the wardrobe, no suspicious things were found.

Shui Miaomiao's eyes moved to the wine cabinet, and she turned it over, without seeing anything that she could do.

With sharp eyes, she found scratches on the floor where the wine cabinet was dragged.

Shui Miaomiao pulled the wine cabinet away and saw a built-in cabinet behind the wine cabinet.

The cabinet is locked.

The more hidden the place, the more suspicious it may be that something is really inside.

She came here once and once, if Lin Nanyu found a trace of being overturned, and transferred things, it would be impossible to find it if she could find it.

Shui Miaomiao Baidu, "How to open a locked cabinet."

Netizens are amazing, and really provide N kinds of solutions.

Shui Miaomiao found the knife from the bag, destroyed the lock destructively, and pried open the door.

Opened, dumbfounded.

Inside is a safe.

Shui Miaomiao had a hunch that there must be something very important in this safe, otherwise, Lin Nanyu would not be so hidden.

Afraid that Lin Nanyu suddenly returned, she burped.

Shui Miaomiao did not consider a few steps, opened the door and glanced downstairs.

The old lady and uncle Zhong are not present. Aunt Zhong is still busy in the kitchen. She holds the safe and sneaks out the door.

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