Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1192: Love to the bone

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

"Mr. Shen doesn't want to say it, but I think you still need to know." Chang Kaiwen said angrily.

Shui Miaomiao did not speak, waiting for him to continue.

"Your dad had an accident. You fainted when you were in Hawaii. President Shen received a call from Yan Yan and put down an important meeting and went to see you in Hawaii.

It is a coincidence that when he arrived, you left from Hawaii.

He knew that your dad was killed because of conspiracy. He sent your dad’s doctor to jail in Hawaii. I was afraid that you would worry about it or you might be involved in conspiracy and hatred. Everything was arranged for you.

He knew that the man who murdered your father behind the scenes was Shen Jiachang, and President Shen tried his best to avenge you.

Is President Shen bad for you?

For your sake, Shen gave your son and Huanchen sold it to Xing Zun. He didn't complain about anything, he didn't complain to you about any pain, even if he lost ten billion yuan, he didn't say anything.

This time, he came back from Hawaii non-stop, without rest, and rushed to your house from the airport.

As a result, you are talking with Ye Lingqing.

To what extent do you have to hurt him before you can stop.

Shui Miaomiao, I beg you, disappear forever in President Shen's life.

Before Mr. Shen met you, there was a smooth wind and an invincible direction.

Since he met you, he hasn't done anything good. You are his robber, who came to bring him closer to hell. "

Shui Miaomiao didn't say anything, and it seemed that he had been countless holes in his heart. It hurts, it hurts.

After a long time, she asked with tears, "Where is he?"

Chang Kaiwen asked defensively: "What do you want to do?"

"I love him. I only love him. I don't have Ye Lingyiqing and I, I love Shen Mochen." Shui Miaomiao cried.

"If you really love him, stay away from Mr. Shen. When he is with you, you and Ye Lingyi hurt him together, once, twice, three times.

He told you not to go with Ye Lingyi, but you went away, knowing that the child in the stomach is President Shen, and blocked the knife for Ye Lingyi, so that his children would be buried in love for you.

He finally decided to give up you now, you miss her again.

Enough is enough, Shui Miaomiao, what you always care about is how a man can be jealous of you to show your peacock-like femininity.

I called you today, not to tell you how much Mr. Shen loves you, but to tell you how much you don’t deserve.

Also, even if you love President Shen, don’t go back to President Shen and hurt him.

To tell you the truth, Zhang Mengran came to me just now. I hope I can help her. I realized that she is the treasure of the Longren Group. She admired Mr. Shen for a long time and wanted to help Mr. Shen get through this difficulty.

I told you so much in advance that I was afraid that you would know everything and then came to disturb President Shen’s mind and told President Shen how much he loved him and destroy President Shen’s friendship with Long Ren.

Zhang Mengran can help President Shen, you will only drag down President Shen.

Now that Mr. Shen doesn't love you anymore, you should be completely stubborn. "

Shui Miaomiao stood indifferently, feeling like he was stabbed, and then sprinkled with salt, and the pain was about to die, even breathing like a blade, cutting her blood.

If all she brought him was injury and tragedy, then she would rather let go.

Because, love, not possession, but hope that he is happy and happy.

"Good." Shui Miaomiao agreed.

Chang Kaiwen dropped the phone, and she fainted on the ground.

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