Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1159: Life, death, only love forever 2

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Li Baoyi stood up embarrassedly and expressed his thoughts: "Brother, in the past twenty-five years, I have always regarded you as an elder brother. I like my elder brother and care about my elder brother, but I still don't understand whether this is a man or a woman. Between love, can my brother give me a month to make me wonder."

"You don't have to think about it. So far, it's not that you have to fall in, but that I have to pull out." Li Yue said coldly.

Li Baoyi was tightened for no reason in his heart, and there was an indescribable sense of suffocation.

"That brother, will you go?" Li Baoyi asked cautiously, looking at him eagerly, showing a lot of perseverance, and revealed it.

Li Yue looked at her with deep eyes, "I will give you enough money to ensure that your life is free of food and clothing, away from me, maybe, it is better for you."

"Brother can't leave?" Li Baoyi raised his eyebrows straight, his eyes red.

"No." Li Yue said indifferently, "Li Baoyi, don't miss, don't give up, don't rely on, don't wrong yourself, don't embarrass yourself, don't look back, guilt and entanglement, live a good life."

Li Baoyi's heart was very painful. The pain was never felt before.

"Are we not going to see you again?" Li Baoyi choked with tears, tears flowing down his cheeks.

Li Yue ruthlessly said, "It's better to miss each other than to forget."

"Brother," Li Baoyi roared with increasing decibels and clenched his fists. "Why are you doing this? I didn't say I didn't like you, and I didn't think about it. It only took an hour, even if it was a meal, It's not digested so quickly.

Why did you throw me directly into the abyss without giving me room to breathe? Looking at me with pain, sadness, and suffering like death, is it really what Brother wants to see? "

Li Yue's eyes softened, and he finally made up his mind and almost collapsed in an instant.

"Without me, you will live well." Li Yue said with a deep voice.

"I'll die to show you now." Li Baoyi turned around and rushed towards the door.

Li Yue stepped forward and held Li Baoyi in his back with his fist clenched.

In fact, he knew that the baby might be talking about it, making him anxious, but he was even nervous about what she said, and was afraid of a little accident.

Li Baoyidou's tears fell on his arm.

"Brother don't leave me." Li Baoyi demanded.

Li Yue raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of pain, he twisted Li Baoyi's chin, his lips fell on her lips, and after eating her salty tears, her heart seemed to be wrapped in silk thread.

The silk thread was pulled in, and the pain soaked into the bone marrow.

Li Yue bit her lip.

Li Baoyi whispered, "It hurts."

Li Yue let go of her, and looked at her with deep eyes, and the water in her eyes was murky.

Even if in the future let her hate him, hate him, hate him, he didn't want to let go in his life.

"Baby, give me a baby." Li Yue asked Shen Sheng, the streamer in his eyes seemed to overflow, affectionate, all kinds of money, seemed to be confusing.

Li Baoyi's mind was blank, but Red Cloud stained his cheek.

Why, she went around in Li Yue's circle again and again, as if she couldn't find an exit.

Li Yue turned around and pressed her down on the bed without giving her much room for preparation and thinking. She pulled down her cotton trousers and rested her one leg on her arm.

Go in.

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