Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1144: I won’t let go

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless!

"There is a way to save her now, and it does not affect her recognition of her ancestors. To a certain extent, she can better protect her." Shen Jiachang said with a deep voice in her eyes.

"What way?" Zuo Yingying asked, fully trusting Shen Jiachang.

"Let Dingdang marry me. As soon as I had evidence of Wei Jiawei's drug trafficking, he didn't dare to deal with us easily. Then, when I negotiated with him, I would let Dingdang divorce me and make sure she had everything Rights and interests, after all, she is the pure blood of our family." Shen Jiachang said seriously.

Zuo Yingying's face was pale, "Brother, you are her uncle, it is not appropriate to marry her."

"Does anyone know that I am her uncle? I won’t touch her. I will only protect her and let her have a free life. When she completely takes over Wei Guo International and finds a man she loves to marry, all Yes, I just want to protect her, otherwise, she must have been ruined by Wei Xunyan, and she has contracted some disease. By then, with Wei Guo International, there is no life to enjoy."

"However, Dingdang her, may not be willing?" Zuo Yingying said embarrassedly.

"You have to think about it, this matter should be fast, don't wait for Wei Jiawei to tell Dingdang to marry Wei Xunyan, let Dingdang marry someone, then Wei Jiawei will think that we deliberately will definitely deal with us, and will not help We are here, before he makes this request." Shen Jiachang said urgently.

"But, brother, don't you have a wife?" Zuo Yingying said with concern.

"I'll divorce when I go back today. I've had enough of the mindless shrew. Well, I won't say much. This car is for you and Dingdang. You will reply to me tomorrow. Remember to be quick." Shen Jiachang He said, patting Zuo Yingying's hand, getting off the car, and hitting away.

Zuo Yingying called Shui Dingdang and let Shui Dingdang get in the car.

Shui Dingdang glanced inside the car, without Shen Jiachang, relieved.

Zuo Yingying looked at Shui Dingdang with hatred and said, "Your uncle told me everything. You were framed by Shen Mochen."

"Mom. Don't mention this thing, it makes people feel sick." Shui Dingdang said annoyedly.

"Do you want to fly Huang Tengda? Do you want to trample everyone who bullies you?" Zuo Yingying asked with a cold face.

"Of course I think, especially that Shui Miaomiao, I won't let her go if I'm a ghost." Shui Dingdang's teeth tickled.

"Then you must get Wei Guo International, the daughter of your husband, Mr. He, and you are truly a person of royal descent." Zuo Yingying breathed for Shui Dingdang.

Shui Dingdang paused, and immediately afterwards, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement, "I am the daughter of Mr. He, husband of Wei Guo's chairman Wei Lan."

Shui Dingdang raised his eyebrows again and asked in fear: "No, mom, I am Wei Lan's husband's daughter, then Wei Lan is not my mom. If she knew I had to exist, would she kill me." "

"So we must rely on Shen Jiachang, who can save our lives and let you take over Wei Guo International." Zuo Yingying said seriously.

"Specifically how does he do it? Why should he help us, how long can he get me Wei Wei International?" Shui Dingdang asked N questions in a row.

"He is your uncle, uncle, how to do it, he will plan, in addition, in order to ensure your safety, you first marry him, wait for you to get Wei International, then divorce him, do not ask why, everything Follow what Mom taught you, Mom will not harm you." Zuo Yingying demanded decisively.

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