Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1100: Proud man

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Little blushed and lowered his head shyly.

"I think Mizuki Yan hates me, it's not good." Xiao Xiao refused.

"Then do you hate him?" Shui Miaomiao asked back.

"I used to hate it, but I didn't dare to hate it when I knew he was your son."

Shui Miaomiao looked softly at the little girl in front of her who was able to speak, touched her face, and fell in love with her a little bit, and asked, "How about your mother?"

"Running with other men. Don't want me and dad anymore." Xiao Xiao said lightly, her eyes slightly red.

"It will be fine," Shui Miaomiao said with relief.


They measured the size at Li Chongming, and also explained that Li Xiaoxiao was invited to be a flower girl and a set of flower girl clothes.

Li Chongming began to design clothes according to Shui Miaomiao, Shen Mochen, and Yan Yan's temperament. Three days later, they were chosen by them, and then they were finished.

On the way back, Shui Miaomiao remembered Li Xiaoxiao, feeling inexplicably depressed. He turned sideways and asked Shen Mochen, "I heard that the child's mother ran with someone?"

Shen Mochen glanced at Shui Miaomiao and nodded.

"Isn't the child very pitiful, and the mother is too cruel." Shui Miaomiao sighed.

"Have you seen her mother," Shen Mochen said while looking at the road.

"Her mother, who? Why don't I remember." Shui Miaomiao searched in his head, unable to remember at all.

"Ma Yu." Shen Mochen said lightly.

Shui Miaomiao was completely stunned, "Ma Yu's, who did Ma Yu run away from, did she hide her marriage?"

"After Ma Yu was pregnant, she was not accepted by Li's family. She said that she was a drama or something. She had a proud personality and did not marry Mr. Li. After giving birth, she threw the child to him and married a wealthy merchant in Malaysia. , Divorced after two years of marriage." Shen Mochen explained.

"That was before she became famous, so nobody knew her past." Shui Miaomiao understood.

"Huh." Shen Mochen should say, "She is very talented in acting, she has a sense of hierarchy in her performances and emotions, and she has good rendering power. I don't care much about her private life. As long as she doesn't violate my bottom line, she will continue to hold it. ."

"Does Mr. Li know your relationship with Ma Yu? I mean, weren't you on "Star of Tomorrow" last time? Many people have seen Majesty's identity."

"It should be known that they have had things in the past ten years, and they may have all faded away, don't care." Shen Mochen explained.

He had to ring his phone.

Shen Mochen answered Kevin's call.

"Mr. Shen, the man's identity has come out. He is Ding Min's roommate." Kevin Hui reported.

"Who is Ding Min?" Shen Mochen couldn't remember this person.

"Do you remember? Once, a fan of Xing Zun followed Shui Miaomiao and tried to kill Shui Miaomiao. We were sent to prison. The man was Ding Min. Both of them were Xing Zun. 'S super fan." Kevin Hui reported.

"Did you question the photo?" Shen Mochen asked suspiciously, his eyebrows twisted.

"The photo technology department identified it and determined that it was PS. He said that someone had sent him the mailbox and sent Shui Miaomiao's address to him, so he only started to follow Shui Miaomiao," Kai Wenhui reported.

Shen Mochen rubbed his lips, "Take a look at the email address, and the IP address should come out soon."

"I have asked the technical department to track, and the IP address confirms that you are your home of Zijin New City." Kevin frowned.

Shen Mochen already knew who was behind it.

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