Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1075: With you, you have everything 4

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shui Miaomiao looked at Shen Mochen worriedly, "Isn't Shen Jiachang responsible for the drug trafficking of the Shen family? Will it still involve you?"

"Xing Zun's videos can't prove anything. This is not evidence. As long as Shen Jiachang denies and is firm, they can't convict Shen Jiachang.

They did not show anything in their work, and even if the inspection institute went to the Shen family or they had to check it, they could not find any problems. What I am worried about is that Shen Jiachang can quickly guess that his body was covered with a pinhole camera. If he suspects my mother, with Wei Jiawei's suspicious personality, he will not let my mother off. "Shen Mochen said worriedly.

"You mean, these videos were taken by your mother, then did your mother know this thing already?" Shui Miaomiao judged.

"It's too much involved, she doesn't dare to move. I'm going to her now and see what the whole video looks like? Plan again." Shen Mochen said in a deep voice, he called Lin Meijuan over.

Shui Miaomiao didn't speak quietly and was worried.

If Lin Meijuan really had evidence of drug trafficking by Wei Jiawei, it would not involve Shen Mochen.

Will Wei Jiawei kill Shen Mochen?

Now they all seem to be on one string, the strings are tightly stretched, and no one dares to relax.

If you are not careful, this string may be broken.

Shen Mochen's phone got through.

"Mom, did you see today's headlines?" Shen Mochen Ling Rui asked.

"Not yet, what's wrong? I haven't opened a foreign network." Lin Meijuan asked puzzled.

"Listen, now things are very important and urgent. You have to tell me the truth, otherwise I won't be able to protect you. Can you hear clearly?" Shen Mochen said in a deep voice.

Lin Meijuan became nervous, clenched his fists, his eyes flashed, and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"I told you, seven years ago, did you install surveillance on the buttons of Shen Jiachang and photographed their passing drugs." Shen Mochen asked in-depth topics.

Panic flashed in Lin Meijuan's eyes, "How do you know?"

"Now that this video has been cut, the PO has come out online. I ask you, have you seen the black hand behind the scenes?" Shen Mochen said in a very low voice.

"I photographed it, I photographed everything. The monitored reserve electricity is one week. I photographed Shen Jiachang for a week. He met a few foreigners and talked about President Wei of Wei Guo International. At first, I thought Wei Guoqiang, However, it was later photographed that Shen Jiachang saw that the person was Wei Jiawei, and he reported to Wei Jiawei about the situation abroad." Lin Meijuan spoke out one by one.

After she finished, she quickly explained: "Chen Chen, it's not that Mom didn't tell you this thing, Mom is afraid of involving more, so Mom always hopes that you will take over Shen's for this reason, let you restrict Shen Jiachang, Mom didn’t intentionally not tell you."

"Fine." Shen Mochen slightly raised his eyebrows and asked: "Dad did he find out about this matter before committing suicide."

Lin Meijuan was silent.

"Or, I should ask, did my dad know about this before the accident?" Shen Mochen asked another question.

In fact, the answer was already confirmed, he just wanted to confirm from Lin Meijuan.

"Sorry Chen Chen, this matter is too involved. You were not fledgling at that time, so I can't tell you that, sorry." Lin Meijuan admitted.

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