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Chapter 1045: Never let go

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shen Mochen swept to the crying Lin Meijuan and promised: "Shen Jiachang I will never let go, bully you, I will not let Wei Guoqiang and Chen Liguo hurt my dad. You go abroad to relax, don't go back to China for the time being."

"Chen Chen." Lin Meijuan shouted affectionately: "Mum loves you too."

Shen Mochen looked at Lin Meijuan deeply.

Since he was sensible, she did not feel maternal love from Lin Meijuan. She has always restrained him with a purpose, forced him, and forced his father hysterically.

Now that she knows her past, there is no sympathy or pity. If it were not for her lust, it would not be the current solution.

However, he also understood the reason why she was so crazy later, stemming from hatred and revenge for Shen Jiachang.

After all, she is his mother.

As long as she didn't force her father to die, he would forgive.

"I will give you a comfortable and prosperous old age." Shen Mochen said, turned around, walked to the door, opened the door, strode out, and her tall figure disappeared into the night.

Lin Meijuan pulled his shoulders down, his mind blank and cool.

When she put down her burden for so many years, insisted, the hidden secret was discovered, but relaxed, without desire and struggle, and her heart was a lot calmer, leaning her head on the sofa, staring at the air, dazed.


When Shen Mochen returned home, Shui Miaomiao was still asleep, lying on the sofa, resting his right foot on his left knee, shaking his feet, thoughtful appearance, long eyelashes, flickering blink.

Seeing her, he was in a better mood, raising a smile and asking, "Aren't you still sleepy?"

Hearing Shen Mochen's voice, Shui Miaomiao got up from the sofa and smiled at Shen Mochen, "Waiting for you."

Shen Mochen sat next to her, hugged her waist, and said softly, "Sleep first, and I am not sure when I will return."

"I think the question is like this. There is one thing that I don't understand." Shui Miaomiao asked eagerly.

"Ask." Shen Mochen looked at him spoiledly.

"Shen Jiachang should be Wei Jiawei's men. Isn't Wei Jiawei against Wei Guoqiang? Shen Jiachang looks good with Wei Guoqiang again, why?" Shui Miaomiao asked curiously.

Shen Mochen ripped the corner of her mouth and put her hand on her waist, analyzing patiently: "That was Shen Jiachang's strategy. When La Wei Guoqiang went into the water, he left a handle to keep it in case of need."

"If he tells Wei Lan about this, can he help Wei Jiawei to seize property?" Shui Miaomiao asked doubtfully.

"So what are his benefits? Why did Shen Jiachang do things that did not benefit? And, there is only my mother in the picture, there is no direct evidence. There is no justification."

"Isn't there Xing Zun? Such a large amount of evidence that cannot be erased." Shui Miaomiao blurted out.

"My mother didn’t know that Xing Zun was her son. Can you say that Shen Jiachang might know? Moreover, as long as he broke Wei Guoqiang, then, he used to be strong and my mother’s affairs would be exposed. For him, no Benefits. He just contained Wei Guoqiang." Shen Mochen squinted and said Rui Xiaoxiao.

Shui Miaomiao widened her eyes and covered her mouth. "It turns out your mother was forced by those three people."

Shen Mochen's eyes were sharp, his lips twitched, and the cold was gathered, "I certainly won't let go of those three."

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